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Презентация к уроку английского языка"Flora and fauna of the British Isles"

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Презентация содержит информацию о животном мире и растительности Дагестана. 

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«Презентация к уроку английского языка"Flora and fauna of the British Isles"»

Flora and Fauna of Dagestan

Flora and Fauna of Dagestan

The landscape, animal life and vegetation in Dagestan are very varied. In highland areas we can meet many varieties of vegetation, animals and birds. It is connected wit the landscape and difficult climate conditions. Subtropical pea nuts, grapes, garnets, plumes, apples, pears, apricots, quinces and others.

The landscape, animal life and vegetation in Dagestan are very varied. In highland areas we can meet many varieties of vegetation, animals and birds. It is connected wit the landscape and difficult climate conditions. Subtropical pea nuts, grapes, garnets, plumes, apples, pears, apricots, quinces and others.

Many water loving birds as geese, ducks, storks and others inhabit the Samur river’s deltas.

Many water loving birds as geese, ducks, storks and others inhabit the Samur river’s deltas.

Southern Dagestan is also rich in badgers and antelopes. The foothills (70021200metres above the sea level) are rich in luxuriant leaf-bearing forests and grasslands .There are such kinds of wild animals as the wild cat, fox, wolf, bear, goat, chamois, bare, lynx and wild boar in the Highlands and inner regions.
  • Southern Dagestan is also rich in badgers and antelopes.
  • The foothills (70021200metres above the sea level) are rich in luxuriant leaf-bearing forests and grasslands .There are such kinds of wild animals as the wild cat, fox, wolf, bear, goat, chamois, bare, lynx and wild boar in the Highlands and inner regions.
Foothills are rich in leaf-bearing forests which are full of trees like oak, maple, aspen, lime, beech and others. There are also a lot of bushes as barberries, hawthorns, dog-roses (wild-roses), Cornelian cherry and others.

Foothills are rich in leaf-bearing forests which are full of trees like oak, maple, aspen, lime, beech and others.

There are also a lot of bushes as barberries, hawthorns, dog-roses (wild-roses), Cornelian cherry and others.

But the northern mountainsides are covered with pine, oak and maple trees. In Gunib birch-grove grows relic birch Radde, which differs from other birch trees. Inner and highland areas are also rich in animals. Dagestan waters (sea, lakes, rivers ) are abundant in sturgeons, herrings, voblas, belugas, carps, start and other sorts of fish. 

But the northern mountainsides are covered with pine, oak and maple trees. In Gunib birch-grove grows relic birch Radde, which differs from other birch trees. Inner and highland areas are also rich in animals. Dagestan waters (sea, lakes, rivers ) are abundant in sturgeons, herrings, voblas, belugas, carps, start and other sorts of fish. 

But the northern mountainsides are covered with pine, oak and maple trees. In Gunib birch-grove grows relic birch Radde, which differs from other birch trees. Inner and highland areas are also rich in animals. Dagestan waters (sea, lakes, rivers ) are abundant in sturgeons, herrings, voblas, belugas, carps, start and other sorts of fish.  

But the northern mountainsides are covered with pine, oak and maple trees. In Gunib birch-grove grows relic birch Radde, which differs from other birch trees. Inner and highland areas are also rich in animals. Dagestan waters (sea, lakes, rivers ) are abundant in sturgeons, herrings, voblas, belugas, carps, start and other sorts of fish.


Find in the text the information about… 1.the highland areas. 2.waterloving birds. 3.wildlife. 4.vegetation. 5.relic trees.
  • Find in the text the information about…
  • 1.the highland areas.
  • 2.waterloving birds.
  • 3.wildlife.
  • 4.vegetation.
  • 5.relic trees.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 7 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Презентация к уроку английского языка"Flora and fauna of the British Isles"

Автор: Ольга Гаджимагомедовна Гаджимагомедова

Дата: 12.03.2021

Номер свидетельства: 575292

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