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Презентация к выступлению в конкурсе чтецов на английском языке к произведению O. Henry WITCHES' LOAVES

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Презентация к выступлению в конкурсе чтецов на английском языке к произведению O. Henry WITCHES' LOAVES

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«Презентация к выступлению в конкурсе чтецов на английском языке к произведению O. Henry WITCHES' LOAVES»



Miss Martha Meacham kept a little bakery on the corner.

Miss Martha Meacham kept a little bakery on the corner.

Miss Martha was forty and rather rich. She had two false teeth and a good heart.

Miss Martha was forty and rather rich. She had two false teeth and a good heart.

He was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a brown beard. His clothes were worn, but he looked neat and had good manners.

He was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a brown beard. His clothes were worn, but he looked neat and had good manners.

She thought that he was an artist and very poor. She was sure he lived in a small room, where he painted his pictures, and ate stale bread.

She thought that he was an artist and very poor. She was sure he lived in a small room, where he painted his pictures, and ate stale bread.

Miss Martha began to wear her new dress in the bakery. She also bought some cold cream in order to make her face a little more beautiful.

Miss Martha began to wear her new dress in the bakery. She also bought some cold cream in order to make her face a little more beautiful.

Miss Martha took the chance. With a bread knife Miss Martha made a deep cut in each of the loaves, put a big piece of butter there and pressed the loaves tight again. When the customer turned round, she was wrapping them up .

Miss Martha took the chance. With a bread knife Miss Martha made a deep cut in each of the loaves, put a big piece of butter there and pressed the loaves tight again. When the customer turned round, she was wrapping them up .

She did not know how much time had passed when she heard a knock. Miss Martha hurried to the front door. It was her artist. He looked excited . 

She did not know how much time had passed when she heard a knock. Miss Martha hurried to the front door. It was her artist. He looked excited . 

He is a draftsman. They always makes his drawing in pencil first. After that he inks the line.  When it’s done he rubs out the pencil lines with stale bread. Today he tried to rub out the pencil lines of his plan with the bread he bought in your bakery …

He is a draftsman. They always makes his drawing in pencil first. After that he inks the line. When it’s done he rubs out the pencil lines with stale bread. Today he tried to rub out the pencil lines of his plan with the bread he bought in your bakery …

Miss Martha went to her room. She took off her new dress. Then she threw the cold cream out of the window.    Of course Miss   Martha's heart   was broken. 

Miss Martha went to her room. She took off her new dress. Then she threw the cold cream out of the window.   Of course Miss  Martha's heart  was broken. 

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс

Автор: Набиева Елена Георгиевна

Дата: 16.06.2023

Номер свидетельства: 633867

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