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«Презентация "Fashion-my profession"»
Презентация по теме «Fashion is my Profession»
Работу выполнила учитель английского языка МБОУ «Гимназия №3»ЗМР РТ
Синакаева Гузель Фаридовна
Тема урока:Fashion is my profession
Цель : знакомство с англоговорящими профессиями в индустрии моды.
1.Образовательная-развивать навыки и умения самовыражения на английском языке на основе изученных лексико-грамматических структур; способствовать расширению активного и пассивного словарного запаса.
2.Развивающая-развивать навыки устной речи, перевода, произвольное внимание, мышление, память, языковую догадку, способствовать формированию навыков парной работы, формировать познавательный интерес учащихся к предмету.
3. Воспитательная- способствовать воспитанию хорошего вкуса в одежде и своего стиля, мотивировать учащихся на будущий выбор профессии в области модной индустрии
What is a Fashion?
Professions in fashion
Try to find the description of each profession.
-Fashion journalist
-Make-up artist
a) creates new design, new forms, draws pictures of clothes.
b)shows new fashion collection of clothes on a podium.
c) writes articles for fashion magazines.
d) takes photos of models for fashion magazines.
e) find clothes and accessories for models and help them to wear dresses.
f)a person who makes and repairs clothes professionally.
g) a person who creates make-up for models, actors.
h) cuts, colors and arranges people’s hair.
There are a lot of different kinds of clothes and some of them comes to Russian from English. Let’s remember some of them.
Jeans-after the name of Italian city Genoa(Генуя)where the sailors wear jeans. The first jeans appeared in 1567 and were brown.The inventor of modern jeans is Levi Strauss.
Topic- short T-shirt for women.
Hoodie - thick sports clothes with a hood.
Shorts - short trousers for men and women.
Jumper- it comes from the word «Jumper»(Прыгун).At the beginning it was only for sportsmen.
Sweater- it is an item of warm clothes with high collar which was worn in cold and windy weather while doing sports. Usually sportsmen were covered with sweat(пот).It gave the name of the word “Sweater”
Jacket- t he term comes from the Middle French noun jaquet, which refers to a small or lightweight tunic. In Modern French, jaquette is synonymous with jacket.
Leggins- subtle trousers from elastic textile flitting the body.
Let’s imagine that we are the spectators of Spring and Summer 2015 fashion show.