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Презентация для тренировки Present Simple, Present Continuous в игровой форме

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«Презентация для тренировки Present Simple, Present Continuous в игровой форме»

 Simple Present, Present Continuous & Present Perfect

Simple Present, Present Continuous & Present Perfect

Present Simple A habit/ a routine/ sth permanent/ timetables/ schedules/ facts/ Time expressions: Every day, every month, every summer, every …. Usually, often, sometimes, never, always, frequently, rarely, seldom, On Sundays, on Fridays, on …

Present Simple

  • A habit/ a routine/ sth permanent/ timetables/ schedules/ facts/
  • Time expressions:
  • Every day, every month, every summer, every ….
  • Usually, often, sometimes, never, always, frequently, rarely, seldom,
  • On Sundays, on Fridays, on …
Present Simple Affirmative (positive) Singular +ve She eats rice every day. Plural Negative (not/never) They cycle to school. She doesn’t eat every day. Interrogative (?) -ve He sleeps early every night. Does she eat every day? Interrogative Negative They don’t  cycle to school. You bathe every evening. (? -ve) Does she not  eat every day? Do they cycle to school? He never sleeps early. You never  bathe every morning. Does he sleep early? Do they not cycle to school? Do you bathe every morning? Doesn’t he sleep early? Don’t you bathe every morning?

Present Simple

Affirmative (positive)



She eats rice every day.


Negative (not/never)

They cycle to school.

She doesn’t eat every day.

Interrogative (?)


He sleeps early every night.

Does she eat every day?

Interrogative Negative

They don’t cycle to school.

You bathe every evening.

(? -ve)

Does she not eat every day?

Do they cycle to school?

He never sleeps early.

You never bathe every morning.

Does he sleep early?

Do they not cycle to school?

Do you bathe every morning?

Doesn’t he sleep early?

Don’t you bathe every morning?

Present Simple with do, go, have Affirmative (positive) Singular +ve She goes to the bakery. Plural Negative (not/never) They go to school. She does her homework. She doesn’t go/ never goes there often. Interrogative (?) -ve He has an early dinner. They do a charity work. Does she go to the bakery? Interrogative Negative They don’t go/ never go to school. She doesn’t do/ never does homework. You have lots of money. (? -ve) Does she not go every day? They never do/ don’t do charity work. Do they go to school? He doesn’t have / never has an early dinner. Does she do her homework? Doesn’t she do her homework? You don’t have/ never have lots of money. Do they do charity work? Does he have an early dinner? Do they not go to school? Do we not do charity work? Do you have lots of money? Doesn’t he have an early dinner? Don’t you have lots of money?

Present Simple with do, go, have

Affirmative (positive)



She goes to the bakery.


Negative (not/never)

They go to school.

She does her homework.

She doesn’t go/ never goes there often.

Interrogative (?)


He has an early dinner.

They do a charity work.

Does she go to the bakery?

Interrogative Negative

They don’t go/ never go to school.

She doesn’t do/ never does homework.

You have lots of money.

(? -ve)

Does she not go every day?

They never do/ don’t do charity work.

Do they go to school?

He doesn’t have / never has an early dinner.

Does she do her homework?

Doesn’t she do her homework?

You don’t have/ never have lots of money.

Do they do charity work?

Does he have an early dinner?

Do they not go to school?

Do we not do charity work?

Do you have lots of money?

Doesn’t he have an early dinner?

Don’t you have lots of money?

Present Continuous/ Progressive Sth that’s happening now/ at the moment/ fixed plan in the future/ sth temporary/ sth repeated Time expressions: Now At the moment, at present Nowadays, these days, Today, tomorrow, next month

Present Continuous/ Progressive

  • Sth that’s happening now/ at the moment/ fixed plan in the future/ sth temporary/ sth repeated
  • Time expressions:
  • Now
  • At the moment, at present
  • Nowadays, these days,
  • Today, tomorrow, next month
Present Continuous/ Progressive Affirmative (positive) Singular +ve She is reading now. Plural Negative (not) They are cooking right now. She is not reading now. Interrogative (?) -ve He ’s baking a cake tomorrow. Is she reading now? Interrogative Negative They are not cooking right now. We are listening to it now. (? -ve) Is she not reading now? Are they cooking right now? He ’s not baking a cake tomorrow. We aren’t listening to it now. Is he baking a cake tomorrow? Are they not cooking right now? Are we listening to it now? Isn’t he baking a cake tomorrow? Aren’t we listening to it now?

Present Continuous/ Progressive

Affirmative (positive)



She is reading now.


Negative (not)

They are cooking right now.

She is not reading now.

Interrogative (?)


He ’s baking a cake tomorrow.

Is she reading now?

Interrogative Negative

They are not cooking right now.

We are listening to it now.

(? -ve)

Is she not reading now?

Are they cooking right now?

He ’s not baking a cake tomorrow.

We aren’t listening to it now.

Is he baking a cake tomorrow?

Are they not cooking right now?

Are we listening to it now?

Isn’t he baking a cake tomorrow?

Aren’t we listening to it now?

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация для тренировки Present Simple, Present Continuous в игровой форме

Автор: Рыжих Юлия Николаевна

Дата: 22.09.2016

Номер свидетельства: 345093

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