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Презентация по теме "Экология" (написание официального письма)

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Данная презентация поможет учащимся правильно оформлять официальное письмо на английском языке.

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«Презентация по теме "Экология" (написание официального письма)»

Волшебный  конверт Урок  письма  в  7  классе  по  теме «Защита  окружающей среды»(английский  язык) Подготовила:  учитель английского  языка  МОУ «Ближнеигуменская  СОШ Белгородского  района Белгородской  области» Чикулаева  Ирина  Владимировна ( e-mail:  ichikulaeva@rambler.ru)

Волшебный конверт

Урок письма в 7 классе по теме

«Защита окружающей

среды»(английский язык)

Подготовила: учитель

английского языка МОУ

«Ближнеигуменская СОШ

Белгородского района

Белгородской области»

Чикулаева Ирина Владимировна

( e-mail: [email protected])

Цели: Воспитательный  аспект  –  формирование ответственного  отношения  к  экологическим проблемам. Развивающий  аспект  –  развитие  умения излагать  свою  точку  зрения. Учебный  аспект  –  развитие  умения  писать официальное  письмо. 1. 2. 3.


Воспитательный аспект – формирование

ответственного отношения к экологическим


Развивающий аспект – развитие умения

излагать свою точку зрения.

Учебный аспект – развитие умения писать

официальное письмо.




Структура  урока I.  Орг.  момент. II.  Изучение  нового  материала: 1.  Актуализация  знаний. 2.  Постановка  задач  совместно  с  учащимися. 3.  Объяснение  нового  материала. III.  Первичное  закрепление  нового  материала. IV.  Проверка  первичного  понимания  нового  материала. V.  Итоги. VI.  Домашнее  задание. VII.  Рефлексия.

Структура урока

I. Орг. момент.

II. Изучение нового материала:

1. Актуализация знаний.

2. Постановка задач совместно с учащимися.

3. Объяснение нового материала.

III. Первичное закрепление нового материала.

IV. Проверка первичного понимания нового материала.

V. Итоги.

VI. Домашнее задание.

VII. Рефлексия.

Изучение  нового  материала  Our  lesson  is  “ The  Magic  Envelope ”.  Please,  write  down  the date  and  the  theme  of  our  lesson.  What  is  this  lesson  about?  But before  we  start  our  lesson  let’s  play.  Agree  or  Disagree  (согласитесь  или  не  согласитесь) Согласитесь  или  не  согласитесь  с  предложенными  вам утверждениями.  Если  вы  считаете,  что  данное  высказывание верно,  то  соедините  отрезками  пару  точек  с  номерами, указанными  в  колонке  с  заголовком  «YES».  Если  же  вы считаете  утверждение  ложным,  то  соедините  точки  с номерами,  указанными  в  колонке  «NO».  Если  вы  ни  разу  не ошибетесь,  то  получите  узнаваемый  рисунок.  Сделайте  к  нему подпись.

Изучение нового материала

Our lesson is “ The Magic Envelope ”. Please, write down the

date and the theme of our lesson. What is this lesson about? But

before we start our lesson let’s play.

Agree or Disagree (согласитесь или не согласитесь)

Согласитесь или не согласитесь с предложенными вам

утверждениями. Если вы считаете, что данное высказывание

верно, то соедините отрезками пару точек с номерами,

указанными в колонке с заголовком «YES». Если же вы

считаете утверждение ложным, то соедините точки с

номерами, указанными в колонке «NO». Если вы ни разу не

ошибетесь, то получите узнаваемый рисунок. Сделайте к нему


Statements Yes No 1.  The  monkey’s  tail  is  longer  than  the 2–4 1–2  cat’s. 2–5 4–9 2.  The  giraffe  has  got  the  longest  neck. 3.  There  are  five  seasons  in  a  year. 5–8 9  –  11 4.  Tigers  live  alone. 11  –  2 8–6 6–7 2–5 5.  Rabbits  can  live  five  years. 7–9 5–6 6.People  celebrate  Christmas  in  spring. 7.  Winter  holidays  are  the  longest. 9–6 6–8 5–8 8.There  is  usually  a  lot  of  fruit  in 8  –  11  autumn. 9.  Summer  is  warmer  than  spring. 4–5 8–1 10.  Horses  can  live  thirty  years. 8-9 1-5




1. The monkey’s tail is longer than the






2. The giraffe has got the longest neck.

3. There are five seasons in a year.


9 – 11

4. Tigers live alone.

11 – 2




5. Rabbits can live five years.



6.People celebrate Christmas in spring.

