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Sights and places of the city of Tolyatti

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«Sights and places of the city of Tolyatti»

Sights and places of the city of Tolyatti 6V School №70 Telesh Stefania Gennadievna

Sights and places of the city of Tolyatti


School №70

Telesh Stefania Gennadievna

Victory Park Victory Park is the main attraction of the Avtozavodsky district of Tolyatti and at the same time the largest park in the city. The park is located on the territory surrounded by Revolutionary, Primorsky Boulevard, Frunze and Yubileynaya streets. There are no attractions here, nevertheless, the place attracts with its beautiful alleys with an abundance of benches and green spaces. This recreation area is ideal for leisurely walks in the fresh air, the park is considered a favorite vacation spot for both locals and tourists who have visited Tolyatti, and the bulk of citywide events and holidays unfold here.

Victory Park

Victory Park is the main attraction of the Avtozavodsky district of Tolyatti and at the same time the largest park in the city. The park is located on the territory surrounded by Revolutionary, Primorsky Boulevard, Frunze and Yubileynaya streets. There are no attractions here, nevertheless, the place attracts with its beautiful alleys with an abundance of benches and green spaces. This recreation area is ideal for leisurely walks in the fresh air, the park is considered a favorite vacation spot for both locals and tourists who have visited Tolyatti, and the bulk of citywide events and holidays unfold here.

Garibaldi Castle The territory where Garibaldi Castle is located is on the banks of the Volga River near Tolyatti, in the village of Khryashchevka. At this point, the river merges with its full-flowing tributary, the Bolshoy Cheremshan River. The convenient location allows ships making sightseeing tours along the Volga to dock at an equipped pier and include a visit to the tourist complex in their program. Near the territory of the complex there is a sandy beach on the banks of the Volga River, where you can rent boats and speedboats, have a picnic or just sunbathe and swim. Therefore, if you visit the castle in summer, do not forget to bring swimsuits.

Garibaldi Castle

The territory where Garibaldi Castle is located is on the banks of the Volga River near Tolyatti, in the village of Khryashchevka. At this point, the river merges with its full-flowing tributary, the Bolshoy Cheremshan River. The convenient location allows ships making sightseeing tours along the Volga to dock at an equipped pier and include a visit to the tourist complex in their program.

Near the territory of the complex there is a sandy beach on the banks of the Volga River, where you can rent boats and speedboats, have a picnic or just sunbathe and swim. Therefore, if you visit the castle in summer, do not forget to bring swimsuits.

Freedom Square The massive construction of Tolyatti began from this square (at that time the city was called Stavropol). The main components of its architectural ensemble are buildings erected in the style of Stalinist classicism: administrative buildings, residential buildings, a puppet theater built in the 1950s and 1960s. In the center of the square there is an obelisk of Glory dedicated to the heroes of the Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Freedom Square

The massive construction of Tolyatti began from this square (at that time the city was called Stavropol). The main components of its architectural ensemble are buildings erected in the style of Stalinist classicism: administrative buildings, residential buildings, a puppet theater built in the 1950s and 1960s. In the center of the square there is an obelisk of Glory dedicated to the heroes of the Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

Monument to Tatishchev V. N. Tatishchev is an outstanding scientist, statesman, historian and founder of many Ural cities. In 1737, he founded Tolyatti. A monument in honor of this extraordinary man was erected on the shore of the Kuibyshev reservoir in the late 1990s. The statue is an equestrian statue of Tatishchev, placed on a 14-meter pedestal. The citizens raised funds for the monument.

Monument to Tatishchev

V. N. Tatishchev is an outstanding scientist, statesman, historian and founder of many Ural cities. In 1737, he founded Tolyatti. A monument in honor of this extraordinary man was erected on the shore of the Kuibyshev reservoir in the late 1990s. The statue is an equestrian statue of Tatishchev, placed on a 14-meter pedestal. The citizens raised funds for the monument.

Monument of devotion The monument is located in the Avtozavodsky district in the courtyard of a residential quarter. It is dedicated to a dog named

Monument of devotion

The monument is located in the Avtozavodsky district in the courtyard of a residential quarter. It is dedicated to a dog named "Faithful" (with the light hand of local reporters), who survived an accident and waited on the highway for its deceased owners for 7 years. The locals tried to take the dog home more than once, but it kept coming back to the road. After the death of the animal in 2003, a touching monument was erected in its honor with the money of the townspeople.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
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Sights and places of the city of Tolyatti

Автор: Телеш Стефания Геннадьевна

Дата: 12.06.2024

Номер свидетельства: 652642

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