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Презентация урока английского языка на тему " Мой любимый исторический фильм"

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«Презентация урока английского языка на тему " Мой любимый исторический фильм"»

Project.  My favourite Russian film.
  • Project. My favourite Russian film.
My name is Milaev Philipp. I am 15 years old. I would like to tell you a few words about my favourite Historical Film . I like watching Historical Feature Film very much expecially at home with my family.
  • My name is Milaev Philipp. I am 15 years old. I would like to tell you a few words about my favourite Historical Film . I like watching Historical Feature Film very much expecially at home with my family.
My favourite Russian film called is VikinMiddle Ages. Russia is fragmented, feuding brothers princes. Laws weaken the blood, when it comes to power, but remind myself, as soon as death comes into play. Prince Oleg killed accidentally trampled by horses, but indirect blame falls on Yaropolk. Ancient traditions require younger brother, the bastard to avenge the death of Oleg. Vladimir does not want to raise a sword on Yaropolk and hiding, knowing that the failure to kill would cost him more than my own blood shed. But the debt will find it in the cold distant lands. Senior druzhinnik Oleg crowned looking bastard and insists that he made the wages and claimed the throne. And then Vladimir, who will christen a great power, decides it's time to stop hiding. He returned to Russia, to initiate their own greatness. On the ascent of Vladimir write chroniclers. But how tragic and difficult to be this way, very few people mention. And if in case the state is intertwined love story can go in a completely different way
  • My favourite Russian film called is VikinMiddle Ages. Russia is fragmented, feuding brothers princes. Laws weaken the blood, when it comes to power, but remind myself, as soon as death comes into play. Prince Oleg killed accidentally trampled by horses, but indirect blame falls on Yaropolk. Ancient traditions require younger brother, the bastard to avenge the death of Oleg.
  • Vladimir does not want to raise a sword on Yaropolk and hiding, knowing that the failure to kill would cost him more than my own blood shed. But the debt will find it in the cold distant lands. Senior druzhinnik Oleg crowned looking bastard and insists that he made the wages and claimed the throne.
  • And then Vladimir, who will christen a great power, decides it's time to stop hiding. He returned to Russia, to initiate their own greatness. On the ascent of Vladimir write chroniclers. But how tragic and difficult to be this way, very few people mention. And if in case the state is intertwined love story can go in a completely different way
The Cast.

The Cast.

  • Danila Kozlovsky - Svyatoslavich Vladimir, Prince of Novgorod, then Grand Duke of Kiev [6]
  • Alexander Ustyugov - Yaropolk I of Kiev, Grand Duke of Kiev
  • Kirill Pletnev - Oleg Svyatoslavich Prince Drevlyansky
  • Andrew Smolyakov - Rogvolod, Prince of Polotsk
  • Alexander Bortich - Rogneda of Polotsk, Polotsk princess, wife of Vladimir Svyatoslavich
  • Svetlana Hodchenkova - Irina, a Greek woman, the wife of Svyatoslav Yaropolk
  • Maxim Sukhanov - Sveneld, governor of the Grand Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich
  • Rostislav Bershauer - Fornication, governor and lord of Kiev
  • Nicholas Kozak - Lute, druzhinnik Prince Yaropolk
  • Igor Petrenko - Varyazhko, druzhinnik Prince Yaropolk
  • Vladimir Epifantsev - Fedor, Prince Yaropolk combatant, and then Vladimir; Christian
  • Ivan Shmakov - John, the son of Theodore; boy Kiev
  • Paul DeLong - Anastas, a priest of Korsun

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Презентация урока английского языка на тему " Мой любимый исторический фильм"

Автор: Мащенко Светлана Викторовна

Дата: 10.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 414186

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