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Museum Ferrari in Maranello (Italy)

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Авторская разработка Лыгина Данила. На тему "Museum Ferrari in Italy", предназначенная для 5 класса. (Учебник:English for 5 grade. Автор: Биболетова

Содержание разработки:

1. The name of the museum.

2. When it was founded?

3. What you can see in the museum?

4. Why it is worth visiting? 

5. Interesting  facts.

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«Museum Ferrari in Maranello (Italy)»

Museum Ferrari in Maranello (Italy)

Museum Ferrari in Maranello (Italy)

Contents 1. The name of the museum. 2. When it was founded? 3. What you can see in the museum? 4. Why it is worth visiting? 5. Interesting facts.


1. The name of the museum.

2. When it was founded?

3. What you can see in the museum?

4. Why it is worth visiting?

5. Interesting facts.

The name of the museum I would like to tell about a museum of Ferrari. This museum is from the Italian town of Maranello Не знакомые слова: Maranello – итальянский городок.

The name of the museum

  • I would like to tell about a museum of Ferrari. This museum is from the Italian town of Maranello

Не знакомые слова:

Maranello – итальянский городок.

When it was founded?

When it was founded?

  • Museum Ferrari was founded by Enzo Ferrari in 1949 years old.
What you can see in the museum? In the Ferrari Museum You can see: the Cabinet of the company's founder, many interesting facts, many wonderful, beautiful and expensive cars. Не знакомые слова: Expensive – дорогие.

What you can see in the museum?

  • In the Ferrari Museum You can see: the Cabinet of the company's founder, many interesting facts, many wonderful, beautiful and expensive cars.

Не знакомые слова:

Expensive – дорогие.

Why it is worth visiting?

Why it is worth visiting?

  • Yes, it is because you can see there very well museum and there are a beautiful exhibits formula 1 from 2001 to 2008 years old.
Interesting facts

Interesting facts

  • In the Museum Ferrari has own store with symbolism.
  • In the Museum Ferrari has all the cups of Ferrari Formula-1.
  • Wheel Michael's Schumacher after the Grand Prix of Japan 2003

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 5 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Museum Ferrari in Maranello (Italy)

Автор: Лыгин Данил Валерьевич

Дата: 10.12.2015

Номер свидетельства: 264750

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