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В данной презентации повествуется об истории автоваза, его достижениях, основных проблемах и перспективах в ближайшем будущем(до 2013). Студентом была проведена некоторая исследовательская работа, представлены графики.

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ГБПОУ "Тверской колледж имени А.Н.Коняева"



Аристов Евгений


Кудрявцева Лилия Ивановна



ОАО «АВТОВА́З»  Lada - the key to the roads of Russia

ОАО «АВТОВА́З» Lada - the key to the roads of Russia

JSC «АutoVaz»  - Russian carmaker, the largest producer of passenger cars in Russia and Eastern Europe.

JSC «АutoVaz»  - Russian carmaker, the largest producer of passenger cars in Russia and Eastern Europe.

"Lada", "Field", "Satellite", "Samara", "Oka“ were produced. Now they are produced under the brand name «Lada».

History July 20, 1966, the Soviet government decided to build a major new automobile plant in Tolyatti.  After the collapse of the USSR, as a result of privatization, all companies and joint stock companies  passed to different owners. At present, these plants continue to supply its products both at JSC


July 20, 1966, the Soviet government decided to build a major new automobile plant in Tolyatti.

After the collapse of the USSR, as a result of privatization, all companies and joint stock companies  passed to different owners. At present, these plants continue to supply its products both at JSC "AutoVAZ" as well as  other car plants in Russia.

"AutoVAZ" together with the «General Motors» and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development took part in a joint venture «GM-AutoVAZ». Co-production began with the release of an SUV «Chevrolet Niva»

September 4, 1986 Government of the country ,decided to establish  Research and Development Center.  September 7, 2001, in honor of the 15th anniversary of Science and Technology Center ,  the museum was opened. Today it is - a fleet of automotive and military equipment, which contains unique exhibits from around the country.   After entering the number of shareholders of OJSC

September 4, 1986 Government of the country ,decided to establish  Research and Development Center.

September 7, 2001, in honor of the 15th anniversary of Science and Technology Center ,  the museum was opened. Today it is - a fleet of automotive and military equipment, which contains unique exhibits from around the country. 

After entering the number of shareholders of OJSC "AutoVAZ" the French company Renault, decided to join NTC JSC "AutoVAZ" in the global engineering alliance with Renault / Nissan.

Exports Despite the relative location of the main market of


Despite the relative location of the main market of "AutoVAZ" cars of his production can be found in any, even the most remote corner of the earth, even in the most developed countries. For example, in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Germany.

Plans In future they plan further integration with the Renault-Nissan. In the first half of 2012 - to produce a mini-van and an inexpensive hatchback Granta and two cars Renault. Modernization of a number of industries, the expansion of production of engines and transmissions are  also in the plans of the company until 2013 .


In future they plan further integration with the Renault-Nissan. In the first half of 2012 - to produce a mini-van and an inexpensive hatchback Granta and two cars Renault. Modernization of a number of industries, the expansion of production of engines and transmissions are  also in the plans of the company until 2013 .

Among the major plans of JSC

Among the major plans of JSC "AutoVAZ": Lada Largus 2012 - Platform B 0: the joint project «Renault-AutoVAZ" car «Lada Largus». 2015 - hatchback segment B, and C-segment crossover, 2016 - a new model of Priora, in the crossover segment and the C-Class sedan. 2011 "AutoVAZ" ceased production of the classical models (2105, 2107), and the family of Samara will be removed from production in 2014. In 2020 the company intends to produce nine models on three (or four) platforms in six segments. In the three models - Low Cost, a new "Prior" and C-class - will account for70% of production should be from the program.

Statistics of production of cars

Statistics of production of cars

Years of production

Years of production

Criticism The main problem is low quality of the cars. It was mentioned in business plan of October 2009. As it was said, everything depends of car accessories.


The main problem is low quality of the cars.

It was mentioned in business plan of October 2009.

As it was said, everything depends of car accessories.

Sport Competitions are held regularly,


Competitions are held regularly, "LADA Cup", as well as  track racing and various Russian rally competitions . «AutoVaz» takes put in sport competitions and sometimes this plant is sponsor.

Сonclusion Knowledge of English language plays a huge role in the modern world. This is one of the most important languages ​​in which people of many countries communicate and have general business.  Now days, the Russian car industry has great prospects for development. In order to work in  large company you must know  English, because they  have connections with many other countries.


Knowledge of English language plays a huge role in the modern world. This is one of the most important languages ​​in which people of many countries communicate and have general business. Now days, the Russian car industry has great prospects for development. In order to work in  large company you must know  English, because they  have connections with many other countries.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: Прочее.
Урок соответствует ФГОС


Автор: Кудрявцева Лилия Ивановна

Дата: 15.10.2015

Номер свидетельства: 239963

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