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Solar System.(Солнечная система)

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Данная презентация идеально подойдет для тех,кто работает в 5 классе по учебнику "Forward".Она будет полезна при введении новой лексики по теме "Солнечная система ". Дети смогут наглядно представить все планеты солнечной системы,а также сравнить их по форме, размеру, красоте используя при этом знания по грамматике, а именно по степеням сравнения прилагательных, т.к. этот материал изучался ранее.И данная презентация представляет собой своеобразный контроль тех грамматических знаний,умений и навыков.Кроме того блестяще готовит учащихся к последующей работе по тексту в учебнике.

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«Solar System.(Солнечная система)»



Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture The closest planet to the Earth The fourth planet The huge volcano Named for the god of war MARS

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • The closest planet to the Earth
  • The fourth planet
  • The huge volcano
  • Named for the god of war


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture The smallest planet Hot during the day Cold at night The fastest planet MERCURY

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • The smallest planet
  • Hot during the day
  • Cold at night
  • The fastest planet


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture windy Takes 160 to go round the sun   NEPTUNE

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • windy
  • Takes 160 to go round the sun


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture The furthest planet Strange orbit Sometimes it is closer to the sun PLUTO

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • The furthest planet
  • Strange orbit
  • Sometimes it is closer to the sun


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture Larger than Earth Lighter than water Has flatten poles SATURN

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • Larger than Earth
  • Lighter than water
  • Has flatten poles


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture The largest planet Stormy JUPITER

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • The largest planet
  • Stormy


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture Pale blue-green cloudy atmosphere 42 years of sunlight 42 years of darkness URANUS

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • Pale blue-green cloudy atmosphere
  • 42 years of sunlight
  • 42 years of darkness


Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture The hottest planet Volcanoes Named after the god of truth VENUS

Read the definitions and tell what is described in the picture

  • The hottest planet
  • Volcanoes
  • Named after the god of truth


all space, including all the stars and  planets: THE UNIVERSE

all space, including all the stars and planets:


large balls of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky STARS

large balls of burning gas in space that can be seen at night as a point of light in the sky


the  planet that we live on: The EARTH

the planet that we live on:


THE SUN the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves


the large bright object in the sky that gives us light and heat, and around which the Earth moves

A COMET an object in space like a bright ball with a long tail, that moves around the sun:


an object in space like a bright ball with a long tail, that moves around the sun:

the round object that you can see shining in the sky at night THE MOON

the round object that you

can see shining in the sky at night


the curved path travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such as the Earth, the sun ORBIT

the curved path travelled by an object which is moving around another much larger object such as the Earth, the sun


A SATELLITE a machine that has been sent into space


a machine that has been sent into space

A comet tail

A comet tail

A space station MIR

A space station MIR

Our solar system

Our solar system

solar eclipse

solar eclipse

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Solar System.(Солнечная система)

Автор: Кузнецова Надежда Сергеевна

Дата: 14.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 266177

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