Данная презентация представляет собой демонстрационный материал к уроку английского языка по теме"Выдающиеся писатели страны изучаемого языка","Выдающиеся люди". Презентация может быть использована как фрагмент урока по данным темам, а таже в качестве демонстрационного материала по страноведению. В работе использованы сканирование, обработка данных.
Просмотр содержимого презентации
Shakespeare ‘s
Сусь Ольга Михайловна, учитель английского языка
МБОУ «СОШ-4» г. Ефремова Тульской области
Данная работа представляет собой демонстрационный материал к уроку английского языка по теме «Выдающиеся писатели страны изучаемого языка».
В работе использованы:
-обработка данных.
Данную презентацию можно использовать как фрагмент урока по данной теме, а также в качестве демонстрационного материала по страноведению.
Stratford-upon-Avon is probably the best-known town in Great Britain after London.
It ‘s known internationally as the birthplace of the world‘s greatest playwright, William Shakespeare.
Stratford has become a very popular tourist area and almost every shop or restaurant contains something that has to do with Shakespeare.
The Avon which is a beautiful river with grass, flowers and trees all along its banks, runs through Stratford. In the distance you can see the spire of Holy Trinity Church, where Shakespeare was baptized and buried.
The River Avon is famous for its swans. It ‘s a popular tourist attraction .
This is the house where Shakespeare was born in 1564. He probably lived there with his parents and his two brothers and four sisters until he went to London around 1585.The house is carefully preserved and looks just as it looked like Shakespeare ‘s time.
The room where Shakespeare was born.
There is a beautiful garden mentioned in Shakespeare ‘s plays .
This is the old Grammar School, where Shakespeare studied .
Shakespeare ‘s classroom.
Anna Hathaway ‘s Cottage
It was the childhood home of Shakespeare ‘s wife, Anne. Shakespeare was 18 years old when he married her .
New Place (the house where Shakespeare spent the last days of his life).
The house was destroyed in the 18 th century and this picture shows the site of New Place .
This impressive house was the home of Mary Arden, Shakespeare ‘s mother.
The world famous Royal Shakespeare Theatre
The 23 rd of April is the anniversary of Shakespeare ‘s birth and it‘s a time of celebrations in Stratford-upon-Avon. The first celebrations for Shakespeare‘s birthplace took in 1769.
A huge procession of bands, guests, actors and actresses, school teachers and pupils, morris dancers and townspeople walks through the town to lay flowers at Shakespeare ‘s grave.
The procession stops at Holy Trinity Church, where participants place their flowers on Shakespeare ‘s grave, inside the church.