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“the best items in my hometown”

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Презентация к уроку на тему «Достопримечательности». Учебник Английский язык Кузовлев В.П. 7 класс.

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«“the best items in my hometown”»

“ THE BEST ITEMS IN MY HOMETOWN” Крайнова Ольга Александровна Учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ 100»


Крайнова Ольга Александровна

Учитель английского языка МОУ «СОШ 100»

Saratov was founded in 1590

Saratov was founded in 1590

  • The oldest building is Holy Trinity Cathedral. The Cathedral has survived during hard times and was rebuilt in 1689 after the fire.
Saratov stands on the right bank of the great Russian river Volga

Saratov stands on the right bank of the great Russian river Volga

  • Saratov Bridge across the Volga is one of the longest in Russia.
  • The bridge connects Saratov with Engels.
Sokolovaya mountain is the highest point of Saratov

Sokolovaya mountain is the highest point of Saratov

  • Victory Park is situated here. It is the Memorial to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Open–air exposition of military equipment of land forces, air forces, the navy, armoured train can be seen by visitors. You can find here a monument “Cranes” devoted to people who protected our motherland from fascists.
We are proud of famous people who lived and worked in our town

We are proud of famous people who lived and worked in our town

  • In Saratov you can see a lot of monuments to well-known people: P.A. Stolypin, Chernyshevsky N.G, Yuri Gagarin.
Saratov is a cultural centre

Saratov is a cultural centre

  • Saratov is famous for its theaters. The best way to spend time in the evening is to visit the Opera and Ballet House which was founded in 1875 . Well-known singers and dancers worked there. There are 10 theaters in our town
Saratov State Conservatory

Saratov State Conservatory

  • Saratov State Conservatory named after L.V. Sobinov was the third in our country. It was founded in 1912. Musicians from different countries take part in festivals and concerts.
The Radishchev State Art Museum

The Radishchev State Art Museum

  • The Radishchev State Art museum contains the richest collection of paintings, sculptures, books. It was founded by A.P. Bogolyubov in 1877 and became the first public art museum in Russia.
The Brother’s Nikitin Circus

The Brother’s Nikitin Circus

  • The Brother’s Nikitin Circus was built in 1876. It was the second Russian circus. It is famous for its interesting programmes for children. Wild animals often take part in the performances. In 1951 a famous clown Oleg Popov began to work in our circus.
The city of students

The city of students

  • Saratov is the city of students. There are universities in our town and a lot of Russian and foreign students study here
Sport is popular in our town

Sport is popular in our town

  • Sport is popular among people in our town. Sport helps us to be in good form, to keep fit. There are a lot of sport clubs, stadiums, fitness centres in Saratov. Saratov is famous for its outstanding brilliant sportsmen who take part in important competitions. They have won about 1000 medals.
Saratov is rich in parks

Saratov is rich in parks

  • The most favourite is City Park. It is beautiful with its trees, flowers, ponds, statues of fairytale heroes. It is a wonderful place to spend free time and to have fun. Children and grown-ups can enjoy many attractions.


  • In our town you can find springs with fresh and cold water. Our citizens take care of them.
Saratov is a wonderful town we live in!

Saratov is a wonderful town we live in!

  • We like our town. We clean and decorate our yards with trees, flowers, animals, birds using plastic bottles. We try to make our town a safe and beautiful place to live. All citizens must do everything to protect our nature and to save life in our town and on the earth.
Welcome to Saratov!

Welcome to Saratov!

  • We invite you to visit our town and to see everything with your own eyes.
  • You can get to Saratov by train, by bus, by ship, by plane

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

“the best items in my hometown”

Автор: Крайнова Ольга Александровна

Дата: 24.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551163

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