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Пишем параграф 4(проблема и пути ее решения) задания 40 обновленного формата ЕГЭ

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«Пишем параграф 4(проблема и пути ее решения) задания 40 обновленного формата ЕГЭ»

Задание 40 - работа над абзацем 4 ( outline a problem that can arise with ... and suggest a way of solving it ).  Для начала - полезные фразы для написания абзаца 4:   Введение проблемы   The statistics point to an underlying problem. One of the biggest problems is that ...  The main problem faced by … is that …  One problem that can emerge from … is that …  … might lead to (N/Ving)…  … might cause …  … might result in (N/Ving) … Введение решения  To solve this problem, the government / people / parents / teachers could V …  One effective solution to deal with … (проблема) is (for ...) to V ...  The best way to solve (illiteracy) is by Ving ...  (Physical exercise) … can solve (the problem of obesity).  This problem can be solved if …. (the government introduces a new law on … // teenagers spend less time on … // teachers set up interactive tasks and stimulate discussions)

Задание 40 - работа над абзацем 4 ( outline a problem that can arise with ... and suggest a way of solving it ).

Для начала - полезные фразы для написания абзаца 4:


Введение проблемы

  The statistics point to an underlying problem. One of the biggest problems is that ... The main problem faced by … is that … One problem that can emerge from … is that … … might lead to (N/Ving)… … might cause … … might result in (N/Ving) …

Введение решения To solve this problem, the government / people / parents / teachers could V … One effective solution to deal with … (проблема) is (for ...) to V ... The best way to solve (illiteracy) is by Ving ... (Physical exercise) … can solve (the problem of obesity). This problem can be solved if …. (the government introduces a new law on … // teenagers spend less time on … // teachers set up interactive tasks and stimulate discussions)

1. Проблема может вытекать из наименьшего показателя в таблице.

1. Проблема может вытекать из наименьшего показателя в таблице.

  • The statistics in the bar chart point out  that teenagers are not interested in creative arts . One problem that can emerge from it is that deprivation of creativity might  lead to social anomalies, for example  to suicide among young people. This problem can be solved if school teachers involve teenagers in various  creative activities  where they can  be successful.
2. Проблема может вытекать из наибольшего показателя в таблице. The statistics in the bar chart point out  that the majority of men are not interested in  beer festivals.  One problem that can emerge from it is during the festival they can consume a great amount of beer and other alcoholic drinks. It might lead to health problems among men. This problem could be solved if the local authorities avoid holding beer festivals but organize “Do It Yourself” festivals instead  where men can be involved in different non-alcoholic activities.
  • 2. Проблема может вытекать из наибольшего показателя в таблице.
  • The statistics in the bar chart point out  that the majority of men are not interested in beer festivals. One problem that can emerge from it is during the festival they can consume a great amount of beer and other alcoholic drinks. It might lead to health problems among men. This problem could be solved if the local authorities avoid holding beer festivals but organize “Do It Yourself” festivals instead  where men can be involved in different non-alcoholic activities.
3. Проблему можно разглядеть за любым из показателей в таблице.

3. Проблему можно разглядеть за любым из показателей в таблице.

  • The statistics point to an underlying problem . Though reading is not the least popular extracurricular activity with the teenagers in Zetland , still few respondents are interested in it. It might lead to a decrease in the level of culture, emotional intellect and literacy itself. This problem could be solved if teachers involve adolescents in different events devoted to legacy of outstanding writers and their book characters, for instance, in quests as they are very popular with teenagers nowadays.
  • ( This problem could be solved if the local authorities create for the younger generation wider possibilities of free access  to the best works of classical and modern literature, both fiction and non-fiction. Opening up free online libraries)
4. Если проблема не видна ни в одном из показателей, ее можно придумать, начав словами:  -Despite + Ving – несмотря на…

4. Если проблема не видна ни в одном из показателей, ее можно придумать, начав словами: -Despite + Ving – несмотря на…

  • Despite taking part in various extracurricular activities, many teenagers are still on drugs. It might lead to drugs addiction. This problem can be solved if the gov ernment control the situation, forbid the sale and support young people suffering from drug addiction.
  • Despite taking part in various extracurricular activities, many teenagers spend a lot of time surfing the Internet. It might lead to the Internet addiction. This problem can be solved if parents limit the time on the Internet and control the information their children get. 
  • Возможен и другой вариант.
  • It can be deduced from the data in the bar chart that some problems might occur as a result of using smartphones. …. might lead to….. This problem could be solved if the local authorities…..

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Пишем параграф 4(проблема и пути ее решения) задания 40 обновленного формата ЕГЭ

Автор: Ольга Владимировна Гаджимагомедова

Дата: 25.11.2021

Номер свидетельства: 592613

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