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Презентация "English-speaking countries"

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?There are 9 planets in the solar system.

?There are 4 oceans and 6 continents.

?Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia.

?The largest country is Russia.

In Great Britain, the USA, Canada, New Zealand people speak English?To learn the names of continents
?To learn the names of some countries and their capitals
?To learn some more facts about the UK
?To revise the nationalities

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«презентация "English-speaking countries"»

What common things can we  find in the sentences?  Что объединяет данные предложения ?

What common things can we find in the sentences? Что объединяет данные предложения ?

There are 9 planets in the solar system. There are 4 oceans and 6 continents. Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia . The largest country is Russia . In Great Britain, the USA, Canada, New Zealand people speak English .
  • There are 9 planets in the solar system.
  • There are 4 oceans and 6 continents.
  • Eurasia consists of Europe and Asia .
  • The largest country is Russia .
  • In Great Britain, the USA, Canada, New Zealand people speak English .
What we are going to do today

What we are going to do today

  • To learn the names of continents
  • To learn the names of some countries and their capitals
  • To learn some more facts about the UK
  • To revise the nationalities


Australia The capital of Australia is Canberra. People –  the Australians


  • The capital of Australia is Canberra.
  • People –

the Australians

Canada The capital of Canada is Ottawa People –  the Canadians


  • The capital of Canada is Ottawa
  • People –

the Canadians

The United Kingdom of  Great Britain and Northern Ireland

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

  • People – the British
The United States of America The capital of America is Washington. People –  the Americans

The United States of America

  • The capital of America is Washington.
  • People –

the Americans

New Zealand The capital of New Zealand is Wellington. People –  the New Zealanders

New Zealand

  • The capital of New Zealand is Wellington.
  • People –

the New Zealanders

Revision What continents do you know? Answer: They are … , … , … , … , … . What English-speaking countries do you know? Answer: They are … , … , … , … , … . What is the capital of the UK? Answer: …… is the capital of the UK . What tourist attractions are there in London? Answer: They are … , … , … , … . What souvenir can we buy in Wales? Answer: We can buy … .


  • What continents do you know?

Answer: They are … , … , … , … , … .

  • What English-speaking countries do you know?

Answer: They are … , … , … , … , … .

  • What is the capital of the UK?

Answer: …… is the capital of the UK .

  • What tourist attractions are there in London?

Answer: They are … , … , … , … .

  • What souvenir can we buy in Wales?

Answer: We can buy … .

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентация "English-speaking countries"

Автор: Попова Светлана Андреевна

Дата: 21.03.2016

Номер свидетельства: 308470

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