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Статья «Выдающиеся женщины-политики»

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очень люблю английский язык и для меня интересно узнать, как можно больше новой информации, так же я увлекаюсь историей, и кажется, что мой проект можно будет использовать на уроке английского языка, а так же на уроках истории. Я разговаривала на данную тему со многими одноклассниками и учениками и сделала вывод, что данная тема всем интересна. Многие в наше время интересуются политикой, но не все знают о выдающихся женщинах в политике. Таким образом,  я расширяю  не только свой кругозор, но и кругозор моих одноклассников. Также эта статья может быть полезна для учеников на уроке английского языка для развития речи.

Цель проекта: создать презентацию на английском языке по данной теме и написать статью о выдающихся женщинах политике и опубликовать её на сайте.

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«Статья «Выдающиеся женщины-политики»»

Project on topic: «Famous women in world politics» Performed: student 5 g class Shumai Polina

Project on topic:

«Famous women in world politics»

Performed: student 5 g class Shumai Polina

Margaret Thatcher Margaret Roberts, the daughter of a grocer, was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on 13th October, 1925. She went to Oxford University and then became a research chemist. Later she studied law and eventually became a barrister. In 1951, she married a wealthy businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children. In November 1990, Thatcher agreed to resign and was succeeded as party leader and prime minister by John Major. In 1992, Thatcher left the House of Commons for the House of Lords as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Roberts, the daughter of a grocer, was born in Grantham, Lincolnshire, on 13th October, 1925. She went to Oxford University and then became a research chemist. Later she studied law and eventually became a barrister. In 1951, she married a wealthy businessman, Denis Thatcher, with whom she had two children.

In November 1990, Thatcher agreed to resign and was succeeded as party leader and prime minister by John Major. In 1992, Thatcher left the House of Commons for the House of Lords as Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven.

Hillary clinton Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton; b. October 26, 1947, Chicago, USA) is an American politician and member of the Democratic party. First lady Arkansas (1983-1992), first lady of the United States (1993-2001), Senator from new York state (2001-2009). US Secretary of state (2009-2013). The candidate in US presidents on elections of 2016 from the Democratic party.

Hillary clinton

Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton (born. Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton; b. October 26, 1947, Chicago, USA) is an American politician and member of the Democratic party. First lady Arkansas (1983-1992), first lady of the United States (1993-2001), Senator from new York state (2001-2009). US Secretary of state (2009-2013). The candidate in US presidents on elections of 2016 from the Democratic party.

Elizabeth II The reigning Queen of great Britain from 1952 to the present. She came to the throne on 6 February 1952 at the age of twenty-five years after the death of his father, king George VI. He is the longest-serving monarch in British history. Wikipedia To date, the Queen of great Britain is still cheerful, has not lost a sense of humor and healthy skepticism. Brings up from the former Kate Middleton, and now the Duchess of Cambridge real Queen, but apparently wait for William and Catherine will have a long time – Elizabeth is full of strength and ready for new achievements. And in full swing preparing for the celebration of its own 90th anniversary.

Elizabeth II

The reigning Queen of great Britain from 1952 to the present. She came to the throne on 6 February 1952 at the age of twenty-five years after the death of his father, king George VI. He is the longest-serving monarch in British history. Wikipedia

To date, the Queen of great Britain is still cheerful, has not lost a sense of humor and healthy skepticism. Brings up from the former Kate Middleton, and now the Duchess of Cambridge real Queen, but apparently wait for William and Catherine will have a long time – Elizabeth is full of strength and ready for new achievements. And in full swing preparing for the celebration of its own 90th anniversary.

Angela merkel German statesman and politician, scientist-physical chemist. Since November 22, 2005-Federal Chancellor of Germany. Leader of the Christian democratic Union party since April 10, 2000 The miraculous transformation of the scientist-physicist into a political activist took place in the late eighties. The rise of political career coincided with the fall of the Berlin wall. Angela Merkel was so excited and encouraged by this event that she took an active part in the unification of the two Germanies. Her face became recognizable on both sides of the destroyed wall.

Angela merkel

German statesman and politician, scientist-physical chemist. Since November 22, 2005-Federal Chancellor of Germany. Leader of the Christian democratic Union party since April 10, 2000

The miraculous transformation of the scientist-physicist into a political activist took place in the late eighties. The rise of political career coincided with the fall of the Berlin wall. Angela Merkel was so excited and encouraged by this event that she took an active part in the unification of the two Germanies. Her face became recognizable on both sides of the destroyed wall.

Tatiana Golikova Russian statesman and politician, economist. Chairman of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation from 20 September 2013. Dean of the faculty of state audit of the Financial University under the government of Russia.

Tatiana Golikova

Russian statesman and politician, economist. Chairman of the accounts chamber of the Russian Federation from 20 September 2013. Dean of the faculty of state audit of the Financial University under the government of Russia.

Thank you for your attention! Tatiana Kolabina, a foreign language teacher, helped to work on the project

Thank you for your attention!

Tatiana Kolabina, a foreign language teacher, helped to work on the project

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Статья «Выдающиеся женщины-политики»

Автор: Шумай Полина

Дата: 02.05.2018

Номер свидетельства: 468266

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