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Презентация на тему "Some family value. My family"

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«Презентация на тему "Some family value. My family"»

Theme: Some family value. My family The authors: Mariya Kudinova  Margarita Lobova Angelina Nesmeyanova Alexandra Sorokina The tutor:Luydmila Bamburova

Theme: Some family value. My family

The authors: Mariya Kudinova

Margarita Lobova

Angelina Nesmeyanova

Alexandra Sorokina

The tutor:Luydmila Bamburova

The family Family is the most important thing in life for each person. It's close and native people, whom we love and care, for whom we wish good and happiness.

The family

Family is the most important thing in life for each person. It's close and native people, whom we love and care, for whom we wish good and happiness.

Maria Kudinova's family «Family is the closest people whom we love without any reason. That's why family is so important for me. I appreciate it».

Maria Kudinova's family

«Family is the closest people whom we love without any reason. That's why family is so important for me. I appreciate it».

Maria Kudinova's family «Family is my support and I would say that it's also my hope. No one will help me in a difficult moment as my close and reliable people! They are always with me».

Maria Kudinova's family

«Family is my support and I would say that it's also my hope. No one will help me in a difficult moment as my close and reliable people! They are always with me».

Maria Kudinova's family «My family is the best in the world. When we get together, we have so much fun! I love my family for their endless positivity and huge kindness to me».

Maria Kudinova's family

«My family is the best in the world. When we get together, we have so much fun! I love my family for their endless positivity and huge kindness to me».

Maria Kudinova's family «Besides my parents I have a lovely husband and young son for whom I live now. I believe that the family is the basis in every person's life on the Earth».

Maria Kudinova's family

«Besides my parents I have a lovely husband and young son for whom I live now. I believe that the family is the basis in every person's life on the Earth».

Margarita Lobova's family «Many children in Russia don't have families for one or another reason, they live in children's home without parental love and kindness. But the family is the most important things for every person. So I thank God for family support and love!»

Margarita Lobova's family

«Many children in Russia don't have families for one or another reason, they live in children's home without parental love and kindness. But the family is the most important things for every person. So I thank God for family support and love!»

Margarita Lobova's family «Family is the closest people so family is so important to me, why I so appreciate it».

Margarita Lobova's family

«Family is the closest people so family is so important to me, why I so appreciate it».

Margarita Lobova's family «There are many families in the world, but it's silly to prove that my family is the best. It's easier to talk about it. My family is big, because it isn't only mom and dad. There are also children and grandparents. We are all friendly with each other. My mom says that happiness is built together. In a family you have to be patient, kind, to forgive, to support each other in difficult times. You have to be part of the family».

Margarita Lobova's family

«There are many families in the world, but it's silly to prove that my family is the best. It's easier to talk about it. My family is big, because it isn't only mom and dad. There are also children and grandparents. We are all friendly with each other. My mom says that happiness is built together. In a family you have to be patient, kind, to forgive, to support each other in difficult times. You have to be part of the family».

Margarita Lobova's family «I'm not saying that our family differs from other families of our country. There is nothing unusual. But for me it's the best».

Margarita Lobova's family

«I'm not saying that our family differs from other families of our country. There is nothing unusual. But for me it's the best».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family «Our family is very friendly and it means a lot to me. I wish my family always stayed the same and I do everything to make other feel my support».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family

«Our family is very friendly and it means a lot to me. I wish my family always stayed the same and I do everything to make other feel my support».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family «Family is the most valuable thing which I have in my life. I know that the family will never stop to love me and they will always help me. I can wait understanding and support of my closest people. For me family is not just a help. This is

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family

«Family is the most valuable thing which I have in my life. I know that the family will never stop to love me and they will always help me. I can wait understanding and support of my closest people. For me family is not just a help. This is "port to my ship" in the ocean of life».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family «My dad says that every family is built of «bricks», which he calls love, patience, understanding, attention and forgiveness. This is the hope that creates a real family relationship. We have all of «bricks» of happiness».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family

«My dad says that every family is built of «bricks», which he calls love, patience, understanding, attention and forgiveness. This is the hope that creates a real family relationship. We have all of «bricks» of happiness».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family «Our moral values are formed in family: how we educate, how we see the world, what books we read, what kind of company we prefer. And family helps to forms all of these values».

