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Презентация на тему "Methods of managerial decision-making"

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«Презентация на тему "Methods of managerial decision-making"»

Methods of managerial decision-making Бухарский колледж Олимпийских резервов Джалолова Малика Олимовна

Methods of managerial decision-making

Бухарский колледж Олимпийских резервов

Джалолова Малика Олимовна

Methods of managerial decision-making - how to find the most qualitative and effective way to solve production problems.
  • Methods of managerial decision-making - how to find the most qualitative and effective way to solve production problems.
Features of administrative decisions :

Features of administrative decisions :

  • soundness;
  • timeliness;
  • integrated approach;
  • the rule of law;
  • phrasing objectives;
  • sustainability performance; continuity and inconsistency in relation to the previous decisions.


  • 1. Elucidation of the problem
  • 2. Action plan
  • 3. The implementation of the decision.
Understanding the problem

Understanding the problem

  •   Gathering information;. Analysis of the received information;.
  • Determining relevance;.
  • Find out the definition of the conditions under which this problem will be solved.
Planning solutions

Planning solutions

  • Development of alternative solutions; Assessment of alternatives on the social consequences;
  • Assessment of alternatives for economic efficiency;
  • Programming decisions;
The implementation of the decision.  - Bringing solutions to specific performers; -Development of rewards and punishments; -Monitor the implementation of decisions.

The implementation of the decision.

- Bringing solutions to specific performers; -Development of rewards and punishments; -Monitor the implementation of decisions.

There are several views on classification management decisions

There are several views on classification management decisions

  • General (affecting all business, its production and financial-economic activity) private (for example, questions about discipline, dismissal of employees, about changing the schedule of a unit, etc.).
There are several views on classification management decisions

There are several views on classification management decisions

  • Decisions to influence the internal environment (for example, the need to obtain a loan in the Bank).
  • Solutions for impact on the external environment (e.g., a change in staffing, which will entail a reduction in staff, or developing a new management structure, as a result of an additional post of a top Manager).
Management decisions are: Levels of hierarchy ;  the degree structure :   semi-structured (nezaprogrammirovannye) crosslinked (programmed),

Management decisions are:

Levels of hierarchy ;

the degree structure :  

semi-structured (nezaprogrammirovannye)

crosslinked (programmed),

Management decisions vary in:

Management decisions vary in:

  • the number of goals: monocelevye (special-purpose forces) and policelevye (Multipurpose).
  • duration of action: strategic management decisions (long-term and medium-term), tactical, operational (current).
Methods of managerial decision-making

Methods of managerial decision-making

  • 1. Decomposition-representation of the complex problem of how to combine simple questions; 2. diagnosis-search in the most important details, which are solved in the first place. Used with limited resources; 3. Expert assessments formed any ideas, examines, evaluates, compares and contrasts; 4. The Delphi Method-experts who do not know each other are the solution to the problem, the expert opinion of the minority opinions shall be brought to bol′šnistva.
5. the method of layman-question by persons who never had the problem, but are specialists in related fields; 6. Linear programming; 7. Simulation Modeling; 8. the method of probability theory; 9. the method of game theory-are in conditions of uncertainty; 10. the method of analogy-the elaboration of possible solutions to problems by borrowing from other objects.
  • 5. the method of layman-question by persons who never had the problem, but are specialists in related fields;
  • 6. Linear programming;
  • 7. Simulation Modeling;
  • 8. the method of probability theory;
  • 9. the method of game theory-are in conditions of uncertainty;
  • 10. the method of analogy-the elaboration of possible solutions to problems by borrowing from other objects.
Thank you for your attention

Thank you for your attention

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Презентация на тему "Methods of managerial decision-making"

Автор: Джалолова Малика Олимовна

Дата: 02.05.2017

Номер свидетельства: 412624

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