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«презентация для урока 7 классов»
The 6thof December
Comparing the system of education
in Great Britain and in Kazakhstan
New words
a hairdresser [ heәdresә ] - шаштараз
a lawyer [ lↄ:jә]- заңгер
a fireman [faiәmәn] – өрт сөндіру
an actor [ᵆktә] - әртіс
a computer programmer [kәmpju:tә prougrᵆmә]-
hardworking [ha:dwә:kiꬼ] – еңбекқор
patient [peiꭍәnt]- шыдамды
honest [ↄnist] - адал
responsible [rispↄnsәbәl]- жауапты
treat [tri:t]- емдеу
respect [rispekt]-сыйлау, құрметтеу
Pilots and navigators
Very often professions are derived from other words with the same root.
Suffixes –er, -or, -ist help to make new words
Make up words with the help of suffixes
To teach + er = teacher
To work + er = worker
To drive+ er = driver
To act + or = actor
To design + er = designer
To write + er = writer
law +er = lawyer
My name is Arman. I want to be a doctor. It’s an interesting profession. Doctors must be responsible to the patients.My mother and grandmother are doctors. They are working in a hospital. My grandmother has been working in a hospital for twenty years. I love and respect my grandmother and want to become a doctor. I have been thinking about it for seven years. Iwant to help and treat my people.
Hi,my name is Ainur. As for me, I had decided to be a teacher.Because my sister is a teacher. She has been teaching for ten years. Teachers should be patient and kind. Teachers should not only give knowledge to their pupils but understand their problems. Teachers and pupils should work together. I prefer to be a teacher of English. It will be a chance to fulfill my dream of helping people to learn the language. So I think that I have made the right choice. Ihave been dreaming about it for five years.
P.P.p.c form
Have/has +been +V + ing
Read , translate and find the adjectives,
find the sentences in the Present Perfect Continuous
My name is Arman. I want to be a doctor. It’s an interesting profession. Doctors must be responsible to the patients.My mother and grandmother are doctors. They are working in a hospital. My grandmother has been working in a hospital for twenty years. I love and respect my grandmother and want to become a doctor. I have been thinking about it for seven years. Iwant to help and treat my people.
Hi,my name is Ainur. As for me, I had decided to be a teacher.Because my sister is a teacher. She has been teaching for ten years. Teachers should be patient and kind. Teachers should not only give knowledge to their pupils but understand their problems. Teachers and pupils should work together. I prefer to be a teacher of English. It will be a chance to fulfill my dream of helping people to learn the language. So I think that I have made the right choice. Ihave been dreaming about it for five years.
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