Angelina Nesmeyanova's family

«Our moral values are formed in family: how we educate, how we see the world, what books we read, what kind of company we prefer. And family helps to forms all of these values».

Alexandra Sorokina's family «I believe that every human in the world should have family. You need to remember that family is also old relatives who need some care. I have a big and friendly family. We really care about each other».

Alexandra Sorokina's family

«I believe that every human in the world should have family. You need to remember that family is also old relatives who need some care. I have a big and friendly family. We really care about each other».

Alexandra Sorokina's family «Often we get together at the table and talk about our achievements. My parents always celebrate my victories and that makes me to try again and again. I try to take part in competitions, quizzes, olympiads, to know a lot. And parents are so happy for my little victory!»

Alexandra Sorokina's family

«Often we get together at the table and talk about our achievements. My parents always celebrate my victories and that makes me to try again and again. I try to take part in competitions, quizzes, olympiads, to know a lot. And parents are so happy for my little victory!»

Alexandra Sorokina's family «I always look forward to the summer holidays, because this is time when my parents and me can spend a lot of free time together».

Alexandra Sorokina's family

«I always look forward to the summer holidays, because this is time when my parents and me can spend a lot of free time together».

Alexandra Sorokina's family «I have a wonderful family. We are happy, and all riches in the world won't replace it for me. We all forgive each other and always help each other. We laugh together and cry together. We are always close. Isn't that love?»

Alexandra Sorokina's family

«I have a wonderful family. We are happy, and all riches in the world won't replace it for me. We all forgive each other and always help each other. We laugh together and cry together. We are always close. Isn't that love?»

English family The British believe that parental love and affection damages children's character. To kiss a child means to spoil him. When the child learned to walk he hears a favorite phrase in this country

English family

The British believe that parental love and affection damages children's character. To kiss a child means to spoil him. When the child learned to walk he hears a favorite phrase in this country "To calm down!"

English family This relationship with children doesn't mean that they do whatever they want. Children free from the attention and advice, but at the same time they limited. It teaches them to be independent and responsible for their actions.

English family

This relationship with children doesn't mean that they do whatever they want. Children free from the attention and advice, but at the same time they limited. It teaches them to be independent and responsible for their actions.

English family For the little Englishman to become an adult means to achieve a great success: adults have a less responsibilities than children. For the British pets is a lifestyle.

English family

For the little Englishman to become an adult means to achieve a great success: adults have a less responsibilities than children.

For the British pets is a lifestyle.

Russian family In the relationship of husband and wife in Russian families more warm and emotion, they show their love and anger. In conflict situations they discuss the requirement.

Russian family

In the relationship of husband and wife in Russian families more warm and emotion, they show their love and anger. In conflict situations they discuss the requirement.

Russian family Our grandmothers believe that their duty to help their adult children, develop grandchildren. They spend all their free time. Russian old people often aren't in nursing homes. Children try to take care of their parents when they become powerless.

Russian family

Our grandmothers believe that their duty to help their adult children, develop grandchildren. They spend all their free time. Russian old people often aren't in nursing homes. Children try to take care of their parents when they become powerless.

Russian family Russians criticise the Spartan parenting in England. We think that a child is a center of all family members' attention. Parents don't leave their adult children alone when they so need the independence.

Russian family

Russians criticise the Spartan parenting in England. We think that a child is a center of all family members' attention. Parents don't leave their adult children alone when they so need the independence.

The conclusion No matter where a family lives, because it will always be an important element in society and support for all people on the Earth. You must love and appreciate your family despite its skin color and nationality!

The conclusion

No matter where a family lives, because it will always be an important element in society and support for all people on the Earth. You must love and appreciate your family despite its skin color and nationality!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация на тему "Some family value. My family"

Автор: Лобова Маргарита Витальевна

Дата: 03.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 405972

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