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Презентация к уроку-соревнованию "Sports Сompetitions"

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Тема: "Sports Competition"

Мета: проконтролювати ступінь за­своєння знань, сформованості на­вчальних умінь та навичок учнів з теми «Спорт»; узагальнити грама­тичний матеріал (утворення і вжи­вання вищого й найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників); розви­вати навички розуміння прочитано­го, навички діалогічного та моноло­гічного мовлення, вміння учнів працювати над груповими робота­ми; сприяти розвитку логічного мислення учнів; виховувати пізна­вальний інтерес до вивчення анг­лійської мови, старанність і повагу здин до одного; розширювати кру­гозір учнів.

Тип уроку: урок-змагання.

Обладнання: малюнки; ТЗН, роздатковий матеріал, грамоти, медалі.

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«Презентация к уроку-соревнованию "Sports Сompetitions" »

Sports Competition 1 62783 4583 58 1 62783 0239. Code: 0 – b, 1 – a, 2 – o, 3 – d, 4- m, 5 – i, 6 – s, 7 – u, 8 – n, 9 – y. A sound mind in a sound body.

Sports Competition

1 62783 4583 58 1 62783 0239.


0 – b, 1 – a, 2 – o, 3 – d, 4- m, 5 – i, 6 – s, 7 – u, 8 – n, 9 – y.

A sound mind in a sound body.

Sports Competition This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field. Hockey

Sports Competition

This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They play game on an ice field.


Sports Competition It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground. Volleyball

Sports Competition

It is a team game. Two teams hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground.


Sports Competition It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They move the playing figures on a board. Chess

Sports Competition

It is a game of two players. Each player starts with sixteen different playing figures. They move the playing figures on a board.


Sports Competition ate foot kar ball stics ce gymna ra ball fen go volley etball cing bask  athl lf etics

Sports Competition

ate foot kar

ball stics ce

gymna ra ball

fen go volley

etball cing bask

athl lf etics

Sports Competition True or False 1. This letter is about sports in Ukraine.  2. Football is played in England in winter. 3. England is the home of football. 4. English team is not well known in the world. False True True False

Sports Competition

True or False

1. This letter is about sports in Ukraine.

2. Football is played in England in winter.

3. England is the home of football.

4. English team is not well known in the world.





Sports Competition True or False 5. The winter is very cold in England.  6 English people play field hockey. 7. Mary has gymnastics every week in her school gymnasium. False True True

Sports Competition

True or False

5. The winter is very cold in England.

6 English people play field hockey.

7. Mary has gymnastics every week in her school gymnasium.




Sports Competition True or False 8. In summer they do not have gym­nastics. 9. Mary lives in London in Low Street. 10. This letter is from England. True False True

Sports Competition

True or False

8. In summer they do not have gym­nastics.

9. Mary lives in London in Low Street.

10. This letter is from England.




Sports Competition № 1 № 1 № 2 1. swi_ _ing 1. swi mm ing № 2 1. h_ckey 2. cri_ _et 2. cri ck et 1. h o ckey 2.ju m ping 3. fen c ing 3. fen_ing 2.ju_ping 3. go lf 4. te nnis 3. go_ _ 4. _ _nnis 5. v_lley-b_ll 5. v o lley-b a ll 4. a_ _letics 4. a th letics 5. ba_ ketb_ ll 5. ba s ketb a ll

Sports Competition




1. swi_ _ing

1. swi mm ing


1. h_ckey

2. cri_ _et

2. cri ck et

1. h o ckey

2.ju m ping

3. fen c ing

3. fen_ing


3. go lf

4. te nnis

3. go_ _

4. _ _nnis

5. v_lley-b_ll

5. v o lley-b a ll

4. a_ _letics

4. a th letics

5. ba_ ketb_ ll

5. ba s ketb a ll

Sports Competition 1) football 2) trainer 3 ) gymnastics 4 ) chess 5 ) cricket 6) player 7) sportsman  1) ollbaft 2) aitrner 3 ) nasgymtics 4 ) ssech 5 ) ckcriet 6) ypaler 7) manorspts

Sports Competition

1) football

2) trainer

3 ) gymnastics

4 ) chess

5 ) cricket

6) player

7) sportsman

1) ollbaft

2) aitrner

3 ) nasgymtics

4 ) ssech

5 ) ckcriet

6) ypaler

7) manorspts

Sports Competition

Sports Competition

Sports Competition 1) you, Do, in for, go, sport? 2) you, Can, swim? 3) to see, you, competitions, like, do, boxing, on TV? 4) in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last? 5) better, What, played, team? 6) like, Did, the game, you?

Sports Competition

1) you, Do, in for, go, sport?

2) you, Can, swim?

3) to see, you, competitions, like, do, boxing, on TV?

4) in your school, When, have, did you, basketball match, last?

5) better, What, played, team?

6) like, Did, the game, you?

Sports Competition   Worse cold the worst     the coldest Better   the best Bigger Famous     the biggest the most famous more beautiful Large the most beautiful Larger Long     Interesting the longest more interesting  

Sports Competition




the worst



the coldest



the best





the biggest

the most famous

more beautiful


the most beautiful






the longest

more interesting


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку-соревнованию "Sports Сompetitions"

Автор: Маевская Дарья Николаевна

Дата: 20.04.2015

Номер свидетельства: 203905

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