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Презентация к уроку по теме "Здоровье-наилучшее богатство"

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В презентации представлен материал на английском языке для темы занятия "Здоровье-наилучшее богатство"

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«Презентация к уроку по теме "Здоровье-наилучшее богатство"»

Topic of the lesson: «Health is the best wealth» Преподаватель ГБУ КО ПОО «КИТиС» А.А.Сулим

Topic of the lesson:

«Health is the best wealth»

Преподаватель ГБУ КО ПОО «КИТиС» А.А.Сулим

Фонетическая зарядка№1 Brush up your phonetics: [ing] – Smoking, eating, drinking, exercising, taking drugs, getting up early; [h] – whole meal bread, a good habit, a bad habit, alcohol, health, healthy; [r] – drinking, drugs, taking drugs, bread; [i:] – eating, sweets, too much sweets, sleeping toо much or too little.

Фонетическая зарядка№1

Brush up your phonetics:

[ing] – Smoking, eating, drinking, exercising, taking drugs, getting up early;

[h] – whole meal bread, a good habit, a bad habit, alcohol, health, healthy;

[r] – drinking, drugs, taking drugs, bread;

[i:] – eating, sweets, too much sweets, sleeping toо much or too little.

Фонетическая зарядка №2 Let’s remember some proverbs about it. Now you will see the beginning of the proverbs on the board. You should find the end to this proverbs.

Фонетическая зарядка №2

Let’s remember some proverbs about it. Now you will see the beginning of the proverbs on the board. You should find the end to this proverbs.

  • A change of activity is the best rest.
  • Live not to eat but eat to live.
  • An apple a day keeps a doctor away.
  • Healthy mind is in a healthy body.
  • Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy and wise.
  • Good health is above wealth.
  • After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.
What good and bad habits do you  know?
  • What good and bad habits do you know?
Sport in our life. I want to tell you about sports in our college . We pay great attention to sports in the college . Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and disciplined. Physical training is a compulsory subject. Aleksandr Pavlovich is our teacher. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball. Our volleyball and basketball teams take an active part in different competitions

Sport in our life.

I want to tell you about sports in our college . We pay great attention to sports in the college . Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and disciplined. Physical training is a compulsory subject. Aleksandr Pavlovich is our teacher. We are crazy about volleyball and basketball. Our volleyball and basketball teams take an active part in different competitions

We have Physical training twice a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a small gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games.

We have Physical training twice a week and we enjoy our lessons very much. The lessons are held in a small gym and in the sports ground. At the lessons we run, jump and play sport games.

We have some professional sportsmen. Every year the day of health is held in our college . At this day we take part in different kinds of sport and the best students are awarded. In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and healthy.
  • We have some professional sportsmen. Every year the day of health is held in our college . At this day we take part in different kinds of sport and the best students are awarded. In my opinion every person should go in for sports because it helps people to be strong and healthy.
О диете

О диете

How does the Environment affects human  health.

How does the Environment affects human health.

Let’s brush up these words.  Vocabulary: environmental protection — охрана (зашита) окружающей среды   humanity — человечество   toxic wastes — токсичные отходы  drought — засухa  chemicals — химические вещества  to be concerned about — беспокоиться  the greenhouse effect — парниковый эффект  to create — создавать  carbon dioxide — двуокись углерода  industrial facilities — промышленные предприятия  to be of vital importance — быть необычайно важным  to cut down — сокращать  the release of gases — выброс газов to tell on — сказываться на  to solve — решать  to raise safety standards — поднимать требования к технике безопасности  to monitor — контролировать  an international centre for emergency environment assistance — международный центр по оказанию срочной экологической помощи  to prevent — защищать, предохранять  

Let’s brush up these words.


environmental protection — охрана (зашита) окружающей среды  humanity — человечество  toxic wastes — токсичные отходы drought — засухa chemicals — химические вещества to be concerned about — беспокоиться the greenhouse effect — парниковый эффект to create — создавать carbon dioxide — двуокись углерода industrial facilities — промышленные предприятия to be of vital importance — быть необычайно важным to cut down — сокращать the release of gases — выброс газов

to tell on — сказываться на to solve — решать to raise safety standards — поднимать требования к технике безопасности to monitor — контролировать an international centre for emergency environment assistance — международный центр по оказанию срочной экологической помощи to prevent — защищать, предохранять




For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and they thought that natural riches were unlimited. The development of civilisation increased man`s harmful interference in nature.

