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Презентация к уроку по теме "Сравнение политических систем США, Великобритании и России"

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«Презентация к уроку по теме "Сравнение политических систем США, Великобритании и России"»

Now I want you to match the words, read them and translate, Will you: to sign Political parties to rule laws to approve the country to be elected by the bills to make to appoint the people the laws to impeach the Constitution to form the President to protect the Prime minister to belong to The Cabinet

Now I want you to match the words, read them and translate, Will you:

to sign

Political parties

to rule


to approve

the country

to be elected by

the bills

to make

to appoint

the people

the laws

to impeach

the Constitution

to form

the President

to protect

the Prime minister

to belong to

The Cabinet

Check up yourself to sign the bills to rule the country to approve the laws to be elected by the people to make laws to appoint the Prime minister to impeach the President to form the Cabinet to protect the Constitution to belong to Political parties

Check up yourself

to sign

the bills

to rule

the country

to approve

the laws

to be elected by

the people

to make


to appoint

the Prime minister

to impeach

the President

to form

the Cabinet

to protect

the Constitution

to belong to

Political parties

Topic:  “COMPARING The political systemS  of the Russian Federation,  The United States of America and  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Topic: “COMPARING The political systemS of the Russian Federation, The United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Today at the lesson we will learn: The political systems  of the Russian Federation,  The United States of America and  the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to compare these political systems and check our knowledge The aim of our lesson is:

Today at the lesson we will learn:

The political systems of the Russian Federation, The United States of America and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

to compare these political systems and check our knowledge

The aim

of our lesson is:

Political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ”

Political system of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ”

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy.  This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is the Head of State. She has mostly representative functions.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary democracy with a constitutional monarchy.

This means that Great Britain is governed by the Parliament and the Queen is the Head of State. She has mostly representative functions.

Next There are three branches of power in the UK:


There are three branches of power

in the UK:

  • legislative,
  • executive,
  • judicial.
The legislative branch of power is exercised by the Houses of Parliament which consists of two chambers: the House of Commons the House of Lords

The legislative branch of power is exercised by the Houses of Parliament which consists of two chambers:

the House of Commons

the House of Lords

The executive power is exercised by Prime Minister and his Cabinet.  The Government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons.  The Prime Minister chooses ministers and forms Cabinet. There are three main political parties in the UK: the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party. Theresa Mary May

The executive power is exercised by Prime Minister and his Cabinet.

The Government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by the majority in the House of Commons.

The Prime Minister chooses ministers and forms Cabinet.

There are three main political parties in the UK: the Conservative Party, the Liberal Party and the Labor Party.

Theresa Mary May

The judicial branch of power determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches.  There is no written Constitution in the United Kingdom of Great Britain  and Northern Ireland.

The judicial branch of power determines common law and is independent of both the legislative and the executive branches.

There is no written Constitution in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has some well known symbols. They are the British flag, the coat of arms, Westminster Abbey and many others. The British flag The coat of arms DOUBLE-DECKER BIG BEN TOWER BRIDGE

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland has some well known symbols.

They are the British flag, the coat of arms, Westminster Abbey and many others.

The British flag

The coat of arms




The Political system  of the USA

The Political system of the USA

The United States of America is a presidential Republic. The head of the state is the President who is elected by the people. The President must be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years. Donald Trump   the real president  of the USA. In the USA two main political parties fight for the power: the Democratic Party and Republican Party.

The United States of America is a presidential Republic.

The head of the state is the President who is elected by the people.

The President must be at least 35 years old and must have lived in the USA for at least 14 years.

Donald Trump  the real president of the USA.

In the USA two main political parties fight for the power: the Democratic Party and Republican Party.

There are 3 branches of power in this country: legislative executive judicial

There are 3 branches of power in this country:




The legislative branch The legislative branch of power -   the Congress  is made up of two parts: the House of Representatives (435 members),  and Senate (100 members-two from each state).    The job of the Congress is to make laws.  It can also impeach the President.

The legislative branch

The legislative branch of power - the Congress is made up of two parts:

the House of Representatives (435 members), and Senate (100 members-two from each state). The job of the Congress is to make laws. It can also impeach the President.

The executive  branch The president and his Administration represent the executive branch of the federal government. The executive branch puts the country’s laws into effect. The president can veto a bill, can ask the Congress to declare war, he also appoints the justices to the Supreme Court and do his job according to the Constitution.

The executive branch

The president and his Administration represent the executive branch of the federal government. The executive branch puts the country’s laws into effect.

The president can veto a bill, can ask the Congress to declare war, he also appoints the justices to the Supreme Court and do his job according to the Constitution.

The judicial branch The judicial branch of government is the system of courts. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.

The judicial branch

The judicial branch of government is the system of courts.

The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country.

The symbols of the USA. It’s known some symbols of the United States of America: the American flag, the American hymn, the coat of arms - the Bald Eagle and the Statue of Liberty.

The symbols of the USA.

It’s known some symbols of the United States of America: the American flag, the American hymn, the coat of arms - the Bald Eagle and the Statue of Liberty.

“ Russia.  The political System”


The political System”

Russia is a presidential republic. The head of state is the president and is elected directly by the people every six years and cannot serve more than two terms. The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers. In fact he has much power. V.V. Putin

Russia is a presidential republic.

The head of state is the president and is elected directly by the people every six years and cannot serve more than two terms.

The President is commander in chief of the armed forces; he makes treaties, enforces laws, and appoints ministers.

