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Презентация "Традиции и обычаи в России" 6 класс

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Эта презентация знакомит учащихся с традициями и обьчаями русских людей, помогает им узнать историю  русских обычаев, учит соблюдать русские традиции. Красочные картинки помогут лучшему запоминанию. Презентация о традициях и обычаях Росии может быть использована учителем при изучении материала в 6 классе по программе углубленного изучения английского языка по учебнику Афанасьевой О.В.

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«Презентация "Традиции и обычаи в России" 6 класс»

Russian customs and traditions. .

Russian customs and traditions.


There are a lot of customs and traditions in different cultures. In Russian culture you can see such traditions as  Kupala Day, Pancake Day, Easter . They are so popular among Russians.

There are a lot of customs and traditions in different cultures. In Russian culture you can see such traditions as Kupala Day, Pancake Day, Easter . They are so popular among Russians.

Pancake week   It is a Russian , Ukrainian and Belarusian religious and folk holiday. It is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent and that is the seventh week before Easter. The symbols of this week are pancakes and the straw effigy.

Pancake week It is a Russian , Ukrainian and Belarusian religious and folk holiday. It is celebrated during the last week before Great Lent and that is the seventh week before Easter. The symbols of this week are pancakes and the straw effigy.

It is a Christian feast and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The symbols of Easter  are Easter cakes, eggs. This day means

It is a Christian feast and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The symbols of Easter are Easter cakes, eggs.

This day means "transition“. It is celebrated in the Church as the most important day of the year.

Christmastide Christmas time is one of the biggest, bustling and cheerful multi-day national holidays . It is accompanied by a lot of customs, rituals, superstitions, omens, divination.


Christmas time is one of the biggest, bustling and cheerful multi-day national holidays .

It is accompanied by a lot of customs, rituals, superstitions, omens, divination.

Kupala Day  It is a summer folk festival of pagan origin. Also the main features of Kupala night are clearing fires and the mass bathing. In the night girls dipped wreaths with lit candles or tapers in the river.

Kupala Day

It is a summer folk festival of pagan origin. Also the main features of Kupala night are clearing fires and the mass bathing. In the night girls dipped wreaths with lit candles or tapers in the river.

Old New Year It is an informal traditional Orthodox holiday, celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar. Old New Year has appeared since 1918  and it connects with the introduction of the Soviet state in the Gregorian calendar.

Old New Year

It is an informal traditional Orthodox holiday, celebrated as the start of the New Year by the Julian calendar. Old New Year has appeared since 1918 and it connects with the introduction of the Soviet state in the Gregorian calendar.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Презентация "Традиции и обычаи в России" 6 класс

Автор: Мишуренкова Ольга Владиславовна

Дата: 12.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 265318

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