For thousands of years people lived in harmony with environment and they thought that natural riches were unlimited.

The development of civilisation increased man`s harmful interference in nature.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Large cities with thousands of smoky industrial enterprises pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink.

As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever.

As a result some rare species of animals, birds, fish and plants disappear forever.

Read the text and answer the questions: “ What are the three rules to be healthy.”   Three rules to be healthy

Read the text and answer the questions:

What are the three rules to be healthy.”

Three rules to be healthy

  • Rule one. Laugh often. It is very good for your health. Of all the animals only we humans can laugh. We laugh when we react to something funny or pleasant. When we laugh so many parts of our body take part and exercise: the face, the arms, the legs and the chest. Ancient people said “Laughter is the best medicine.” Scientists proved that laughter help to cure illnesses.
  • to cure illnesses – вылечить болезнь.
Rule two. Sleep well. Most of us need seven or eight hours of sleep. When somebody says he has been sleeping less than a couple of hours for a week, pity him. If you stay for a week, you will get hallucinations and after doctors cure you of them – you will have a long lasting depression. So try not to sleep less than you need. Rule three. Have a hobby. Hobbies make us feel sociable, busy, interested and happy. The best pastime surely is the one when we have to exercise. If gardening or keeping a dog is not for you, grow cactuses, buy an aquarium, play the guitar or collect postcards – get pleasure from anything but food. Many people open their fridges not of hunger but because they just have nothing to do! Pastime – развлечее .
  • Rule two. Sleep well. Most of us need seven or eight hours of sleep. When somebody says he has been sleeping less than a couple of hours for a week, pity him. If you stay for a week, you will get hallucinations and after doctors cure you of them – you will have a long lasting depression. So try not to sleep less than you need.
  • Rule three. Have a hobby. Hobbies make us feel sociable, busy, interested and happy. The best pastime surely is the one when we have to exercise. If gardening or keeping a dog is not for you, grow cactuses, buy an aquarium, play the guitar or collect postcards – get pleasure from anything but food. Many people open their fridges not of hunger but because they just have nothing to do!
  • Pastime – развлечее .
Fill in the table. Let's see what is your Count your points. One point for each answer “Yes”. 7 points: You are quite healthy.  3–6 points: Not bad, but be attentive to your health.  0–2 points: Oh, dear! Change your lifestyle. You should think about your future!
  • Fill in the table. Let's see what is your
  • Count your points. One point for each answer “Yes”.
  • 7 points: You are quite healthy. 3–6 points: Not bad, but be attentive to your health. 0–2 points: Oh, dear! Change your lifestyle. You should think about your future!

attitude towards your health .

Questions 1. Do you begin your day with morning exercises, is it regularly and with a great pleasure? Yes   7 2. Do you spend a lot of time out of doors every day? No   9 3. Do you refuse from bad habits (smoking, drinking, snacking between meals or eating after 6 p.m.)? 5    11 4. Do you limit your time you spend in front of the television and the computer?   3 1    6 5. Are you sporty? Do you go in for sport or join a sports club?   6 6. Do you keep to a healthy balanced diet? 6    4 7. Do you have a hobby? 6    11 8  1 


1. Do you begin your day with morning exercises, is it regularly and with a great pleasure?



2. Do you spend a lot of time out of doors every day?



3. Do you refuse from bad habits (smoking, drinking, snacking between meals or eating after 6 p.m.)?


4. Do you limit your time you spend in front of the television and the computer?



5. Are you sporty? Do you go in for sport or join a sports club?


6. Do you keep to a healthy balanced diet?


7. Do you have a hobby?


Разгадывание кроссворда по теме “Здоровье”  Solve the puzzle -“Health”.

Разгадывание кроссворда по теме “Здоровье”

Solve the puzzle -“Health”.

  • A pain in the head.
  • A part of a body that helps us to see the word.
  • We breathe it in and breathe it out.
  • A doctor listens to your heart and …
  • When you have a running nose and a cough you also have a …
  • А place where we get medical help
Check up your answers.

Check up your answers.

Hometask: Answer these questions:


Answer these questions:

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация к уроку по теме "Здоровье-наилучшее богатство"

Автор: Сулим Анатолий Александрович

Дата: 18.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 409954

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