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Презентация "Welcome to Vladikavkaz"

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«Презентация "Welcome to Vladikavkaz" »

Welcome to Vladikavkaz ФИО автора: Клюева Наталья Владимировна Должность: учитель английского языка Место проживания: г. Владикавказ, РСО-Алания Название учебного учреждения: МБОУ СОШ№27 им.Ю.С.Кучиева Дисциплина: Английский язык

Welcome to Vladikavkaz

ФИО автора: Клюева Наталья Владимировна

Должность: учитель английского языка

Место проживания: г. Владикавказ, РСО-Алания

Название учебного учреждения: МБОУ СОШ№27 им.Ю.С.Кучиева

Дисциплина: Английский язык

Vladikavkaz is the с apital of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. It is located in the southeast of the republic at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains, situated on the Terek. Vladikavkaz is one of the most popular cities in the North Caucasus.
  • Vladikavkaz is the с apital of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. It is located in the southeast of the republic at the foothills of the Caucasus Mountains, situated on the Terek.
  • Vladikavkaz is one of the most popular cities in the North Caucasus.
Vladikavkaz was founded in 1784 as a fortress during the Russian conquest of the Caucasus and for many years it was the main Russian military base in the region. The emperor Catherine II named the new fortress Vladikavkaz (“the city that holds Caucasus”).
  • Vladikavkaz was founded in 1784 as a fortress during the Russian conquest of the Caucasus and for many years it was the main Russian military base in the region. The emperor Catherine II named the new fortress Vladikavkaz (“the city that holds Caucasus”).
More than once the city was visited by A.S.Griboyedov, A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov, L.N.Tolstoy, A.N.Ostrovsky , A.P.Chekhov, P.I.Tchaikovsky.
  • More than once the city was visited by A.S.Griboyedov, A.S.Pushkin, M.Yu.Lermontov, L.N.Tolstoy, A.N.Ostrovsky , A.P.Chekhov, P.I.Tchaikovsky.
During the Russian Civil War, the city was ruled by Denikin army from February 1919 till 1920; But the Red Army set free the city in March 1920. In November 1942, the forces of Nazi Germany tried unsuccessfully to seize the city but were repelled.
  • During the Russian Civil War, the city was ruled by Denikin army from February 1919 till 1920; But the Red Army set free the city in March 1920. In November 1942, the forces of Nazi Germany tried unsuccessfully to seize the city but were repelled.
Prospect Mira (former Alexandrovsky prospect) is a historical and cultural center of Vladikavkaz, it is a street only for pedestrians. Sunitskaya mosque (1907), served as a museum in the 40s of the 20th century. The mosque was fully restored in 1997 and became a church.
  • Prospect Mira (former Alexandrovsky prospect) is a historical and cultural center of Vladikavkaz, it is a street only for pedestrians.
  • Sunitskaya mosque (1907), served as a museum in the 40s of the 20th century. The mosque was fully restored in 1997 and became a church.
There is Lenin Square in the center. It was reconstructed in 1957. A monument to V.I.Lenin was set up there on November 6, 1957 (sculptor Azgoor, architect Zakharov).
  • There is Lenin Square in the center. It was reconstructed in 1957. A monument to V.I.Lenin was set up there on November 6, 1957 (sculptor Azgoor, architect Zakharov).
A monument to Kosta Khetagurov was set up in 1955. The authors are: sculptor Tavasyev and architect Highnutdinov.
  • A monument to Kosta Khetagurov was set up in 1955. The authors are: sculptor Tavasyev and architect Highnutdinov.
Freedom Square is the largest square in the town. It is surrounded by a number of buildings. One of them is the House of Government. The Square witnessed the historical events of the Civil war and of the Great Patriotic War. Some years ago there was a monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze (sculptor Dietrikh, architect Danchitch).
  • Freedom Square is the largest square in the town. It is surrounded by a number of buildings. One of them is the House of Government. The Square witnessed the historical events of the Civil war and of the Great Patriotic War. Some years ago there was a monument to Sergo Ordzhonikidze (sculptor Dietrikh, architect Danchitch).
The Park of Culture and Rest situated almost in the middle of Vladikavkaz is one of the most beautiful places. It was open in the 20s of the 19 th century. The lake which runs in its center is the home of swans and ducks. Tens of rare kinds of flowers and trees grow on its territory.
  • The Park of Culture and Rest situated almost in the middle of Vladikavkaz is one of the most beautiful places. It was open in the 20s of the 19 th century. The lake which runs in its center is the home of swans and ducks. Tens of rare kinds of flowers and trees grow on its territory.
Fountain Square

