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Презентация "My home place is Karelia"

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Данная презентация содержит основную информацию о местоположении Республики Карелия, ее столице и главных достопримечательностях. Может быть использована в средней школе. На одном из слайдов представлена информация о Карелии в цифрах (протяженность, площадь и т.п.), что позволяет повторить числительные. Презентация может быть использована в рамках проведения тематической недели.

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«Презентация "My home place is Karelia" »

My home place Karelia is a land of forest and lakes (Karelian week at school)

My home place Karelia is a land of forest and lakes

(Karelian week at school)

Karelia is situated in the north-western  part of Russia.

Karelia is situated in the north-western part of Russia.

The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Karelia  The Flag of the Republic of Karelia

The Coat of Arms of the Republic of Karelia The Flag of the Republic of Karelia

The area of Karelia is 180,5 thousand square km. (1.06% of the total territory of Russia). Its length from north to south is 660 km ., from west to east on the latitude of the town of Kem is 424 km. Karelia borders on Finland in the West, its length is 798 km . In the North-West the Republic is washed by the White sea. Distance from the administrative centre of republic, city of Petrozavodsk to Moscow makes 925 km ., 401  km . to St.-Petersburg, 1050 km. to Murmansk, and 703  km. to Helsinki.

The area of Karelia is 180,5 thousand square km. (1.06% of the total territory of Russia). Its length from north to south is 660 km ., from west to east on the latitude of the town of Kem is 424 km. Karelia borders on Finland in the West, its length is 798 km . In the North-West the Republic is washed by the White sea. Distance from the administrative centre of republic, city of Petrozavodsk to Moscow makes 925 km ., 401 km . to St.-Petersburg, 1050 km. to Murmansk, and 703 km. to Helsinki.

  Population of the Republic of Karelia is 684.200 people.

  Population of the Republic of Karelia is 684.200 people.

  • Official language in Karelia is Russian.
  • The republic is a multinational subject of the Russian Federation. Representatives of 213 nationalities live there.
  •   Karelians are 9.2%
  • Karelian is a native tongue for some people.
There are more than 61 thousand lakes and 27 thousand rivers in Karelia. The largest are the Ladoga lake and the Onega lake

There are more than 61 thousand lakes and 27 thousand rivers in Karelia. The largest are the Ladoga lake and the Onega lake

Petrozavodsk is the capital of Karelia Petrozavodsk is the center of culture and professional art in Karelia, the largest establishments of culture are concentrated there: libraries, museums, theatres, concert halls, educational institutions, creative unions and scientific organizations

Petrozavodsk is the capital of Karelia

Petrozavodsk is the center of culture and professional art in Karelia, the largest establishments of culture are concentrated there: libraries, museums, theatres, concert halls, educational institutions, creative unions and scientific organizations

Karelia is famous for the State Historical-Arhitectural and Ethnographical Museum-Reserve  Kizhi Kivatch waterfalls; Paanajärvi and Vodlozersky national parks

Karelia is famous for

the State Historical-Arhitectural and Ethnographical Museum-Reserve  Kizhi

Kivatch waterfalls; Paanajärvi and Vodlozersky national parks

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Презентация "My home place is Karelia"

Автор: Никифорова Мария Валерьевна

Дата: 29.07.2015

Номер свидетельства: 223864

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