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Перезентация "Герб Пензы"

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Данная презентация окажет помощь при проведении уроков английского языка по теме: "Мой родной город Пенза- Герб Пензы"

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«Перезентация "Герб Пензы"»

Student: Almyashev I. Z.  Professor: Kop’eva Olga Ivanovna subject: Coat of arms of Penza region

Student: Almyashev I. Z. Professor: Kop’eva Olga Ivanovna

subject: Coat of arms of Penza region

Many Russian cities and regions are fighting for their main heraldic symbol to be the oldest. The coat of arms of Penza, maybe, does not take the first position, but among the leaders, it was approved by the highest decree in may 1781.
  • Many Russian cities and regions are fighting for their main heraldic symbol to be the oldest. The coat of arms of Penza, maybe, does not take the first position, but among the leaders, it was approved by the highest decree in may 1781.
Even if nothing was known about the date of approval of the first coat of arms, any expert in the field of heraldry, having thrown just one look at a color photo or even black and white illustration, pointed to a considerable age in Penza the official symbol
  • Even if nothing was known about the date of approval of the first coat of arms, any expert in the field of heraldry, having thrown just one look at a color photo or even black and white illustration, pointed to a considerable age in Penza the official symbol
Description of modern symbol

Description of modern symbol

  • Today's coat of arms of Penza is identical to the first historical symbol, which appeared back in 1781. Two primary colors are used: saturated emerald for the shield background image; gold color and its shades for coat of arms elements
The Central place on the Penza coat of arms is given to three sheaves of ears put vertically on the basis represented in the form of the gold earth. An attentive viewer will immediately note that the sheaves have the same thickness, the same height, but differ from each other.
  • The Central place on the Penza coat of arms is given to three sheaves of ears put vertically on the basis represented in the form of the gold earth. An attentive viewer will immediately note that the sheaves have the same thickness, the same height, but differ from each other.
The main difference lies in the ears. It will be quite difficult for a person far from agriculture to identify these cereals. Most likely, he will be able to isolate a sheaf of wheat on the characteristic pattern of the ear, but the other two sheaves can remain a mystery.
  • The main difference lies in the ears. It will be quite difficult for a person far from agriculture to identify these cereals. Most likely, he will be able to isolate a sheaf of wheat on the characteristic pattern of the ear, but the other two sheaves can remain a mystery.
Meanwhile, these cereals also belong to the traditional crops of Central Russia. In the center there is a barley sheaf, on the right – millet. All three sheaves are shown in gold color, which, firstly, is identical to the color of ripe ears, emphasizes that the crop is harvested on time. Secondly, traditionally in heraldry the Golden color is associated with material and spiritual wealth, with prosperity.
  • Meanwhile, these cereals also belong to the traditional crops of Central Russia. In the center there is a barley sheaf, on the right – millet. All three sheaves are shown in gold color, which, firstly, is identical to the color of ripe ears, emphasizes that the crop is harvested on time. Secondly, traditionally in heraldry the Golden color is associated with material and spiritual wealth, with prosperity.
As in many other cases, for the first time the image of three sheaves, standing on the earth, appeared on the war banner of the famous Penza regiment. Then there were such interpretations of colors: gold-the color of wealth, prosperity, justice, emerald – hope, abundance, joy.
  • As in many other cases, for the first time the image of three sheaves, standing on the earth, appeared on the war banner of the famous Penza regiment. Then there were such interpretations of colors: gold-the color of wealth, prosperity, justice, emerald – hope, abundance, joy.
Francis Santi, Italian count, at the request of representatives of the Russian Imperial court was the emblem of many army regiments of the country. He also in 1730 was decorated with the so-called coat of arms, which included all the images and descriptions.
  • Francis Santi, Italian count, at the request of representatives of the Russian Imperial court was the emblem of many army regiments of the country. He also in 1730 was decorated with the so-called coat of arms, which included all the images and descriptions.
The official approval of the heraldic symbol of the city occurred fifty years later. Grateful descendants, the modern inhabitants of Penza, you know, who owe the appearance of the coat of arms is Catherine II.
  • The official approval of the heraldic symbol of the city occurred fifty years later. Grateful descendants, the modern inhabitants of Penza, you know, who owe the appearance of the coat of arms is Catherine II.
Thank you for attention
  • Thank you for attention

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 11 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Перезентация "Герб Пензы"

Автор: Копьева О.И. Альмяшев Ильдар

Дата: 19.12.2018

Номер свидетельства: 491710

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