Fountain Square

Osetinskaya Church (built in 1860) is the only oldest building which was not ruined after it was built in the fortress before Vladikavkaz became a city. Armenian Church of St.George the Enlightener (1868). The Temple of Saint George
  • Osetinskaya Church (built in 1860) is the only oldest building which was not ruined after it was built in the fortress before Vladikavkaz became a city.
  • Armenian Church of St.George the Enlightener (1868).
  • The Temple of Saint George
Memorials to the participants of the World War of 1941-1945, the Civil War and to the outstanding personalities of Ossetia.
  • Memorials to the participants of the World War of 1941-1945, the Civil War and to the outstanding personalities of Ossetia.
The Memorial of Glory

The Memorial of Glory

In the prerevolutionary period our town was a town of merchants and military men. Now our town is called the town of students. There is The North Ossetian State University, North Caucasian State Technological University, Agricultural Institute and many research institutes and schools.
  • In the prerevolutionary period our town was a town of merchants and military men. Now our town is called the town of students. There is The North Ossetian State University, North Caucasian State Technological University, Agricultural Institute and many research institutes and schools.

  • In the town you can see trams (since August 1904), buses and minivans.
The town is served by Beslan Airport located 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) from the city. The Georgian Military Road starts in Vladikavkaz and connects the city with the South Caucasus. A railway connects Vladikavkaz with the town of Beslan which is a large railway juncture on the line Rostov-on-Don.
  • The town is served by Beslan Airport located 15 kilometers (9.3 mi) from the city.
  • The Georgian Military Road starts in Vladikavkaz and connects the city with the South Caucasus.
  • A railway connects Vladikavkaz with the town of Beslan which is a large railway juncture on the line Rostov-on-Don.
Использованные  источники

