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Stonehendge - an interesting place

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«Stonehendge - an interesting place»



Every year on the day of the summer sun, a festival takes place near Stonehenge, which is attended by the pagans and the descendants of the Druids (as they call themselves). Millions of tourists visit Stonehenge every year. Every year on the day of the summer sun, a festival takes place near Stonehenge, which is attended by the pagans and the descendants of the Druids (as they call themselves). Millions of tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
  • Every year on the day of the summer sun, a festival takes place near Stonehenge, which is attended by the pagans and the descendants of the Druids (as they call themselves). Millions of tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
  • Every year on the day of the summer sun, a festival takes place near Stonehenge, which is attended by the pagans and the descendants of the Druids (as they call themselves). Millions of tourists visit Stonehenge every year.
ston e henge is under the protection of unesco
  • ston e henge is under the protection of unesco
In the immediate vicinity of Stonehenge, structures were found, representing about five deep pits. The construction of Stonehenge was a grand undertaking, about the same as the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. The builders of Stonehenge, according to historians, took about 1500 years to build it. Huge monolithic  stones were most likely transported to the site using sleds.

In the immediate vicinity of Stonehenge, structures were found, representing about five deep pits. The construction of Stonehenge was a grand undertaking, about the same as the construction of the Egyptian pyramids. The builders of Stonehenge, according to historians, took about 1500 years to build it. Huge monolithic stones were most likely transported to the site using sleds.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Stonehendge - an interesting place

Автор: Крупина Оксана Николаевна

Дата: 16.01.2023

Номер свидетельства: 623207

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