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Презентация " Earth is in danger"

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Презентация может помочь при организации урока в 6 классе по УМК Афанасьевой, Михеевой по теме "Pollution of the environment". В презентации содержится соответствующая лексика и грамматика, а так же слайды с изображениями последствий загрязения окружающей среды. В конце презентации можно сделать вывод о небходимости охраны окружающей среды.

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«презентация " Earth is in danger" »

Let’s guess the words

Let’s guess the words

  • Warm, pleasant, not strong
  • Mild
  • The weather that a country or a region has
  • Climate
  • If something can be done in the future it is…
  • Possible
If something can’t be done in the future it is… Impossible A building where different things are produced A factory To take air through your nose and let it out To breathe
  • If something can’t be done in the future it is…
  • Impossible
  • A building where different things are produced
  • A factory
  • To take air through your nose and let it out
  • To breathe
A problem that you did to anybody Harm To keep something or somebody safe To protect
  • A problem that you did to anybody
  • Harm
  • To keep something or somebody safe
  • To protect
Возможный ответ A possible answer Невозможная история An impossible story Защищать детей To protect children Причинить вред To do harm
  • Возможный ответ
  • A possible answer
  • Невозможная история
  • An impossible story
  • Защищать детей
  • To protect children
  • Причинить вред
  • To do harm
Глубоко дышать To breathe deeply Мягкая зима A mild winter Засушливый климат A dry climate Фабрика шоколада A chocolate factory
  • Глубоко дышать
  • To breathe deeply
  • Мягкая зима
  • A mild winter
  • Засушливый климат
  • A dry climate
  • Фабрика шоколада
  • A chocolate factory

Our country is our environment. There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountain, lakes and seas in Russia. The Earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the future generations.
  • Our country is our environment. There are many big and small rivers, green forests, high mountain, lakes and seas in Russia.
  • The Earth is our home. We must take care of it for ourselves and for the future generations.
The Earth is in Danger   Guess the meaning of the words

The Earth is in Danger Guess the meaning of the words

  • Temperature
  • Activity
  • Drinkable
  • Freshwater
  • Problem
Define what sentences are True and what of them are False:  1.  April 22 is the Earth Day. 2.  People all over the world don’t think about our planet. 3. People know how to protect wild animals and plants. 4. People don’t want to help nature. 5. Water is not important for life on the Earth.
  • Define what sentences are True and what of them are False:

  • 1. April 22 is the Earth Day.
  • 2. People all over the world don’t think about our planet.
  • 3. People know how to protect wild animals and plants.
  • 4. People don’t want to help nature.
  • 5. Water is not important for life on the Earth.
6. There is a lot of good clean water on our planet. 7. Lake Baikal is not in danger now. 8. Life on the Earth depends on the temperature. 9. Some people do a lot of harm to the forests. 10. People must protect life on the Earth.
  • 6. There is a lot of good clean water on our planet.
  • 7. Lake Baikal is not in danger now.
  • 8. Life on the Earth depends on the temperature.
  • 9. Some people do a lot of harm to the forests.
  • 10. People must protect life on the Earth.
Answer the following questions:

Answer the following questions:

  • When do people celebrate the Earth day?
  • What do people think about?
  • Do people know how to protect our planet?
  • Is there a lot or little water good for drinking on the Earth?
  • Are rivers and lakes clean?
What is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth? Why is Lake Baikal in danger now? What harm do people do to the forests? What do modern factories send into the atmosphere? What is the main problem nowadays?
  • What is the deepest freshwater lake on the Earth?
  • Why is Lake Baikal in danger now?
  • What harm do people do to the forests?
  • What do modern factories send into the atmosphere?
  • What is the main problem nowadays?
Disappear – исчезать Skin – шкура Price - цена

Disappear – исчезать

Skin – шкура

Price - цена

Animals in Danger

Animals in Danger

  • I. Fill in the gaps:
  • 1. Many animals and birds on the Earth are … .
  • 2. Indian … and African … are among them.
  • 3. People have … and … many tigers in India.
  • 4. Tigers and elephants are often … animals.
  • 5. The result is very … .
  • 6. Have those animals got a … ?
II. Define what sentences are True and what of them are False:  1. Many of animals are in danger. 2. Tigers can’t kill domestic animals. 3. People are not afraid of tigers. 4. Some people have hunted tigers for their beautiful skin. 5. There are many Indian tigers left on the Earth now. 6 .Many of them are young, strong animals. 7.People have cut down many trees.
  • II. Define what sentences are True and what of them are False:
  • 1. Many of animals are in danger.
  • 2. Tigers can’t kill domestic animals.
  • 3. People are not afraid of tigers.
  • 4. Some people have hunted tigers for their beautiful skin.
  • 5. There are many Indian tigers left on the Earth now.
  • 6 .Many of them are young, strong animals.
  • 7.People have cut down many trees.
Environmental problems endanger people’s lives.

Environmental problems endanger people’s lives.

Don’t forget  about the structure of Past Indefinite Passive

Don’t forget about the structure of Past Indefinite Passive

  • was/were + V 3 (ed)
  • The room was clean ed yesterday
  • The room wasn’t clean ed yesterday
  • Was the room clean ed yesterday?
  • When was the room clean ed ?
  • What was clean ed yesterday?
Му mother planted flowers in the garden. Hunters killed a lot of tigers in India. Nick protected the dolphins  Flowers were planted  by my mother. A lot of tigers were killed  by hunters in India. The dolphins were protected  by Nick
  • Му mother planted flowers in the garden.
  • Hunters killed a lot of tigers in India.
  • Nick protected the dolphins
  • Flowers were planted by my mother.
  • A lot of tigers were killed by hunters in India.
  • The dolphins were protected by Nick
Change the sentences into Past Indefinite Passive

Change the sentences into Past Indefinite Passive

  • Mr. Brown built the factory last year.
  • The factory was built by Mr. Brown last year.
  • The government protected wild animals in our country.
  • Wild animals were protected by the government in our country.
The family cut down a lot of trees a month ago. A lot of trees were cut down by the family a month ago. Mary saved a little kitten yesterday. A little kitten was saved by Mary yesterday. My mother cooked dinner two hours ago. Dinner was cooked by my mother two hours ago.
  • The family cut down a lot of trees a month ago.
  • A lot of trees were cut down by the family a month ago.
  • Mary saved a little kitten yesterday.
  • A little kitten was saved by Mary yesterday.
  • My mother cooked dinner two hours ago.
  • Dinner was cooked by my mother two hours ago.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

презентация " Earth is in danger"

Автор: Тупицына Анна Станиславовна

Дата: 28.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 245100

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