Использованные источники

  • http :// en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Vladikavkaz
  • http://russiatrek.org/vladikavkaz-city
  • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/ea/View_of_Vladikavkaz.jpg
  • http:// www.zamnoy.com / image / photo /137865685/large.jpg?180903
  • http://alanianetwork.ru/uploads/users/144/bf6e67942ca2938a51c8.jpg
  • http:// img.mota.ru / upload / wallpapers /2009/07/16/12/04/15624/towns_196-crop.jpg
  • http:// gallery.forum-grad.ru / files /8/5/6/8/6/7a700ca8a05191f80dc6710443f7d93f.jpg
  • http://img.rufox.ru/files/big2/697860.jpg
  • http:// www.goroda-rossii.com / data / media /106/vladikavkaz020.JPG
  • http://kislovodck.ru/images/stories/kislovodsk_photo/sevaset/5_80.jpg
  • http:// wiki.antiviza.info / images / thumb /7/7e/Beslan1.jpg/800px-Beslan1.jpg
  • http://fotovideoforum.ru/resources/image/28827
  • http://im3.turbina.ru/photos.4/1/8/4/1/1/1711481/ big.photo / Vladikavkazskaya-zheleznaya.jpg
  • http://img.region15.ru/vuz/sogu_02_big.jpg
  • http:// osradio.ru / uploads / fotki /encmW5L2mM6z.jpg
  • http://img.region15.ru/ vuz /ggau_02_big.jpg
  • http://vorzopov.users.photofile.ru/photo/vorzopov/200656998/xlarge/209853656.jpg
  • http://img1.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/b/4/103/546/103546033_image.jpg
http://avia.mvsm.ru/image.aspx?UNID=0670B4E7-6FD3-4081-94EA-537346048DA7&w=320&h=320 http://www.trud.ru/userfiles/gallery/2c/m_2ca5681186ff80de344bdb94187e5a66.gif http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/serge_novikov/55288122/26991/26991_600.jpg http:// img.rufox.ru / files /big2/626129.jpg http://www.yuga.ru/media/vladikavkaz_hram_b01.jpg http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4605/timag82.25/0_3897c_d032286f_XL.jpg http:// img-fotki.yandex.ru / get /4906/timag82.24/0_38975_e00cf3c4_XL http:// osetia.kvaisa.ru / wp-content / uploads /2012/10/IMG_4833-1.jpg http://pics2.pokazuha.ru/p442/r/n/7313726znr.jpg http:// redscufir.users.photofile.ru / photo / redscufir /525067/ xlarge /10575667.jpg http:// www.intrados.ru / images / city /vladikavkaz3.jpg http://i014.radikal.ru/0806/fb/a5cecdc9aa6c.jpg http:// beta.hstor.org /storage2/840/4c8/809/8404c8809768d451311481b2893913dd.jpg http://region15.ru/fotoblog/images/20100508040513__mg_7599.jpg http://files2.structurae.de/ files / photos / wikipedia /City_27s_Mosque.jpg http:// ic.pics.livejournal.com / mysea /9021171/419145/419145_640.jpg http://s61.radikal.ru/i173/0906/63/dd35dcbae4c4.jpg http:// kri.com.ua / uploads / posts /2008-10/1224056266_untitled-1.jpg http://edebiyatdefteri.com/resim/resimli_yazi/buyuk/77483.jpg http://lamcdn.net/lookatme.ru/event-image/H6j6Cqw4JpVQqBUDnPJJdQ-poster.jpg
  • http://avia.mvsm.ru/image.aspx?UNID=0670B4E7-6FD3-4081-94EA-537346048DA7&w=320&h=320
  • http://www.trud.ru/userfiles/gallery/2c/m_2ca5681186ff80de344bdb94187e5a66.gif
  • http://ic.pics.livejournal.com/serge_novikov/55288122/26991/26991_600.jpg
  • http:// img.rufox.ru / files /big2/626129.jpg
  • http://www.yuga.ru/media/vladikavkaz_hram_b01.jpg
  • http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4605/timag82.25/0_3897c_d032286f_XL.jpg
  • http:// img-fotki.yandex.ru / get /4906/timag82.24/0_38975_e00cf3c4_XL
  • http:// osetia.kvaisa.ru / wp-content / uploads /2012/10/IMG_4833-1.jpg
  • http://pics2.pokazuha.ru/p442/r/n/7313726znr.jpg
  • http:// redscufir.users.photofile.ru / photo / redscufir /525067/ xlarge /10575667.jpg
  • http:// www.intrados.ru / images / city /vladikavkaz3.jpg
  • http://i014.radikal.ru/0806/fb/a5cecdc9aa6c.jpg
  • http:// beta.hstor.org /storage2/840/4c8/809/8404c8809768d451311481b2893913dd.jpg
  • http://region15.ru/fotoblog/images/20100508040513__mg_7599.jpg
  • http://files2.structurae.de/ files / photos / wikipedia /City_27s_Mosque.jpg
  • http:// ic.pics.livejournal.com / mysea /9021171/419145/419145_640.jpg
  • http://s61.radikal.ru/i173/0906/63/dd35dcbae4c4.jpg
  • http:// kri.com.ua / uploads / posts /2008-10/1224056266_untitled-1.jpg
  • http://edebiyatdefteri.com/resim/resimli_yazi/buyuk/77483.jpg
  • http://lamcdn.net/lookatme.ru/event-image/H6j6Cqw4JpVQqBUDnPJJdQ-poster.jpg
http://stat17.privet.ru/lr/0a04659a19c1e76727b54e7253c15b0f http:// vpleer.ru / images / artist /252/58992669.png http://www.vladikavkaz-osetia.ru/slava/img_memory/gvs_pamiatniki_02.jpg http://i066.radikal.ru/1007/94/46a187900cd9.jpg http://bigkatalogfoto.ru/stranu-mira/russia/volgski-foto/russia-foto-volgski-foto-2.jpg http://www.fcdynamo.ru/common/upload/news/2013/09_september/vladikavkaz/6.jpg http://www.equipnet.ru/netcat_files/83/101/00ZGM5LWJ_1.jpg
  • http://stat17.privet.ru/lr/0a04659a19c1e76727b54e7253c15b0f
  • http:// vpleer.ru / images / artist /252/58992669.png
  • http://www.vladikavkaz-osetia.ru/slava/img_memory/gvs_pamiatniki_02.jpg
  • http://i066.radikal.ru/1007/94/46a187900cd9.jpg
  • http://bigkatalogfoto.ru/stranu-mira/russia/volgski-foto/russia-foto-volgski-foto-2.jpg
  • http://www.fcdynamo.ru/common/upload/news/2013/09_september/vladikavkaz/6.jpg
  • http://www.equipnet.ru/netcat_files/83/101/00ZGM5LWJ_1.jpg

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Презентация "Welcome to Vladikavkaz"

Автор: Клюева Наталья Владимировна

Дата: 24.03.2015

Номер свидетельства: 190558

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