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«Презентация: "Scratched car"»
Institute S.U.Vitte by name Scratched car Bolyasova Kira Dmitrievna Penza,2025
Lawyer's biography
I am Kira Bolyasova Dmitrievna. I live Penza. I am a lawyer and have been working for 6 years. There are many winning cases in my practice. I work with any cases. I also work outside of Penza.
Description of the situation
On July 18, 2023, a 10-year-old girl scratched a car parked outside a Fix Price store. It happened at 4 p.m. on the street on March 8, 7b, when she was walking home after a friend's birthday.
The title of article
According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a scratched car refers to damage to personal property. In this situation, this is article 167 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Lawyer’s actions
1. Find out where the child is studying.
2.Request a description from the place of study.
3.Request video from surveillance cameras.
4. Find the reason why she committed this act.
The results of the lawyer's activity
1. The girl's name is Alina Samolyuk, she studies at school No. 36 in 4B.
2. The description from the place of study is positive:
Alina studies well, helps in school life. In her free time she is engaged in dancing. A kind and hardworking girl.
3. The surveillance cameras showed that the girl reached under the car to get something.
4. Alina was helping a kitten stuck under a car out, and then accidentally touched the car with a keychain on a bag without noticing it.
Protection result
Summing up the above, we come to conclusions. Alina Samolyuk is a good girl. On July 18, after my friend's birthday, I heard a kitten meowing. She wanted to help him, and accidentally scratched the car with a keychain on her bag. Therefore, Alina is not to blame.