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Презентация-проект "Our school"

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Проект подготовлен учащимися 5-6 классов. В нем рассказывается о школе.

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«Презентация-проект "Our school"»

Welcome to our school!

Welcome to our school!

The aim of our project is Speaking about our school

The aim of our project is

Speaking about our school

    Our tasks:   To find out information about school To take photos and pictures To tell about our school

Our tasks:

  • To find out information about school
  • To take photos and pictures
  • To tell about our school
We like school very much . Our school is not the best , but we like it . Everything is good .

We like school very much . Our school is not the best , but we like it . Everything is good .

Russian and Literature room

Russian and Literature room

 English and Geography room  Informatics and History room

English and Geography room

Informatics and

History room

Biology and Chemistry room  Mathematics and  Physics room

Biology and Chemistry room

Mathematics and

Physics room

 Gymnasium Library



 Te a cher's room Cabinet of the director

Te a cher's room

Cabinet of the director

1) I like history very much because we discover new things . 2) My favorite subject is English because we do interesting projects . 3) My favorite subject is biology because we do experiments .  4) I like P. E. because my favourite sport is volleyball.

1) I like history very much because we discover new things .

2) My favorite subject is English because we do interesting projects .

3) My favorite subject is biology because we do experiments .

4) I like P. E. because my favourite sport is volleyball.

Our favourite teachers

Our favourite teachers

School started on the 1 September , till 30 May . Only 4 terms are in a school year .

School started on the 1 September , till 30 May . Only 4 terms are in a school year .

New Year’s Day Day of knowledge

New Year’s Day

Day of knowledge

 Athletics Day Mother’s Day

Athletics Day

Mother’s Day

 Е xcursion to Kungur cave  Last Bell

Е xcursion to Kungur cave

Last Bell

Conclusion Now we can speak English about our school. We can do English projects. We have known more information about school. Our English teacher can use this project at her lessons.


  • Now we can speak English about our school.
  • We can do English projects.
  • We have known more information about school.
  • Our English teacher can use this project at her lessons.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация-проект "Our school"

Автор: Сабурова Ольга Анатольевна

Дата: 16.07.2016

Номер свидетельства: 337594

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