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Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе по теме: 'A Magic Spell' (УМК "Enjoy English")

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе по теме: 'A Magic Spell' (УМК "Enjoy English")»

13 April Dear boys and girls, My name is Ufo. I live on the planet Mars. I have got a girl-friend, Lulu. But I can’t see her. An old woman hid (спрятала) her. Please help me to make Lulu free. (освободить)  Your friend, Ufo

13 April

Dear boys and girls,

My name is Ufo. I live on the planet Mars.

I have got a girl-friend, Lulu. But I can’t see her.

An old woman hid (спрятала) her. Please help me to make

Lulu free. (освободить)

Your friend,


Do my tasks and save Lulu. If you can’t do it, you will not see this girl! If you do my tasks well, you can see a part of her body. Lulu

Do my tasks and

save Lulu.

If you can’t do it, you will not see this girl!

If you do my tasks well, you can see a part of her body.


Read the poem in good English  and translate:  Lulu’s Day I have breakfast at seven. [ai hæv l Λ nt ∫ ә t i‘levn]. I have dinner at eight. [ai gou t ә bed leit ]. [its greit]. I am busy as a bee. [ ai st Λ di ha:d from nain tu Ө ri:]. I do my homework every day. [ai laik t ә ri:d]. [ai laik t ә plei].

Read the poem in good English

and translate:

Lulu’s Day

I have breakfast at seven.

[ai hæv l Λ nt ∫ ә t i‘levn].

I have dinner at eight.

[ai gou t ә bed leit ]. [its greit].

I am busy as a bee.

[ ai st Λ di ha:d from nain tu Ө ri:].

I do my homework every day.

[ai laik t ә ri:d]. [ai laik t ә plei].

Lulu likes to listen to music. She has got a lot of favourite singers. Read and find them.

Lulu likes to listen to music. She has got a lot of favourite singers. Read and find them.

Read what Ufo’s friends from our planet do every day and  guess their names.

Read what Ufo’s friends from our planet do every day and guess their names.

What would you like to know about Lulu? Ask your questions to Ufo. Example:  How old is she?  You may ask about:

What would you like to know about Lulu? Ask your questions to Ufo.

Example: How old is she?

You may ask about:

  • address;
  • colour of eyes;
  • hair colour;
  • likes / dislikes;
  • can / can’t;
  • hobby, …
Fill in the missing words into a magic spell and make Lulu free. small, six, black, curly, smart, kind, pink, strong  Her name is Lulu. She is a funny girl from the planet Mars. She is 12 years old. Her face is not ugly. It is …. She has got … eyes. Her nose is …. She has … hair. Her arms and legs are …. She has got … fingers. She likes … colour. She is brave and …. One, two, three

Fill in the missing words into a magic spell and make Lulu free.

small, six, black, curly, smart, kind, pink, strong

Her name is Lulu.

She is a funny girl from the planet Mars.

She is 12 years old.

Her face is not ugly. It is ….

She has got … eyes. Her nose is ….

She has … hair.

Her arms and legs are …. She has got … fingers.

She likes … colour.

She is brave and ….

One, two, three

She is free ( свободна)! THANK YOU!!!

She is free ( свободна)!


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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 3 класс

Презентация к уроку английского языка в 3 классе по теме: 'A Magic Spell' (УМК "Enjoy English")

Автор: Диана Леонидовна Андрианова

Дата: 03.05.2020

Номер свидетельства: 548581

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