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Презентация к открытому уроку английского языка в 9 классе "Как ты относишься к телевидению и видео?"

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«Презентация к открытому уроку английского языка в 9 классе "Как ты относишься к телевидению и видео?"»

The English Lesson in the 9 th form   Do you mind video and TV? 17 October 2014 9a form, teacher: Shurova S. V.

The English Lesson in the 9 th form Do you mind video and TV?

17 October 2014 9a form, teacher: Shurova S. V.

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • Nowadays the leaders in the entertainment world are TV and video. How can you explain this? Why TV is so popular?
  • Example: I think watching TV and video is so popular because….
  • you can enjoy it without leaving home
  • you can eat while watching
  • it is the most available kind of entertainment
  • people are lazy and prefer sitting in an armchair
  • it is comfortable to receive information
  • you can see and listen to famous people
  • you can to buy things for the comfort of your home
Do you mind video and tv?   What kind of TV programmers and video do you know?   Adventure films Talk show  Fantasy Comedies  Cartoons Thrillers Romance films  Actions films  News Detective films  Animal shows  Horror films Sports programmes Musical programmes Soap operas Political programmes

Do you mind video and tv? What kind of TV programmers and video do you know?

  • Adventure films
  • Talk show 
  • Fantasy
  • Comedies 
  • Cartoons
  • Thrillers
  • Romance films 
  • Actions films 
  • News
  • Detective films 
  • Animal shows 
  • Horror films
  • Sports programmes
  • Musical programmes
  • Soap operas
  • Political programmes

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • What kind of TV programmes and video do you prefer?
  • Why do you prefer it?
Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • “ Snowball”
  • When I come home I turn on the TV and watch…
Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • Think of something nice…
Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • Listen to the dialogue and say what kind of films the teenagers are watching and what the plot of the film is?
Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • Read the dialogue and say what’s necessary to make an ordinary action film.
  • Example: To make an ordinary action film? You should have…
Do you mind video and tv?

Do you mind video and tv?

  • Work in groups. Suggest a plot for a film. Use the guidelines.
  • The main character (s)
  • The setting (where the action takes place)
  • The problem the character wants to solve
  • What steps the character takes in order to solve the problem
  • What or who acts against the character
  • The finale of the film: who has won
  • The main idea of the film
Thank you for the lesson!

Thank you for the lesson!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Автор: Тимошенко Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 27.10.2017

Номер свидетельства: 434882

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