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Презентации к учебнику М.Б. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" раздел 3 секция 1

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Презентации могут быть использованы при работе с учебником М.Б. Биболетовой "Enjoy English 5" (ФГОС) раздел 3 секция 1. Изображения иллюстрируют реалии, с которыми учащиеся сталкиваются по мере прохождения материала учебника. Данный раздел рассчитан на 3 урока, к каждому из которых разработана презентация.

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Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Lesson 1 1 1Презентация Microsoft Office PowerPoint»

UNIT 3 FACES OF LONDON Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?


Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?

Pronunciation (SB p. 87, ex. 4)

Pronunciation (SB p. 87, ex. 4)

  • Listen, read and repeat
Listening (SB p. 86, ex. 1-2)

Listening (SB p. 86, ex. 1-2)

  • Listen and say what places of interest Barbara liked in Russia
  • Listen to the conversation again. Choose the correct answer.
Speaking (SB p.86, ex.3)

Speaking (SB p.86, ex.3)

  • Make up your own dialogues and act them out.


  • a museum
  • a theatre
  • a stadium
  • a cinema
  • a square
  • a host family
Vocabulary Match the words to the descriptions


Match the words to the descriptions

  • SB p. 87, ex.5
  • WB p.48, ex.1
Reading (SB p.87, ex.6)

Reading (SB p.87, ex.6)

  • Read and say how long the Russian students are going to stay in Great Britain.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK)

Grammar: articles

Grammar: articles

  • Read and remember (SB p. 88, ex. 8)
  • Make up sentences using the words from the table (SB p. 88, ex. 9)


  • Learn the words (SB p. 87)
  • Learn the rule (SB p. 88, ex.8)
  • SB p. 133, ex. 1
  • SB p. 89, ex. 10

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Lesson 2Презентация Microsoft Office PowerPoint»

UNIT 3 FACES OF LONDON Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?


Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?

Pronunciation (SB p. 89, ex. 13)

Pronunciation (SB p. 89, ex. 13)

  • Listen read and repeat
Homework review

Homework review

  • What questions about London would you ask Ann? (SB p. 89, ex. 10)
  • When aren’t articles used?
  • Complete the text with the definite article the if necessary(SB p. 133, ex. 1)
Listening (SB p. 89, ex.11)

Listening (SB p. 89, ex.11)

  • Listen and say what cities Julia Sherman and her family want to visit.
Grammar: Present Continuous (review)

Grammar: Present Continuous (review)

  • Look at the picture. Describe what you see. Use the Present Continuous and these phrases (SB p.89, ex. 12)


  • hospitable
  • ancient
  • cathedral
  • to be founded in
  • to be full of
  • to be famous for


  • Match the words from the two boxes to make meaningful phrases (SB p. 89, ex. 14)
  • Make your own sentences using the phrases.
  • Complete phrases with the words and translate them (SB p. 89, ex. 15)
  • Fill in (WB p. 49, ex.5a)


  • Read and remember (SB p. 89, ex. 14)


  • Read the texts form Julia's book “About Russia”. Match the texts and the titles (SB p.90, ex.17)
  • Answer the questions (SB p.91, ex.18)
  • Complete the table (WB p.50, ex.6)


  • Learn the words (SB p. 90)
  • SB p. 133, ex. 2
  • WB p. 49, ex. 5b

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«Lesson 3Презентация Microsoft Office PowerPoint»

UNIT 3 FACES OF LONDON Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?


Section 1 What places of interest would you like to see?

Homework review

Homework review

  • What city would you like to visit and why?(SB p. 133, ex. 2)
  • Read you sentences (WB p. 49, ex. 5b)
Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous Read and learn (SB p. 91, ex. 20) Create sentences that describe the pictures (SB p. 92, ex. 21) Read the text and put the verbs  in brackets into Present Simple  or Present Continuous  (SB p. 92, ex. 21) Complete the sentences (WB p.50, ex.7)

Grammar: Present Simple and Present Continuous

  • Read and learn (SB p. 91, ex. 20)
  • Create sentences that describe the pictures (SB p. 92, ex. 21)
  • Read the text and put the verbs

in brackets into Present Simple

or Present Continuous

(SB p. 92, ex. 21)

  • Complete the sentences

(WB p.50, ex.7)

What have you learned about London?

What have you learned about London?

  • Complete the text (WB p.50, ex.8)


  • Get ready for the dictation
  • Learn the rule (SB p. 91, ex. 20)
  • SB p. 93, ex. 23
  • SB p. 133, ex. 3

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

презентации к учебнику М.Б. Биболетовой "Enjoy English" раздел 3 секция 1

Автор: Найчукова Жанна Валерьевна

Дата: 13.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 130382

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