In fact he has much power.

V.V. Putin

legislative judicial Next The Federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The Federal government executive Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.




The Federal government consists of three branches: legislative, executive and judicial.

The Federal government


Each of them is checked and balanced by the President.

The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of 2 chambers: The Council of Federation The State Duma Each chamber is headed by the Speaker:   the Council of Federation–  by Valentina Matviyenko,  the State Duma – by Vyacheslav Volodin   Vyacheslav Volodin Valentina Matviyenko A bill becomes a law if it is approved by both chambers  and signed by the President.

The legislative power is vested in the Federal Assembly. It consists of 2 chambers:

The Council of Federation

The State Duma

Each chamber is headed by the Speaker:

the Council of Federation– by Valentina Matviyenko,

the State Duma – by Vyacheslav Volodin

Vyacheslav Volodin

Valentina Matviyenko

A bill becomes a law if it is approved by both chambers and signed by the President.

The executive power in Russia belongs  to the Government. The president appoints it’s head - the Prime minister . There are many political parties in our country: The Democratic, the Communist, the Liberal and many others. D.A. Medvedev - the Prime minister.

The executive power in Russia belongs to the Government.

The president appoints it’s head - the Prime minister .

There are many political parties in our country: The Democratic, the Communist, the Liberal and many others.

D.A. Medvedev - the Prime minister.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court the Supreme Court the regional courts.

The judicial branch is represented by the Constitutional Court

the Supreme Court

the regional courts.

The main law of our country is the Constitution which was adopted in 1993.  DECEMBER, 12 IS THE DAY OF CONSTITUTION

The main law of our country is the Constitution which was adopted in 1993.



The national symbol of Russian is a white-blue-red flag, the hymn, a two-headed eagle-the coat of arms. The Kremlin, a lot of ancient Cathedrals and many others.

The national symbol of Russian is a white-blue-red flag, the hymn, a two-headed eagle-the coat of arms. The Kremlin, a lot of ancient Cathedrals and many others.

The political system The UK The constitutional monarchy The USA The head of state Legislative Branch of power The Russian Federation The presidential republic The Queen The presidential republic Executive Branch of power  The president Parliament: The Government Judicial Branch of power Congress: The president  The House of Commons The House of Lords The Federal assembly: The Administration The House of representatives House of Lords  (the Prime Minister, the cabinet) The Government The Supreme Court (the president, the vice president, the cabinet, the secretaries) The Federation Council  The Senate  Judicial committee of Privy Council (the Chairman of the Government,  the State Duma    the Ministers)  The Constitutional Court  The Supreme Court

The political system

The UK

The constitutional monarchy


The head of state

Legislative Branch of power

The Russian Federation

The presidential republic

The Queen

The presidential republic

Executive Branch of power

The president


The Government

Judicial Branch of power


The president

The House of Commons The House of Lords

The Federal assembly:

The Administration

The House of representatives

House of Lords

(the Prime Minister, the cabinet)

The Government

The Supreme Court

(the president, the vice president, the cabinet, the secretaries)

The Federation Council

The Senate

Judicial committee of Privy Council

(the Chairman of the Government,

the State Duma

the Ministers)

The Constitutional Court

The Supreme Court

Quiz  (true or false) 1. President is elected in America by all men and women over 18 2. The Congress in the USA consists of the House of Commons and House of Lords

Quiz (true or false)

1. President is elected in America by all men and women over 18

2. The Congress in the USA consists of the House of Commons and House of Lords

3. The first President of the USA was George Washington 4 . The head of the executive branch in the USA is Prime-Minister

3. The first President of the USA was George Washington

4 . The head of the executive branch

in the USA is Prime-Minister

5. The official head of the state in the UK is the Queen   6. The Government is usually formed by the political party which is supported by  the majority in the House of Commons

5. The official head of the state in the UK is the Queen


6. The Government is usually formed

by the political party which is supported by

the majority in the House of Commons

7. The first two rows of seats in the House of Commons called front-benches 8. The UK consists of England,  Scotland, Wales

7. The first two rows of seats in the House of Commons called front-benches

8. The UK consists of England,

Scotland, Wales

9. The head of Russia is the president and is elected directly by the people every six years and cannot serve more than two terms

9. The head of Russia is the president and is elected directly by the people every six years and cannot serve more than two terms

10. The President of Russia guarantees the basic rights of the people 11. The Federal Government elects the members of the State Duma

10. The President of Russia

guarantees the basic rights of the people

11. The Federal Government elects

the members of the State Duma

12. The President appoints the Chairman of the Government

12. The President appoints

the Chairman of the Government

Mark your score  « 5 » you are ready  to be a politician If you have 4 (+) - in the first column If you have 2-3 (+) - in the second column  « 4 » you will be  a politician If you have 2 (+) - « 3 » you should work in the third column some more on your English If you have 4 (+) - in the third column « 2 » you should work  hard on your English

Mark your score

« 5 » you are ready

to be a politician

If you have 4 (+) -

in the first column

If you have 2-3 (+) -

in the second column

« 4 » you will be

a politician

If you have 2 (+) -

« 3 » you should work

in the third column

some more on your English

If you have 4 (+) -

in the third column

« 2 » you should work

hard on your English

Homework :  Repeat the political system of the countries

Homework :

Repeat the political system of the countries

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс

Автор: Зилинская Ольга Евгеньевна

Дата: 08.11.2017

Номер свидетельства: 437685

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