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Обучение работе с фразеологическим словарем по теме "Глаголы, которые легко спутать"

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Данная презентация предназначена для обучения детей работе с большим фразеологическим словарем ОКСФОРД. Используется в качестве методического пособия при подготвке к выполнению лексического теста в формате ЕГЭ и ОГЭ, в частности при работе с глаголами, которые легкло спутать. Учитывая особенености английского языка, где лексичекое значение слов оганичено конкретным контекстом, для достижения конечной цели развитии коммуникативной компетенции учащихся, необходимо научить детей пользоваться английскими толковыми словарями, которые дают конкретное толкование иностранных слов и сферу их употребления в речи.

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«Обучение работе с фразеологическим словарем по теме "Глаголы, которые легко спутать"»




ЗАДАНИЯ А 32 - А 38

to lend /  to borro w  to lend s/th to s/b = to give s/th to s/b ( s/b can use it for a short period of time)  -   давать  в  долг

to lend / to borro w

  • to lend s/th to s/b = to give s/th to s/b ( s/b can use it for a short period of time) - давать в долг

  • to borrow s/th from s/b = to take s/th ( you take s/th that belong to s/b, use it for a short period of time and than give it back to him/her/them) - брать в долг
to learn /  to study to learn = to get knowledge or a skill by training or practicing  -  учить   to study = to learn about a subject or to study somewhere ( He wants to study Law at the University. I study at school № 115) -   изучать , учиться

to learn / to study

  • to learn = to get knowledge or a skill by training or practicing - учить

  • to study = to learn about a subject or to study somewhere ( He wants to study Law at the University. I study at school № 115) - изучать , учиться

to rob /  to steal To rob = use “ to rob ” to talk about  a place  that s/th is taken from ( He tried to rob a bank )  - красть  To steal = use “ to steal ” to talk about the things  that are taken ( The man stole 2,000 dollars ) -  красть

to rob / to steal

  • To rob = use “ to rob ” to talk about

a place that s/th is taken from ( He tried to rob a bank ) - красть

  • To steal = use “ to steal ” to talk about the things that are taken ( The man stole 2,000 dollars ) - красть

to say / to tell To say s/th to s/b  ( to say that, to say s/th to s/b, to say what, where, how etc.) = you say words to s/b in order to give information or to show your thought, feelings etc…)  e.g. What did you say? I couldn’t hear you .  Sandra said that she was going home …. -  сказать, что … ; сказать что-то кому-то  To tell s/b  ( you tell someone facts or information)  e.g. She told me that she was going home. - рассказывать кому-то , c казать коу-то

to say / to tell

  • To say s/th to s/b ( to say that, to say s/th to s/b, to say what, where, how etc.) = you say words to s/b in order to give information or to show your thought, feelings etc…)

e.g. What did you say? I couldn’t hear you .

Sandra said that she was going home …. - сказать, что ; сказать что-то кому-то

  • To tell s/b ( you tell someone facts or information)

e.g. She told me that she was going home. - рассказывать кому-то , c казать коу-то

to bring / to take  To bring (use “to bring” when someone has s/th with them when they come to the place where you are)  e.g. Helen brought a photo to show it to us. - приносить To take ( use “to take” when you have s/th with you when you go to a place.)  e.g.  I took some sweets to class on my birthday - приносить

to bring / to take

  • To bring (use “to bring” when someone has s/th with them when they come to the place where you are)

e.g. Helen brought a photo to show it to us. - приносить

  • To take ( use “to take” when you have s/th with you when you go to a place.)

e.g. I took some sweets to class on my birthday - приносить

to leave / to forget To leave - when you haven’t brought s/th with you, because you didn’t want to or because you have forgotten it. e.g. I left my coursebook at home.- оставлять To forget - when you haven’t brought s/th, because you haven’t remembered it. e.g. I forgot to bring my coursebook . - забывать

to leave / to forget

  • To leave - when you haven’t brought s/th with you, because you didn’t want to or because you have forgotten it. e.g. I left my coursebook at home.- оставлять
  • To forget - when you haven’t brought s/th, because you haven’t remembered it. e.g. I forgot to bring my coursebook . - забывать

to look / to see To look at s/th (a picture, photo, person or thing, because you want to)  e.g. He was looking at s/th on the ground - смотреть на   что-то   To see s/th  ( you see s/th, a person/ or event without planning to do it )  e.g. He saw some beautiful clothes - видеть  что-то

to look / to see

  • To look at s/th (a picture, photo, person or thing, because you want to)

e.g. He was looking at s/th on the ground - смотреть на что-то

  • To see s/th ( you see s/th, a person/ or event without planning to do it )

e.g. He saw some beautiful clothes - видеть что-то

to rise / to raise to rise is  not followed by an object  e.g. The balloon rose high in the air- поднимать (как)   to raise is always followed by an object  e.g. Raise   your hands. – поднимать (что)

to rise / to raise

  • to rise is not followed by an object

e.g. The balloon rose high in the air- поднимать (как)


  • to raise is always followed by an object

e.g. Raise your hands. поднимать (что)

to lie / to lay

to lie / to lay

  • to lie = to be in a flat position - лежать
  • to lay = to put s/th on a surface - класть, положить
to go / to come to go - to move from the place where you are. - идти, уходить  to come - to move towards the place where you are. - идти, приходить

to go / to come

to go - to move from the place where you are. - идти, уходить

to come - to move towards the place where you are. - идти, приходить

to hear / to listen to to hear = you hear a sound that has been made - слышать

to hear / to listen to

  • to hear = you hear a sound that has been made - слышать

  • to listen to = you listen when you hear - слушать
To sit / to seat To sit - сидеть   To be seated - быть посаженным, посадить

To sit / to seat

  • To sit - сидеть

  • To be seated - быть посаженным, посадить

place / room Place - where you are sitting or where you put s/th -  место   Room - a space for s/th or s/b  -пространство

place / room

  • Place - where you are sitting or where you put s/th - место

  • Room - a space for s/th or s/b -пространство

to go / to come back

to go / to come back

  • to go = to move away from a place - уходить
  • to come back = to return to a place - возвращаться
to do / to make

to do / to make

  • To do = you do an action or activity
  • To make = you make s/th or cause s/th to happen

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Обучение работе с фразеологическим словарем по теме "Глаголы, которые легко спутать"

Автор: Плотникова Галина Ивановна

Дата: 02.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 260965

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