7. Winter holidays are the longest.




8.There is usually a lot of fruit in

8 – 11


9. Summer is warmer than spring.



10. Horses can live thirty years.



Постановка  задач  урока  совместно  с  учащимися -  OK.  What  will  we  speak  about? -  Why  will  we  speak  about  letters? -  Do  you  write  letters  to  the  newspapers  or  magazines?  Would  you  like  to  write  these  letters?  Why?  Can  you  write  the  official  letter? -  So,  what  will  we  know  today?

Постановка задач урока

совместно с учащимися

- OK. What will we speak about?

- Why will we speak about letters?

- Do you write letters to the newspapers or

magazines? Would you like to write these

letters? Why? Can you write the official


- So, what will we know today?

Актуализация  знаний Do  you  like  writing  letters? What  kind  of  letters  are  hard  to  write? What  kind  of  letters  are  easy  to  write? 1. 2. 3.

Актуализация знаний

Do you like writing letters?

What kind of letters are hard to write?

What kind of letters are easy to write?




Объяснение  нового  материала When  you  are  writing  a  formal  letter,  it  is  important  to include  the  correct  parts  and  arrange  the  parts  in  the  correct order. Ex. 1  Let’s  discuss  the  plan  of  the  letter.  This  is  a formal  letter,  not  one  you  would  write  to  a  friend.  Go through  the  parts  to  make  sure  you  have  understood all  the  vocabulary.  Label  the  different  parts  of  the letter  on  the  plan.  (Draw  the  plan  of  the  letter  on  the board  and  ask  students  to  come  up  and  label  it.) Name  the  parts  of  a  formal  letter.  Use  the  greeting,  the  topic,  the close,  the  date,  the  sender’s  address,  the  main  part,  the  sender’s signature  and  name,  the  receiver’s  name  and  address.

Объяснение нового материала

When you are writing a formal letter, it is important to

include the correct parts and arrange the parts in the correct


Ex. 1 Let’s discuss the plan of the letter. This is a

formal letter, not one you would write to a friend. Go

through the parts to make sure you have understood

all the vocabulary. Label the different parts of the

letter on the plan. (Draw the plan of the letter on the

board and ask students to come up and label it.)

Name the parts of a formal letter. Use the greeting, the topic, the

close, the date, the sender’s address, the main part, the sender’s

signature and name, the receiver’s name and address.

План  письма 1 2    3 4 5 6  7   8

План письма









План  письма  the  receiver’s   name  and the  sender’s  address  the  date  address the  greeting   the  topic     the  main  part    the  close      the  sender’s  signature  and  name

План письма

the receiver’s

name and

the sender’s address

the date


the greeting

the topic

the main part

the close

the sender’s signature and name

Первичное  закрепление  нового  материала Ex. 2  Read  and  identify  the  eight  parts  of  the letter.  Then,  in  pairs,  match  each  part  of  the letter  to  the  plan  in  ex.  1.  Ex. 3  Answer  the  questions  about  the  letter  in ex.  2,  then  check  your  answers  in  pairs.  Then check  and  discuss  the  answers  with  the  whole class. Ex. 4  Read  the  letter  from  Clair  Mitchell. Where  should  the  missing  parts  go? 1. 2. 3.

Первичное закрепление нового


Ex. 2 Read and identify the eight parts of the

letter. Then, in pairs, match each part of the

letter to the plan in ex. 1.

Ex. 3 Answer the questions about the letter in

ex. 2, then check your answers in pairs. Then

check and discuss the answers with the whole


Ex. 4 Read the letter from Clair Mitchell.

Where should the missing parts go?




Проверка  первичного  понимания изученного  материала Работа  по  разноуровневым  карточкам Оценка  «5» How  are  wild  animals  protected  in  Russia? What  can  you  write  to  the  Young  Telegraph  newspaper?  Use  the words  from  the  box.  Send  your  letter  to  Talk  Back,  Young Telegraph,  346  Old  Street,  London  ECIV  9NQ  or  e-mail  y.t@two- can.co.uk . [  are  in  danger;  are  put  on  the  official  list  of  protected  animals;  are trying  to  bring  back;  raise  ]

Проверка первичного понимания

изученного материала

Работа по разноуровневым карточкам

Оценка «5»

How are wild animals protected in Russia?

