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"My dream town" 5 сыныптар?а арнал?ан презентация

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•Dream Town

•In Dream Town there is an old castle and a river. And there are a lot fun things to do. There isn?t a beach but there is a big swimming pool with a fantastic water slide. And there are two cinemas and a big park. There isn?t a bus station  but there is a railway station. There is a church and there are a lot of nice houses. There aren?t any supermarkets but there are a lot of shops.

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«"My dream town" 5 сыныптар?а арнал?ан презентация»

The 27 th of JANUARY. Open lesson: “My dream town”

The 27 th of JANUARY.

Open lesson: “My dream town”

1 Warm-up:Match the words to the correct places. a) PARK b) BUS STATION c) SUPERMARKET d) RAILWAY STATION 3 2 4


Warm-up:Match the words to the correct places.










  • Beach[bi:tS]-жағажай
  • Castle[ka:sl]-зәулім сарай
  • Church[tSә:tS]-шіркеу
  • Cinema[sinimә]-кинотеатр
  • Park[pa:k]-саябақ
  • River[rivә]-өзен
  • Shop[Sop]-дүкен
  • Railway station[reilwei steiSn]-теміржол станциясы
  • Supermarket[sju:pәma:kit]-супермаркет
  • Swimming pool[swimiη pu:l]-хауыз
  • Bus station[bᴧs steiSn]-автобус аялдамасы
  • house[haus]-үй
  • old[әuld]-ескі
  • fantastic[fæntәstik]-ғажайып
  • A lot of fun –көп қызық
  • big[big]-үлкен
  • nice[nais]-керемет
Listen and read the text tick the places from Dream town

Listen and read the text tick the places from Dream town

  • Dream Town
  • In Dream Town there is an old castle and a river. And there are a lot fun things to do. There isnʾt a beach but there is a big swimming pool with a fantastic water slide. And there are two cinemas and a big park. There isnʾt a bus station but there is a railway station. There is a church and there are a lot of nice houses. There arenʾt any supermarkets but there are a lot of shops.
Grammar: structures there is/there are

Grammar: structures there is/there are

  • There is a cinema.
  • There isnʾt a beach.
  • There are two houses.
  • There arenʾt any shops.
  • Is there a cinema?
  • Yes, there is./No, there isnʾt.
  • Are there any houses?
  • Yes, there are./No,there arenʾt.
shop railway castle park cinema swimming pool house beach station bus station park church supermarket






swimming pool




bus station




Comrehension check:Look at the picture and show yes or no.

Comrehension check:Look at the picture and show yes or no.

  • There is a river.
  • There isnʾt a beach.
  • There are a lot of shops.
  • There is a bus station.
  • There arenʾt any cinemas.
Practice: Complete the sentences with is or are:

Practice: Complete the sentences with is or are:

  • There__ 25 pupils in the class.
  • There __ a big supermarket.
  • There__ two teachers in the class.
  • There__ 12 songs on this CD.
  • There __ your mobile phone.
  • There__ seven books in my bag.
  • There__ a computer in our class.
  • There __ a good film.
  • There__3 pens on my desk.
  • There __ a park next to my house.
Production: What is your favourite place in Dream Town?

Production: What is your favourite place in Dream Town?

  • Write it down on a piece of paper.
  • Compare the results with your classmates.
  • Whatʾs the classʾs favourite place?
  • Using there is/ there are write 5 sentences about places in our town.
Reserve exercise: Playing bang-bang game

Reserve exercise: Playing bang-bang game

  • Кинотеатр
  • Жағажай
  • Дүкен
  • Хауыз
  • Өзен
  • Зәулім сарай
  • Теміржол станциясы
  • Автобус аялдамасы
  • Үй
  • Шіркеу
  • Парк
  • Супермаркет
  • Кітап
  • Ана
  • Желтоқсан
  • бақытты
Homework:A.B EX:1,2,3,4 p.22,  learn all new words

Homework:A.B EX:1,2,3,4 p.22, learn all new words

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс

"My dream town" 5 сыныптар?а арнал?ан презентация

Автор: Карагойшина Айгерим Жарилкасиновна

Дата: 13.02.2016

Номер свидетельства: 292782

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