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Презентация к уроку "Из жизни насекомых" УМК Spotlight 5

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Презентация к уроку "Из жизни насекомых"

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«Презентация к уроку "Из жизни насекомых" УМК Spotlight 5»

th  The 10 of February Class Work

th The 10 of February

Class Work

Фонетическая зарядка Butterfly, butterfly Where do you fly? So quick and so high In the blue, blue sky!

Фонетическая зарядка

Butterfly, butterfly

Where do you fly?

So quick and so high

In the blue, blue sky!







Are they animals?

Are they animals?

They are…  INSECTS [ˈɪnsekts] НАСЕКОМЫЕ

They are… INSECTS



INSECTS Mosquito |mɒˈskiːtəʊ| Wasp |wɒsp|


Mosquito |mɒˈskiːtəʊ|

Wasp |wɒsp|

Butterfly |ˈbʌtərflaɪ| Dragonfly |ˈdræɡənflaɪ|

Butterfly |ˈbʌtərflaɪ|

Dragonfly |ˈdræɡənflaɪ|

Beetle |ˈbiːt(ə)l| Fly  |flaɪ|

Beetle |ˈbiːt(ə)l|

Fly  |flaɪ|

Grasshopper  |ˈɡrɑːshɒpə| Ladybird |ˈleɪdɪbəːd| 





Bee |biː| Ant |ænt|

Bee |biː|

Ant |ænt|

INSECTS Mosquito |mɒˈskiːtəʊ| Wasp |wɒsp|


Mosquito |mɒˈskiːtəʊ|

Wasp |wɒsp|

Butterfly |ˈbʌtərflaɪ| Dragonfly |ˈdræɡənflaɪ|

Butterfly |ˈbʌtərflaɪ|

Dragonfly |ˈdræɡənflaɪ|

Beetle |ˈbiːt(ə)l| Fly  |flaɪ|

Beetle |ˈbiːt(ə)l|

Fly  |flaɪ|

Grasshopper  |ˈɡrɑːshɒpə| Ladybird |ˈleɪdɪbəːd| 





Bee |biː| Ant |ænt|

Bee |biː|

Ant |ænt|

НАЙДИ СЛОВА  ! Ladybird, hen, dragonfly, bee, goose, deer, fly, camel, ant, tortoise, beetle, duck, cow, mosquito, dog, wasp, grasshopper.


Ladybird, hen, dragonfly, bee, goose, deer, fly, camel, ant, tortoise, beetle, duck, cow, mosquito, dog, wasp, grasshopper.

Вставьте пропущенные слова There are about … million types of insects in the world. These little creatures live in our … and gardens. Some live near water, others live in fields, … and forests. Some … come out during the day while others come out at night. … are really important. They keep our gardens clean because they … dead leaves and other waste. They are also an important food for … and other animals. Some insects, like bees even make food-….

Вставьте пропущенные слова

There are about … million types of insects in the world. These little creatures live in our … and gardens. Some live near water, others live in fields, … and forests. Some … come out during the day while others come out at night.

… are really important. They keep our gardens clean because they … dead leaves and other waste. They are also an important food for … and other animals. Some insects, like bees even make food-….

ФИЗМИНУТКА Let’s relax  Let’s fly like a butterfly  Let’s jump like a grasshopper  Let’s fly like a fly  Let’s walk like a ladybird.


Let’s relax Let’s fly like a butterfly Let’s jump like a grasshopper Let’s fly like a fly Let’s walk like a ladybird.

Complete the table ladybirds They are … (colour). They live in… They can… Grasshoppers They are … (colour). They live in… They can…

Complete the table

  • ladybirds

They are … (colour).

They live in…

They can…

  • Grasshoppers

They are … (colour).

They live in…

They can…

THANK YOU For your work!



your work!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация к уроку "Из жизни насекомых" УМК Spotlight 5

Автор: Гагарина Алёна Юрьевна

Дата: 11.05.2016

Номер свидетельства: 325533

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