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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему "Граждановедение" по УМК "Spotlight"

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Данная презентация относится к уроку английского я зыка в 5 классе на тему  "Граждановедение" рубрики "Углубленное чтение" модуля 1 "Школьные дни". Может использоваться как отдельный элемент на уроке, тематика которого близка к видам работы учащихся на занятии.

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«Урок 16 Граждановедение»

Lesson 16. Citizenship The 7 th of October, Monday

Lesson 16. Citizenship

The 7 th of October, Monday



  • learning rules of pair work;
  • miming these rules
How do you like working at school?

How do you like working at school?

  • What do you see at the picture?
  • What are pupils doing?
Look at the title and the pictures. What is the poster about? Listen, read and check.

Look at the title and the pictures. What is the poster about? Listen, read and check.

Use the letters to form verbs

Use the letters to form verbs

  • ksa =
  • hares =
  • ysa =
  • kolo =
  • stneil =
  • ask
  • shares
  • say
  • look
  • listen
It’s time to have a rest!

It’s time to have a rest!

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: look at your partner. Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

look at your partner.

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: listen to your partner Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

listen to your partner

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you” Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

say “sorry”, “please” and “thank you”

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: be kind and smile Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

be kind and smile

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: share your things Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

share your things

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: think of new ideas Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

think of new ideas

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs: ask questions Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them

Working in groups/pairs is fun! When you works in groups/pairs:

ask questions

Time to mime: one person reads the rules, the others mime them



  • это стихотворение, которое требует синтеза информации и материала в кратких выражениях.
  • слово «синквейн» происходит от французского «пять». Синквейн — это стихотворение, состоящее из пяти строк.
Как это делать? Название  (обычно существительное) ——————— Описание  (обычно прилагательное) ———————— Действия ———————————————————— Чувство  (фраза) ———————————————— Повторение сути  ————————————————

Как это делать?

Название (обычно существительное) ———————

Описание (обычно прилагательное) ————————

Действия ————————————————————

Чувство (фраза) ————————————————

Повторение сути ————————————————

Classmate True, funny Study, work in pairs, have fun Can be kind, can be smile Friend


True, funny

Study, work in pairs, have fun

Can be kind, can be smile


Home Work:

Home Work:

  • is to repeat Module 1
Thank you fro attention! Good bye!

Thank you fro attention! Good bye!

Получите в подарок сайт учителя

Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 5 классе на тему "Граждановедение" по УМК "Spotlight"

Автор: Уколова Дарья Олеговна

Дата: 21.10.2014

Номер свидетельства: 121067

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