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My native town-Luga

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The town of Luga, Leningrad region, is located on the Luga river. It is located 140 km from St. Petersburg.In 1941, Luga was the site of fierce battles on the approaches to Leningrad. Luga line of defense for three weeks stopped the German advance on Leningrad, which allowed Soviet forces to create a stronger defense in the far and near the outskirts of the city.A city with a rich and beautiful nature. Many tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful hunting grounds, the famous healing springs, warm lakes, beautiful gardens. To preserve the riches of the local nature in this region were established reserves.

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«My native town-Luga »

My native town luga

My native town luga

The city was founded in 1777.

The city was founded in 1777.

The town of Luga, Leningrad region, is located on the Luga river. It is located 140 km from St. Petersburg.

The town of Luga, Leningrad region, is located on the Luga river. It is located 140 km from St. Petersburg.

Population of the town more than 38000 people.

Population of the town more than 38000 people.

Вставка рисунка The town in wartime In 1941, Luga was the site of fierce battles on the approaches to Leningrad. Luga line of defense for three weeks stopped the German advance on Leningrad, which allowed Soviet forces to create a stronger defense in the far and near the outskirts of the city.

Вставка рисунка

The town in wartime

In 1941, Luga was the site of fierce battles on the approaches to Leningrad. Luga line of defense for three weeks stopped the German advance on Leningrad, which allowed Soviet forces to create a stronger defense in the far and near the outskirts of the city.

There are 8 schools in Luga.

There are 8 schools in Luga.

There are several churches in Luga.

There are several churches in Luga.

Nature of Luga A city with a rich and beautiful nature. Many tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful hunting grounds, the famous healing springs, warm lakes, beautiful gardens. To preserve the riches of the local nature in this region were established reserves.

Nature of Luga

A city with a rich and beautiful nature. Many tourists come here to enjoy the beautiful hunting grounds, the famous healing springs, warm lakes, beautiful gardens. To preserve the riches of the local nature in this region were established reserves.

River Luga

River Luga

Monuments in Luga

Monuments in Luga

Railway station

Railway station

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

My native town-Luga

Автор: Силютина Светлана Николаевна

Дата: 26.11.2014

Номер свидетельства: 135814

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