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Презентация по теме "Маргейт,Броудстэз -города юго-востока Англии"

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«Презентация по теме "Маргейт,Броудстэз -города юго-востока Англии" »



Margate is a  seaside town  in East  Kent ,  Englan d on the coast of the North Sea. Its population is around 40,000 people . It was settled as a village of fishermen in 11 th century.

Margate is a  seaside town  in East  KentEnglan d on the coast of the North Sea. Its population is around 40,000 people . It was settled as a village of fishermen in 11 th century.

all streets are leading to the seaside. Margate experiences an oceanic climate.  Streets of Margate contain Typical English houses : Detached houses . Terraced houses .

all streets are leading to the seaside. Margate experiences an oceanic climate. Streets of Margate contain Typical English houses :

Detached houses .

Terraced houses .

Margate has been a leading seaside resort for at least 250 years. it has been a traditional holiday destination for Londoners  drawn to its sandy beaches.  

Margate has been a leading seaside resort for at least 250 years. it has been a traditional holiday destination for Londoners  drawn to its sandy beaches.  

The town's history is tied closely to the sea and it has proud maritime traditions.  Streets of Margate: narrow, but clean.

The town's history is tied closely to the sea and it has proud maritime traditions. Streets of Margate: narrow, but clean.

Everyday life Margate train railway station serves the town . It was constructed in1926. Religion was recorded as 71.6%  Christian . Here you can see an Anglican Church.

Everyday life

Margate train railway station serves the town . It was constructed in1926.

Religion was recorded as 71.6%  Christian . Here you can see an Anglican Church.



Broadstairs developed from a fishing settlement too . It was founded in 11 th century . Now it is a coastal town on the North sea in 80 miles away from London.

Broadstairs developed from a fishing settlement too . It was founded in 11 th century . Now it is a coastal town on the North sea in 80 miles away from London.

  Broadstairs is one of Thanet's  seaside resorts , known as the

  Broadstairs is one of Thanet's  seaside resorts , known as the "Jewel in Thanet's crown“.

On the nearby coast was a cliff-top shrine, the  Shrine of Our Lady , at what was then called  Bradstow(e) , meaning

On the nearby coast was a cliff-top shrine, the  Shrine of Our Lady , at what was then called  Bradstow(e) , meaning "broad place" 

Smuggling was an important industry in the area,This was very profitable because of the very high  duty  payable on tea, spirits and tobacco  Streets of Broadstairs.

Smuggling was an important industry in the area,This was very profitable because of the very high  duty  payable on tea, spirits and tobacco Streets of Broadstairs.

One remarkable thing…The residents of this town love small dogs.

One remarkable thing…The residents of this town love small dogs.

The town has notable  religious history .  It was Easter time when we arrived . Easter hat. Easter shopping.

The town has notable  religious history . It was Easter time when we arrived .

Easter hat.

Easter shopping.

Broadstairs is the place where Charles Dickens wrote his novels.  Charles Dickens’s house- museum.

Broadstairs is the place where Charles Dickens wrote his novels. Charles Dickens’s house- museum.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация по теме "Маргейт,Броудстэз -города юго-востока Англии"

Автор: Яковлева Галина Геннадьевна

Дата: 26.08.2015

Номер свидетельства: 227130

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