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Mr.Whitfield went fishing

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Закрепление Past Simple и названий хобби.  Составление рассказа по рисунку.

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«Mr.Whitfield went fishing»

DEMO LESSON on the theme “ Mr Whitfield went fishing” of the 6 th grade Prepared by ELT Pazilova Sh.M. School # 17 Ferghana city


on the theme

Mr Whitfield went fishing”

of the 6 th grade

Prepared by ELT Pazilova Sh.M.

School # 17

Ferghana city

Aims of the lesson:   -to learn about hobbies and weekend activities;   -to enable pupils to talk about events in the Past Simple;   -to practice making a story using pictures and suggested vocabulary

Aims of the lesson: -to learn about hobbies and weekend activities; -to enable pupils to talk about events in the Past Simple; -to practice making a story using pictures and suggested vocabulary

Dear pupils! What kind of hobbies do you know? Let’s name them!

Dear pupils! What kind of hobbies do you know? Let’s name them!

Can you match these following activities with their numbers?

Can you match these following activities with their numbers?

Now, let’s remember how to form the Past Simple!

Now, let’s remember how to form the Past Simple!

Dear pupils! Let’s try  to make a story

Dear pupils! Let’s try to make a story

This boy’s name is Tom. Can you say what did he do yesterday?

This boy’s name is Tom. Can you say what did he do yesterday?

Copy and complete the sentences:

Copy and complete the sentences:

Perfect! You are very smart boys  and girls!

Perfect! You are very smart boys and girls!

Write down your homework for the next lesson:

Write down your homework for the next lesson:

Thanks for your attention! Good bye!

Thanks for your attention!

Good bye!

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 6 класс

Mr.Whitfield went fishing

Автор: Пазылова Шукура Махаммадовна

Дата: 30.04.2020

Номер свидетельства: 548496

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