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Презентация Organising your time. The Pomodoro Technique

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Organising your time The 'Pomodoro Technique'

Organising your time

The 'Pomodoro Technique'

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition to go off a device that makes a sound or shows you when a certain a timer amount of time has passed productivity to earn or merit something because of what you have done having good judgement or common sense ‘ to-do’ list how much is being done or achieved sensible a list of things you need to do to deserve to start making a noise (as an alarm or signal) Listen to the radio interview and find out what the 'Pomodoro Technique‘ is. 

Match the vocabulary with the correct definition

to go off

a device that makes a sound or shows you when a certain

a timer

amount of time has passed


to earn or merit something because of what you have done

having good judgement or common sense

‘ to-do’ list

how much is being done or achieved


a list of things you need to do

to deserve

to start making a noise (as an alarm or signal)

Listen to the radio interview and find out what the 'Pomodoro Technique‘ is. 

Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s) The Pomodoro Technique is designed to help people work 1___________ and avoid wasting 2_______________. It helps you to get the maximum 3_______________ in the time you have. First you have to 4_______________each task into steps. Then you use a 5_______________ to organise your time into intensive work and 6_______________. You write a list of the things you need to do, 7_________ the timer to twenty-five minutes and start working on the first 8_______________ on your list. When the timer 9__________ you stop work for 10__________ minutes. Then you repeat these steps four or five times, 11___________ items on your list as you finish them. After a few short breaks you can take 12________________.

Fill in the gaps with the correct word(s)

The Pomodoro Technique is designed to help people work 1___________ and avoid wasting 2_______________. It helps you to get the maximum 3_______________ in the time you have.

First you have to 4_______________each task into steps.

Then you use a 5_______________ to organise your time into intensive work and 6_______________.

You write a list of the things you need to do, 7_________ the timer to twenty-five minutes and start working on the first 8_______________ on your list.

When the timer 9__________ you stop work for 10__________ minutes.

Then you repeat these steps four or five times, 11___________ items on your list as you finish them.

After a few short breaks you can take 12________________.

Listen to the radio interview and…  Say if the statements are True or False: The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1980s. Students and workers can use the technique. True True False The technique is a bit complicated to use. False True You need to break down your tasks into smaller sections. True Each break is called a ‘pomodoro’. False True Peter uses an app on his mobile to time himself. False True False After four or five short breaks you can have a longer break. False True Peter takes less time to do his homework these days. True False False

Listen to the radio interview and… 

Say if the statements are True or False:

The Pomodoro Technique was invented in the 1980s.

Students and workers can use the technique.




The technique is a bit complicated to use.



You need to break down your tasks into smaller sections.


Each break is called a ‘pomodoro’.



Peter uses an app on his mobile to time himself.




After four or five short breaks you can have a longer break.



Peter takes less time to do his homework these days.




Do you think the Pomodoro Technique is a good idea? Explain your opinion.

Do you think the Pomodoro Technique is a good idea? Explain your opinion.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее

Презентация Organising your time. The Pomodoro Technique

Автор: Сивкова Елена Александровна

Дата: 26.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 551406

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