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Пути изучения английского языка с помощью Интернета

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Данное исследование предлагает ряд эффективных путей изучения английского языка с помощью сети Интернет, апробированных на практике.

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«Пути изучения английского языка с помощью Интернета»

How to Learn English Using the Internet

How to Learn English Using the Internet

Actuality  The necessity to find out the most effective ways to learn English using the Internet.


The necessity to find out the most effective ways to learn English using the Internet.

Aim To find out the most popular ways of using the Internet to study English.


To find out the most popular ways of using the Internet to study English.



  • 1 .To investigate the problem of using the Internet to study English.
  • 2. To find out the most popular ways to do it.
  • 3. To create a collection of links to useful websites.
  • 4.To conduct a survey among the 8th and 9th formers.
The Ways of Using the Internet to Study English

The Ways of Using the Internet to Study English

  • To study English on your own using the helping websites.
  • To use text and voice chats or social networks.
  • To participate in the international contests, competitions and conferences.
  • Online lessons
How to Learn English on Your Own Using the Internet

How to Learn English on Your Own Using the Internet

  • To find the links to the websites which are based on grammar or pronunciation drills.
  • To find the resources which offer you an online and video training, exercises and tests.
  • To watch films with subtitles.
  • To listen to English songs.
  • To read English books in original.
  • To get online education. EngVid ( http://www.engvid.com/ ) YouTube ( https : //youtube.com/ ) SkyEng ( https : //skyeng.ru/ ), etc.
Links to Useful Websites. http://www.flash.net/~cssmith1/vr.htm it is a collection of linguistic and non-linguistic genuine materials collected on a web server. Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab ( http :// www . esl - lab . com / ) ( http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en / ) It’s a collection of stories, poems and linguistic games for kids. ( http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org /).audio and video files, exercises, tests, etc. for teenagers. Learning Chocolate ( http :// www . learningchocolate . com / ) offers you a bright and amazing material to widen your vocabulary. The Purdue Online Writing Lab and  ESL-Galaxy offer you the exercises to develop your writing skills http :// churchhillhouse.com grammar reference.

Links to Useful Websites.

http://www.flash.net/~cssmith1/vr.htm it is a collection of linguistic and non-linguistic genuine materials collected on a web server.

Randall’s ESL Cyber Listening Lab ( http :// www . esl - lab . com / )

( http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en / ) It’s a collection of stories, poems and linguistic games for kids.

( http://learnenglishteens.britishcouncil.org /).audio and video files, exercises, tests, etc. for teenagers.

Learning Chocolate ( http :// www . learningchocolate . com / ) offers you a bright and amazing material to widen your vocabulary.

The Purdue Online Writing Lab and ESL-Galaxy offer you the exercises to develop your writing skills

http :// churchhillhouse.com grammar reference.

Using text and voice chats or social networks to study English.

Using text and voice chats or social networks to study English.

  • Text and voice chats Discord, TeamSpeak, Skype RaidCall.
  • Social networks Vkontakte ( https://vk.com / ) , Instagram ( https://www.instagram.com / ) , Facebook ( https:// www.facebook.com ), InterPals ( http://www.interpals.net / ) Livemocha ( http://livemocha.com ), Postcrossing ( http://www.postcrossing.com ), Italki ( http://www.italki.com )
Participation in the international contests, competitions and conferences .   Macmillan, British Bulldog, British Council, Snail и другие. Олимпиада «Высшая проба» 1 1 1 1 1 2

Participation in the international contests, competitions and conferences .

Macmillan, British Bulldog, British Council, Snail и другие.

Олимпиада «Высшая проба»







Questionnaire of the Survey among the Pupils of the 8 th – 9 th Forms

Questionnaire of the Survey among the Pupils of the 8 th – 9 th Forms

  • 1. Каким образом еще, кроме школьных занятий, вы изучаете английский язык?
  • a) ограничиваюсь школьными знаниями
  • b) изучаю с репетитором
  • c) изучаю (пытаюсь изучать) самостоятельно
  • 2. Пытались ли вы улучшить свои знания английского языка с помощью Интернет?
  • a) Да
  • b) Нет
  • 3. Что из нижеперечисленного вы используете в своей практике чаще всего для изучения английского языка с помощью сети Интернет?
  • a) Чаты и социальные сети для общения с зарубежными сверстниками
  • b) Образовательные сайты для изучающих английский язык
  • c) Участие в конкурсах, олимпиадах, конференциях и тестировании
  • d) Дистанционное образование, онлайн уроки.
The Results of the Survey  (The 8-th and 9-th Forms)

The Results of the Survey (The 8-th and 9-th Forms)

Conclusion   Using the Internet you can greatly develop you listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.


Using the Internet you can greatly develop you listening, reading, writing and speaking skills.

Thanks for your Attention!

Thanks for your Attention!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Пути изучения английского языка с помощью Интернета

Автор: Сандалова Тамара Андреевна

Дата: 30.05.2019

Номер свидетельства: 512808

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