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Презентация по теме " Степени сравнения прилагательных"

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Данная презентация предназначена для повторения и закрепления темы "Степени сравнения прилагательных". Презентация содержит задания, которые могут быть использованы учителями английского языка для групповой и парной работы на уроках обобщения и систематизации знаний. Цель урока: 1. Закрепление пройденного материала в рамках отдельных ситуаций в игровой ситуативной форме. Задачи: 1. Тренировка в употреблении знакомых ЛЕ и грамматических структур, а также разговорных выражений в монологической и диалогической речи; 2. применение полученных знаний в новых условиях.
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«Презентация по теме " Степени сравнения прилагательных"»

MONEY, MONEY, MONEY! Попова Татьяна Владимировна учитель английского языка Октябрьская начальная школа – детский сад


Попова Татьяна Владимировна

учитель английского языка Октябрьская начальная школа – детский сад

Thousands of years ago money was not used, the « barter » system existed. People exchanged goods with each other. Then such things as beads, shells, salt, skins and even cattle came to be used as money.

Thousands of years ago money was not used, the « barter » system existed. People exchanged goods with each other. Then such things as beads, shells, salt, skins and even cattle came to be used as money.

Complete the sentences with these verbs! Sell, buy, borrow, win, earn, lose Can I … your dictionary for a minute? How much did she … in the lottery? My parents are going to … a new car. Pilots … a higher salary than teachers. Do they … clothes at the supermarket? Here is £10. Be careful – don’t … it?

Complete the sentences with these verbs!

Sell, buy, borrow, win, earn, lose

  • Can I … your dictionary for a minute?
  • How much did she … in the lottery?
  • My parents are going to … a new car.
  • Pilots … a higher salary than teachers.
  • Do they … clothes at the supermarket?
  • Here is £10. Be careful – don’t … it?

Complete the sentences with these words! Cash, credit card, currency, exchange rate, coins

Complete the sentences with these words!

Cash, credit card, currency, exchange rate, coins

  • The Canadian dollar is the … of Canada.
  • I use a … to buy things online.
  • The … at the airport was lower than in our hotel.
  • He has a large collection of foreign … .
  • Some small shops only take … .
Look at these pictures and name the words!

Look at these pictures and name the words!

Name all words related to money! l – s - l - nd Money s-la-y s - - e w-ste b-r-o- Sp - n - e - -n s - ap a-ver-i-e

Name all words related to money!

l – s -

l - nd



s - - e



Sp - n -

e - -n

s - ap


Complete comparative and superlative adjectives ! adjective comparative superlative cheap expensive large funny fantastic hot good bad silly rich new

Complete comparative and superlative adjectives !















Write comparative sentences! A house / expensive / a paperclip! A van / big / a snowmobile. Their new house / good / their old house. The new neighbours / friendly / the old neighbours. She / poor / a princess, but she / happy / a queen!

Write comparative sentences!

  • A house / expensive / a paperclip!
  • A van / big / a snowmobile.
  • Their new house / good / their old house.
  • The new neighbours / friendly / the old neighbours.
  • She / poor / a princess, but she / happy / a queen!

Correct one error in each sentence! This CD is more cheap than that one. I think Maths is the most bad subject. I’m more taller than my brother. Teresa is younger person in our class. Friends are more important that money. Kipling is the most smallest than Vancouver.

Correct one error in each sentence!

  • This CD is more cheap than that one.
  • I think Maths is the most bad subject.
  • I’m more taller than my brother.
  • Teresa is younger person in our class.
  • Friends are more important that money.
  • Kipling is the most smallest than Vancouver.

Read and translate the English proverbs. Better late than never.  Two heads are better than one. Две головы лучше, чем одна. Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Read and translate the English proverbs.

Better late than never.

Two heads are better than one.

Две головы лучше, чем одна.

Лучше поздно, чем никогда.

Homework: p. 36 ex. 4 ( письменно + перевод) p. 37 ex. 7  ( письменно + перевод)


p. 36 ex. 4 ( письменно + перевод)

p. 37 ex. 7 ( письменно + перевод)

Назовите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени! old –  старый old er – the old est cheap –  дешевый sad –  грустный easy –  легкий white –  белый popular –  популярный dangerous –  опасный good  -  хороший

Назовите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени!

old старый old er the old est

cheap дешевый

sad грустный

easy легкий

white белый

popular популярный

dangerous опасный

good - хороший

Прочитайте следующий текст и назовите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, если они есть! 15 – years -old Tom Baker is the youngest Scrabble champion in Australia. He began to play Scrabble when he was 6 years old. When he was 12, Tom Baker started to play Scrabble on the Internet. Tom is more intellectual than other students. Tom likes football, tennis and chess too. In the future he wants to be the best Scrabble player. But he hasn’t got much time because he is busy ( занятой) at school. Studying at school is more difficult than a Scrabble.

Прочитайте следующий текст и назовите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, если они есть!

15 – years -old Tom Baker is the youngest Scrabble champion in Australia. He began to play Scrabble when he was 6 years old. When he was 12, Tom Baker started to play Scrabble on the Internet. Tom is more intellectual than other students. Tom likes football, tennis and chess too. In the future he wants to be the best Scrabble player. But he hasn’t got much time because he is busy ( занятой) at school. Studying at school is more difficult than a Scrabble.

Степени сравнения прилагательных  Простая Сравнительная  Превосходная

Степени сравнения прилагательных




Определите вид прилагательного и образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень! 1. interesting 2 . short 3. nice 4. lazy 5. big 6. good

Определите вид прилагательного и образуйте сравнительную и превосходную степень!

1. interesting

2 . short

3. nice

4. lazy

5. big

6. good

Let’s make g y m n a s t i c !  Listen and do!

Let’s make g y m n a s t i c ! Listen and do!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 8 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация по теме " Степени сравнения прилагательных"

Автор: Попова Татьяна Владимировна

Дата: 18.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 267792

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    ["seo_title"] => string(87) "priezientatsiiadliaurokaanghliiskoghoiazykapotiemiestiepienisravnieniiaprilaghatielnykh"
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