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Презентация-игра "Who knows English well?" 4-5 класс

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«Презентация-игра "Who knows English well?" 4-5 класс »

Elimination round Put the words in the order from the smallest to the biggest: 1. town 2. region 3. house 4. city 5. world 3  1  4  2  5

Elimination round

Put the words in the order from the smallest to the biggest:

1. town

2. region

3. house

4. city

5. world

3 1 4 2 5

Elimination round Put the time expressions in order from the least to the biggest 1. week 2. minute 3. year 4. day 5. century 2 4 1 3 5

Elimination round

Put the time expressions in order from the least to the biggest

1. week

2. minute

3. year

4. day

5. century

2 4 1 3 5

100 1. The 11 th letter of English alphabet


1. The 11 th letter of English alphabet

  • P
  • L
  • J
  • K
2 00 2. What’s the Russian for « to borrow »? A . давать взаймы B . почитать С. оценивать D . брать на время

2 00

2. What’s the Russian for

« to borrow »?

A . давать взаймы

B . почитать

С. оценивать

D . брать на время

300 3.  Find the odd one out A. Novelist B. Piper C. Diarist D. Screenwriter


3. Find the odd one out

A. Novelist

B. Piper

C. Diarist

D. Screenwriter

5 00 4. Which verb is an irregular one?  to inspire  to understand  to irritate  to realize

5 00

4. Which verb is an irregular


  • to inspire
  • to understand
  • to irritate
  • to realize

10 00 5. A story about imaginary people and events is… A a romance B a history C a fantasy D a horror

10 00

5. A story about imaginary

people and events is…

A a romance

B a history

C a fantasy

D a horror

20 00 6. Buses in the UK are called… A Double-decker  B Car C Two-floor buses D Big bus

20 00

6. Buses in the UK are called…

A Double-decker

B Car

C Two-floor buses

D Big bus

40 00 7. Walter Scott is the famous … writer A. Russian B. American C. Scottish D. Irish

40 00

7. Walter Scott is the famous


A. Russian

B. American

C. Scottish

D. Irish

80 00 8. Better late than ... A. now B. ever C. always D. never

80 00

8. Better late than ...

A. now

B. ever

C. always

D. never

160 00 9. British politician who  made V-sign meaning victory  A W. Churchill  B F. Roosevelt  C H. Ford D Elisabeth II

160 00

9. British politician who made V-sign meaning victory

A W. Churchill

B F. Roosevelt

C H. Ford

D Elisabeth II

320 00 10 . “An Englishman’s home is his…” A castle B prison C shop D bed

320 00

10 . “An Englishman’s home is his…”

A castle

B prison

C shop

D bed

640 00 11. The John Rylands is…   A. a museum B. a library C. a literary center D. a monument

640 00

11. The John Rylands is…

A. a museum

B. a library

C. a literary center

D. a monument

1250 00 12 . What's the plural form of the word « foot »? A feet B feat C faet D foots

1250 00

12 . What's the plural form of

the word « foot »?

A feet

B feat

C faet

D foots

2500 00 13. The leading conductor of the State Symphonic Orchestra of the Russian Federation is …

2500 00

13. The leading conductor of the State Symphonic Orchestra of the Russian Federation is …

  • Yuri Temirkanov
  • Yevgeni Svetlanov
  • Mstislav Rostropovich
  • Alexander Glazunov
5000 00 14. Turgenev’s sofa was called…  A. Samoson B. Semoson C. Simoson D. Somoson

5000 00

14. Turgenev’s sofa was called…

A. Samoson

B. Semoson

C. Simoson

D. Somoson

10000 00 15. Where is the White Rabbit Memorial situated ? A. Scotland B. England C. Wales D. Northern Ireland

10000 00

15. Where is the White Rabbit Memorial situated ?

A. Scotland

B. England

C. Wales

D. Northern Ireland

My best congratulations to you!!!

My best congratulations

to you!!!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 4 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация-игра "Who knows English well?" 4-5 класс

Автор: Дергачева Екатерина Вячеславовна

Дата: 27.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 136348

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