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St. Paul's Cathedral

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«St. Paul's Cathedral»

St. Paul‘s Cathedral

St. Paul‘s Cathedral

There are many famous constructions in London but St.Paul’s cathedral has the brightest architecture and an important symbolic meaning .

There are many famous constructions in London but St.Paul’s cathedral has the brightest architecture and an important symbolic meaning .

Sir Christopher Wren the architect of St. Paul’s cathedral

Sir Christopher Wren the architect of St. Paul’s cathedral

The Great Fire of London in 1666 gave a real opportunity for the manifestation of Christopher Wren’s genius .

The Great Fire of London in 1666 gave a real opportunity for the manifestation of Christopher Wren’s genius .

Sir Christopher Wren died in the Hampton court on the 26 th of February in 1723. He was buried under the floor of St. Paul’s cathedral .

Sir Christopher Wren died in the Hampton court on the 26 th of February in 1723. He was buried under the floor of St. Paul’s cathedral .

History knows five St. Paul’s cathedrals, which existed at various times in the same place

History knows five St. Paul’s cathedrals, which existed at various times in the same place

While designing a cathedral Sir Christopher Wren had to change the project three times. St.Paul’s cathedral’s dome is alike the dome of St. Peter’s in Rome

While designing a cathedral Sir Christopher Wren had to change the project three times.

St.Paul’s cathedral’s dome is alike the dome of St. Peter’s in Rome

St. Paul’s cathedral was built in honour of St. Paul

St. Paul’s cathedral was built in honour of St. Paul

St.Paul’s cathedral is one  of the highest buildings of London

St.Paul’s cathedral is one of the highest buildings of London

The two-storied portico has four pairs of columns on top and six pairs at the bottom The dome of St.Paul is among the most perfect dome designs in Europe

The two-storied portico has four pairs of columns on top and six pairs at the bottom

The dome of St.Paul is among the most perfect dome designs in Europe

In the southern tower there is the biggest bell of England “the Big Paul”, weighing 16 tons The portico is crowned with a pediment with the sculptural composition “St.Paul’s conversion”

In the southern tower there is the biggest bell of England “the Big Paul”, weighing 16 tons

The portico is crowned with a pediment with the sculptural composition “St.Paul’s conversion”

The cathedral’s interior, Renaissance on furnish and Gothic in design, makes an impression of some coldness and emptiness

The cathedral’s interior, Renaissance on furnish and Gothic in design, makes an impression of some coldness and emptiness

In the whispering Gallery words said by whisper at one wall, are clearly audible at the opposite wall of the gallery, at distance of 32 metres From the Gold gallery that is at dome top a tremendous view of London opens

In the whispering Gallery words said by whisper at one wall, are clearly audible at the opposite wall of the gallery, at distance of 32 metres

From the Gold gallery that is at dome top a tremendous view of London opens

St.Paul’s dome has a difficult design. It consists of three parts. Such a difficult design has provided to the dome a great stability which has been checked up by centuries.

St.Paul’s dome has a difficult design. It consists of three parts. Such a difficult design has provided to the dome a great stability which has been checked up by centuries.

Many distinguished people are buried in St.Paul’s cathedral.For example: lord Wellington, Nelson, Turner.Also the statue of general Gordon who was killed in Sudan stands there.

Many distinguished people are buried in St.Paul’s cathedral.For example: lord Wellington, Nelson, Turner.Also the statue of general Gordon who was killed in Sudan stands there.

Many important events show us that St.Paul’s cathedral is a spiritual centre of London. There was a ceremony in honour of the birthday of Elizabeth II. She celebrated her 80 th anniversary there .

Many important events show us that St.Paul’s cathedral is a spiritual centre of London. There was a ceremony in honour of the birthday of Elizabeth II. She celebrated her 80 th anniversary there .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

St. Paul's Cathedral

Автор: Светлана Михайловна Алдаева

Дата: 13.06.2021

Номер свидетельства: 583301

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