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Презентация к учебнику "Английский в фокусе", 5 класс, модуль "World animals"

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Презентация к учебнику "Английский в фокусе", 5 класс, модуль "World animals"

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«Презентация к учебнику "Английский в фокусе", 5 класс, модуль "World animals"»

A Lesson-competition



Write the third person singular of the following verbs. WB Ex.1. P.45. 1). I speak- he__________ 2). I carry- he __________ 3) I go- he _________ 4). I wash- he __________ 5). I eat- he ___________ 6). I play- he__________ 7). I write- he __________ 8). I teach- he___________ 9) I live- he __________ 10) I like-he ________ 11) I sleep- he____________ 12) I laugh- he ________ 13) I hunt- he __________ 14) I run- he _________

Write the third person singular of the following verbs. WB Ex.1. P.45.

1). I speak- he__________

2). I carry- he __________

3) I go- he _________

4). I wash- he __________

5). I eat- he ___________

6). I play- he__________

7). I write- he __________

8). I teach- he___________

9) I live- he __________

10) I like-he ________

11) I sleep- he____________

12) I laugh- he ________

13) I hunt- he __________

14) I run- he _________

Put the verbs in brackets in the third person singular. WB Ex.2, p. 45 1. The Bengal Tiger _________ ( live) in India. 2. Sumit’s elephant _________ ( carry) heavy things on his back. 3. John __________ (wash) his car every week. 4. The baby ________ (cry) a lot at night. 5. Debbie _________(go) to school in the morning. 6. The rhino _________(like) to sit in the mud.

Put the verbs in brackets in the third person singular. WB Ex.2, p. 45

  • 1. The Bengal Tiger _________ ( live) in India.
  • 2. Sumit’s elephant _________ ( carry) heavy things on his back.
  • 3. John __________ (wash) his car every week.
  • 4. The baby ________ (cry) a lot at night.
  • 5. Debbie _________(go) to school in the morning.
  • 6. The rhino _________(like) to sit in the mud.
Read the text and answer the questions. WB Ex.3 p.45 1.what/ live __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 2.how long/ live __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3.what/ like __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 4.what/ eat __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

Read the text and answer the questions. WB Ex.3 p.45

  • 1.what/ live
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • 2.how long/ live
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • 3.what/ like
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • 4.what/ eat
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. WB, p.46, Ex. 6 My name’ s Eric and I’ m a vet at the Zoo. Sometimes the Bengal Niger 1) ___________ (hot/ feel) very well, I 2) ________(take) care of him. Mr. Green is the zookeeper. He 3)__________(feed) the animals and 4) ________(wash) them. He also 5)________ (clean) their cages, but he 6)________ (not/like) it very much. The animals 7)________(love) us and we 8)__________ (love) them too!

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. WB, p.46, Ex. 6

My name’ s Eric and I’ m a vet at the Zoo. Sometimes the Bengal Niger 1) ___________ (hot/ feel) very well, I 2) ________(take) care of him. Mr. Green is the zookeeper. He 3)__________(feed) the animals and 4) ________(wash) them. He also 5)________ (clean) their cages, but he 6)________ (not/like) it very much.

The animals 7)________(love) us and we 8)__________

(love) them too!

WB, p.46, Ex.7  Fill in do, does, have, has, can, is, are and answer the questions. 1). ________you play the guitar?_______________________ 2). ________you got a pet?___________________________ 3). _________you parents work in the morning?__________ 4)__________ your friends English? ____________________ 5)___________ your teacher got long hair?______________ 6)____________your best friend like football?____________ 7)______ your English teacher give you a lot of homework?_____________________ 8)__________ there a zoo in your town?_________________

WB, p.46, Ex.7 Fill in do, does, have, has, can, is, are and answer the questions.

1). ________you play the guitar?_______________________

2). ________you got a pet?___________________________

3). _________you parents work in the morning?__________

4)__________ your friends English? ____________________

5)___________ your teacher got long hair?______________

6)____________your best friend like football?____________

7)______ your English teacher give you a lot of homework?_____________________

8)__________ there a zoo in your town?_________________

Fill in the missing letters.  1). b_ak  2). be_r  9). pa_  3). f_nd  10). pea_ock  4). f_r  11). ta_l  5). giraf_e  12).w_ng  6). he_r  7).monke_  8).ne_k

Fill in the missing letters.

1). b_ak

2). be_r

9). pa_

3). f_nd

10). pea_ock

4). f_r

11). ta_l

5). giraf_e


6). he_r



WB, p.45, Ex.4  Fill in do/ does and answer the questions.. 1. ____ you take the bus to school? _________________ 2.____ you like pizza? ____________________ 3. _____ you live next to the school? _________________ 4. _____ your mother work in the bank? _________________ 5. ______ your parents watch TV in the morning?________________ 6. ______ cats like milk? ________________

WB, p.45, Ex.4 Fill in do/ does and answer the questions..

1. ____ you take the bus to school?


2.____ you like pizza? ____________________

3. _____ you live next to the school?


4. _____ your mother work in the bank?


5. ______ your parents watch TV in the morning?________________

6. ______ cats like milk? ________________

Use the prompts to ask and answer. WB, p. 45, Ex. 5 2. (Eddie/ drink water/ in the morning) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 3. (Ben and Mike/ play football/ after school) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 4. (Betty/ play the piano) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 5.( the polar bears/live in the far north) ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

Use the prompts to ask and answer. WB, p. 45, Ex. 5

  • 2. (Eddie/ drink water/ in the morning)
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • 3. (Ben and Mike/ play football/ after school)
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • 4. (Betty/ play the piano)
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • 5.( the polar bears/live in the far north)
  • ____________________________________________________________
  • ____________________________________________________________

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация к учебнику "Английский в фокусе", 5 класс, модуль "World animals"

Автор: Немцева Ирина Вячеславовна

Дата: 13.06.2016

Номер свидетельства: 334296

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