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Презентация к уроку по теме "Путишествие по интересным местам"

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«Презентация к уроку по теме "Путишествие по интересным местам"»

TRAVELLING Преподаватель ГБУ КО ПОО «КИТиС» А.А.Сулим


Преподаватель ГБУ КО ПОО «КИТиС»




  • What makes people travel?
  • What types of holiday can we choose nowadays?
  • What forms of transport are available for travellers?
Travelling is the best way to spend your holiday. You may do a bit or a lot of sightseeing on holiday

Travelling is the best way to spend your holiday. You may do a bit or a lot of sightseeing on holiday

The motto of our lesson is:  The more you live, The more you travel, The more you travel, The more you see, The more you see, The more you learn.
  • The motto of our lesson is:

  • The more you live,
  • The more you travel,
  • The more you travel,
  • The more you see,
  • The more you see,
  • The more you learn.
Check up these proverbs East or West, home is best. There is no place like home. Custom is the second nature. Fortune favors the bold. Home is where the hart is. Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad. So many countries, so many customs.

Check up these proverbs

East or West, home is best.

There is no place like home.

Custom is the second nature.

Fortune favors the bold.

Home is where the hart is.

Dry bread at home is better than roast meat abroad.

So many countries, so many customs.

People travel : to take part in festivals,to learn more about the culture and traditions,to make friends,to go shopping,to see new places,to learn languages,to sunbathe,to go sightseeing,to explore, for pleasure, for extreme sports (diving, rock climbing, rope jumping, snowbording, surfing,) on business.

People travel : to take part in festivals,to learn more about the culture and traditions,to make friends,to go shopping,to see new places,to learn languages,to sunbathe,to go sightseeing,to explore, for pleasure, for extreme sports (diving, rock climbing, rope jumping, snowbording, surfing,) on business.

What way of travelling is  preferable for you?   Pattern : – I enjoy travelling by … – I find pleasure in travelling by … – I am fond of travelling by … – Travelling by … appeals to me. – There is nothing like travelling by …

What way of travelling is

preferable for you?

  Pattern : – I enjoy travelling by …

– I find pleasure in travelling by …

– I am fond of travelling by …

– Travelling by … appeals to me.

– There is nothing like travelling by …

  • – I have a special liking for travelling by…
Let’s answer the next question: “What to know before we go?” Your task is to continue the phrase «Before I go to London, I should…» «Перед поездкой в Лондон, мне следует….» Before I go to London, I should… -get a visa, buy tickets , -make a hotel reservation -read leaflets about the country, -take a camera, -don’t forget to take a passport, check the airline schedule, -pack many things -visit travel agency, -fill in customs declaration, -have a health insurance, a map, a first aid kit.

Let’s answer the next question: “What to know before we go?”

Your task is to continue the phrase «Before I go to London, I should…»

«Перед поездкой в Лондон, мне следует….»

Before I go to London, I should…

-get a visa, buy tickets ,

-make a hotel reservation

-read leaflets about the country,

-take a camera,

-don’t forget to take a passport, check the airline schedule,

-pack many things

-visit travel agency,

-fill in customs declaration,

-have a health insurance, a map, a first aid kit.

You have read the text “Travelling”(page 198) Work in 2 groups please.The first group will discuss the advantages of travelling And the second group will name the  disadvantages of travelling. Fill in this table. Means of travelling Advantages Car Disadvantages Train Plane Ship

You have read the text “Travelling”(page 198)

Work in 2 groups please.The first group will discuss the advantages of travelling

And the second group will name the  disadvantages of travelling.

Fill in this table.

Means of travelling







What places of interest would you  like to see in London?   Pattern – If I were you I would visit… – If I had a chance I would visit… – I’d like to visit… – I’m looking forward to visiting… – I’ve just made up my mind… – I feel like going to…  – I am simply longing to… Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Nelson Column, Big Ben, White hall, St.Paul’s Cathedral, Tower of London, Hyde Park, Backingham Palace.

What places of interest would you

like to see in London?

  Pattern – If I were you I would visit…

– If I had a chance I would visit…

– I’d like to visit…

– I’m looking forward to visiting…

– I’ve just made up my mind…

– I feel like going to… 

– I am simply longing to…

Westminster Abbey, The Houses of Parliament, Trafalgar Square, Nelson Column, Big Ben, White hall, St.Paul’s Cathedral, Tower of London, Hyde Park, Backingham Palace.

Who would you like to go abroad with? I would like to go abroad with…. (with parents, friends, classmates,grandparents,relatives.)
  • Who would you like to go abroad with?
  • I would like to go abroad with….
  • (with parents, friends, classmates,grandparents,relatives.)
Imagine that you are wandering about the city. Let’s make a short dialogues how you would address passer bys in the streets of London, if you happened to walk across the city.  Now make up your dialogues using the map. Choose a place to visit and practise similar dialogues

Imagine that you are wandering about the city. Let’s make a short dialogues how you would address passer bys in the streets of London, if you happened to walk across the city. Now make up your dialogues using the map. Choose a place to visit and practise similar dialogues

Match these short dialogues and the places in the airport where they could be recorded.  Duty free store – магазин беспошлинной торговли  Departure gate –посадка  Check- in desk-- регистратура  Passport control and customs –паспортный контроль и таможня  Lost property office –бюро находок  Restaurant--ресторан  Information desk—ирформационное бюро

Match these short dialogues and the places in the airport where they could be recorded.

Duty free store – магазин беспошлинной торговли

Departure gate –посадка

Check- in desk-- регистратура

Passport control and customs –паспортный контроль и таможня

Lost property office –бюро находок


Information desk—ирформационное бюро

Домашнее задание.   Your home task will be to learn dialogues by heart and then act them out.

Домашнее задание. 

Your home task will be to learn dialogues by heart and then act them out.

Подведение итогов урока.  Оценки. – Did you like our lesson? – Was the lesson useful for use? -What sights of London can you name? -Can you express your opinion about different ways of travelling? -Can you ask people how to get to the place? I like your working at the lesson  and put good marks to all of you.Thank you.Good bye.

Подведение итогов урока.


– Did you like our lesson?

– Was the lesson useful for use?

-What sights of London can you name?

-Can you express your opinion about different ways of travelling?

-Can you ask people how to get to the place?

I like your working at the lesson  and put good marks to all of you.Thank you.Good bye.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация к уроку по теме "Путишествие по интересным местам"

Автор: Сулим Анатолий Александрович

Дата: 18.04.2017

Номер свидетельства: 409956

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