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Презентация на тему:"New Year in Russia".

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 Презентация к урокам на английском языке "New Year in Russia". Колокольчики Колокольный звон в Святки пришел к нам из зимних языческих праздников. Когда Земля была холодна, считалось, что солнце умерло, а злой дух очень силен. Чтобы изгнать злого духа, нужно было сильно шуметь. До наших дней сохранилась рождественская традиция звенеть колокольчиками, одновременно петь и кричать. На Святках в церквях всего мира раздается колокольный звон. Но не для изгнания злых духов. Таким образом люди приветствуют пришествие Христа. В Скандинавии колокольный звон означает конец работы и начало праздника, в Англии - погребальный звон на похоронах дьявола и приветствие Христа

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«Презентация на тему:"New Year in Russia". »

New Year in Russia

New Year in Russia

New Year in Russia is celebrated on January 1, the first day of the Gregorian Calendar. In earlier times, New Year was celebrated in the month of September. Later, this day was forbidden by Czar Peter, the Great. In 1699, a decree was read about counting of years from Birth of Christ since January 1. Thus, this day was declared as a New Year's day in Russia. Since then, New Year became a family holiday for the people of Russia.

New Year in Russia is celebrated on January 1, the first day of the Gregorian Calendar. In earlier times, New Year was celebrated in the month of September. Later, this day was forbidden by Czar Peter, the Great. In 1699, a decree was read about counting of years from Birth of Christ since January 1. Thus, this day was declared as a New Year's day in Russia. Since then, New Year became a family holiday for the people of Russia.

Amongst the most popular New Year symbols is a New Year's Tree called Novogodnaya Yolka which is topped with a bright star and decorated with various sweets.

Amongst the most popular New Year symbols is a New Year's Tree called Novogodnaya Yolka which is topped with a bright star and decorated with various sweets.

New Year verve can be seen by the family get-together, use of fireworks, delicious meals etc. The most important part of the New Year activities is the sumptuous dinner with light music and champagne. The most important meals include meat, green peas, pickles, mayonnaise, onion, carrots and potatoes.

New Year verve can be seen by the family get-together, use of fireworks, delicious meals etc. The most important part of the New Year activities is the sumptuous dinner with light music and champagne. The most important meals include meat, green peas, pickles, mayonnaise, onion, carrots and potatoes.

Russians also follow the tradition of listening to the New Year Speech from the President on New Year's Day. There are some more fascinating traditions followed at the time of New Year and the famous one is the tradition of fortune telling. Many people especially women and unmarried girls are excited to know about their future indulge in this acitivity.

Russians also follow the tradition of listening to the New Year Speech from the President on New Year's Day. There are some more fascinating traditions followed at the time of New Year and the famous one is the tradition of fortune telling. Many people especially women and unmarried girls are excited to know about their future indulge in this acitivity.

New Year is more of a winter vacation in Russia. Schools remain closed from January 1 till January 13. The main New Year celebrations begin from night of December 31. People usually prefer to spend the day with their friends and family members. Party clubs, hotels and discotheques are all jammed up at the time of New Year. The main New Year celebrations come to an end on January 13th, when the country celebrates the Old - Style New Year. This day is not declared as a public holiday but is celebrated to mark the beginning of the year according to the Julian calendar.

New Year is more of a winter vacation in Russia. Schools remain closed from January 1 till January 13. The main New Year celebrations begin from night of December 31. People usually prefer to spend the day with their friends and family members. Party clubs, hotels and discotheques are all jammed up at the time of New Year. The main New Year celebrations come to an end on January 13th, when the country celebrates the Old - Style New Year. This day is not declared as a public holiday but is celebrated to mark the beginning of the year according to the Julian calendar.

The End Happy New Year!

The End

Happy New Year!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация на тему:"New Year in Russia".

Автор: Владимирова Наталья Петровна

Дата: 05.05.2015

Номер свидетельства: 208597

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