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Презентация “ Russian Cossack village as a tourist sight ”

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 Презентацию " Русская казачья деревня - как один из туристических объектов " можно использовать на уроке английского языка как образец одного из выступлений ( мини-проектов)  при выполнении группового проекта  в старших классах « Сделаем свой город привлекательным для туристов». В работе подробно раскрыта идея  возможности использования особенностей быта русского казачества как  способ привлечения иностранных туристов в регион. Соответствующие тематике иллюстрации и текст помогают нагляднее представить себе реальность  воплощения данного проекта.

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«Презентация “ Russian Cossack village as a tourist sight ” »

ГКООУ Волгоградская санаторная школа-интернат  «Созвездие»  Кафедра иностранных языков  Работу выполнила: Учитель английского языка Текучева Ольга Александровна -2013 -

ГКООУ Волгоградская санаторная школа-интернат «Созвездие» Кафедра иностранных языков

Работу выполнила:

Учитель английского языка

Текучева Ольга Александровна

-2013 -

I think that tourism can make a lot of small towns of our Volgograd region prosper.

I think that tourism can make a lot of small towns of our Volgograd region prosper.

For example in Siberia tourists from Japan and China get a lot of pleasure from working in Siberian  resident gardens.  Why not our local authorities take this idea on top?

For example in Siberia tourists from Japan and China get a lot of pleasure from working in Siberian resident gardens.

Why not our local authorities take this idea on top?

One of the special features in Volgograd region  is the Cossacks ( казачество)

One of the special features in Volgograd region is the Cossacks

( казачество)

We could attract tourists arranging special tourist places in the neighboring Cossack’s villages    or…..

We could attract tourists arranging special tourist places in the neighboring Cossack’s villages


Local authorities could help build a little Cossack’s village near our city and accommodate tourism there.

Local authorities could help build a little Cossack’s village near our city and accommodate tourism there.

It could let tourists from different countries live there as Kazaks ( казаки) .

It could let tourists from different countries live there as Kazaks ( казаки) .

For example, they could live in  Cossack’s wooden houses

For example, they could live in Cossack’s wooden houses

with antique furnishings.

with antique furnishings.

Tourists would have the opportunity to try cooking in special Russian stove,

Tourists would have the opportunity to try cooking in special Russian stove,

visit Russian bath (bunya)

visit Russian bath (bunya)

and try living without electricity and   modern facilities .

and try living without electricity and

  modern facilities .

Tourists could take water to drink from the local draw well

Tourists could take water to drink from the local draw well

And eat only that food they themselves have grown and nurtured in the fields and farms

And eat only that food they themselves have grown and nurtured in the fields and farms

Of course they could get food from hunting and fishing, as it is done by Kazaks nowadays.

Of course they could get food from hunting and fishing, as it is done by Kazaks nowadays.

It could be a great pleasure for tourists to use such unusual kind of transport as a horse carriage

It could be a great pleasure for tourists to use such unusual kind of transport as a horse carriage

Foreigners would be able to learn the Cossack’s traditions taking part in their festivals

Foreigners would be able to learn the Cossack’s traditions taking part

in their festivals

I think that this project could not only help do our city of Volgograd more popular all over the world,

I think that this project could not only help do our city of Volgograd more popular all over the world,

but also make the city and Cossack villages prosperous and attractive

but also make the city and Cossack villages prosperous and attractive

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация “ Russian Cossack village as a tourist sight ”

Автор: Текучева Ольга Александровна

Дата: 16.06.2014

Номер свидетельства: 105551

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