What can you write to the Young Telegraph newspaper? Use the

words from the box. Send your letter to Talk Back, Young

Telegraph, 346 Old Street, London ECIV 9NQ or e-mail y.t@two-

can.co.uk .

[ are in danger; are put on the official list of protected animals; are

trying to bring back; raise ]

Оценка  «4» Liz  wants  to  know  more  about  animals.  She  writes  to  the National  Geographic  World  magazine. Dear  Editor,  I  like  animals  and  I  work  at  the  Zoological  Garden.  I’d  like to  learn  more  about  big  cats,  snow  leopards  in  particular. Would  you  please  publish  an  article  about  these  animals? Thank  you  in  advance. Sincerely  yours, Liz  McCallur You  can  write  a  letter  to  this  magazine  and  ask  for information  you  need.  What  information  would  you  ask for?  The  address  of  the  magazine:  National  Geographic World,  17th  and  M.Streets  N.W.,  Washington  D.C.,  20036, USA

Оценка «4»

Liz wants to know more about animals. She writes to the

National Geographic World magazine.

Dear Editor,

I like animals and I work at the Zoological Garden. I’d like

to learn more about big cats, snow leopards in particular.

Would you please publish an article about these animals?

Thank you in advance.

Sincerely yours,

Liz McCallur

You can write a letter to this magazine and ask for

information you need. What information would you ask

for? The address of the magazine: National Geographic

World, 17th and M.Streets N.W., Washington D.C., 20036,


Оценка  «3» Read  and  identify  the  parts  of  the  letter. a  10  March b  We  are  the  representatives  for  Year  13,  Class  7.  This  year,  we  are  studying  Animal  Biology.  If  it  were  possible,  we  would  like  to  come  and  visit  the  zoo  together,  especially  to  look  at  the  animal’s  house.  Many  of  us  are  doing  projects  about  tigers  or  lions,  and  we  would  like  to  collect  as  much  information  as  we  can.   We  look  forward  to  hearing  from  you. c  Lera  Ivanova  Vlad  Petrov Yours  faithfully, e  Class  representatives Dear  Sir  or  Madam, d  Belgorod  Comprehensive  School  f  Sadovaya  Street g School  visits  to  London  Zoo  Belgorod  31 h  The  Manager   London  Zoo   Regent  Park   London  NW1

Оценка «3»

Read and identify the parts of the letter.

a 10 March

b We are the representatives for Year 13, Class 7. This year, we are

studying Animal Biology. If it were possible, we would like to come

and visit the zoo together, especially to look at the animal’s house.

Many of us are doing projects about tigers or lions, and we would like

to collect as much information as we can.

We look forward to hearing from you.

c Lera Ivanova Vlad Petrov

Yours faithfully,


Class representatives

Dear Sir or Madam,

d Belgorod Comprehensive School f

Sadovaya Street


School visits to London Zoo

Belgorod 31

h The Manager

London Zoo

Regent Park

London NW1

Подведение  итогов -  We  have  spoken  about  letters. -  We  have  known  the  parts  of  the official  letter -  We’ve  learnt  to  write  the  official letter  correctly  in  English.

Подведение итогов

- We have spoken about letters.

- We have known the parts of the

official letter

- We’ve learnt to write the official

letter correctly in English.

Домашнее  задание Write  a  formal  letter  and  lay  it  out  correctly. Write  to  the  Manager,  Megacorp  Industries,  2295  West  Avenue, New  York,  USA. Say  what  school  you  go  to  and  that  you  are  doing  a  project  on  the environment. Say  you  would  be  grateful  if  they  could  send  you  any  details about  the  way  the  company  is  helping  to  improve  the environment. Say  you  look  forward  to  hearing  from  them. Finish  the  letter  in  the  correct  way.

Домашнее задание

Write a formal letter and lay it out correctly.

Write to the Manager, Megacorp Industries, 2295 West Avenue,

New York, USA.

Say what school you go to and that you are doing a project on the


Say you would be grateful if they could send you any details

about the way the company is helping to improve the


Say you look forward to hearing from them.

Finish the letter in the correct way.

Рефлексия Пришел(а)  с  мыслью  … Ухожу  с  желанием… Пришел(а)  с  желанием… Ухожу  с  мыслью…


Пришел(а) с мыслью …

Ухожу с желанием…

Пришел(а) с желанием…

Ухожу с мыслью…

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация по теме "Экология" (написание официального письма)

Автор: Чикулаева Ирина Владимировна

Дата: 25.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 423129

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