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Мини-экскурсия "Добро пожаловать в Урюпинск"

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Данная работа представляет результат проектной деятельности учащихся 10-го класса.Была разработана интерактивная экскурсия по Урюпинску (текст экскурсии и презентация)

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«Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение»

Муниципальное автономное общеобразовательное учреждение «Лицей» городского округа город Урюпинск Волгоградской области

Текст обзорной пешеходной экскурсии

«Добро пожаловать в Урюпинск!»

Состав творческой группы:

Масликова Александра ученица 11 класса МАОУ «Лицей»,

Редина Ксения ученица 10 класса МАОУ «Лицей»,

Короткова Инна ученица 10 класса МАОУ «Лицей»,

Новикова Дарья ученица 10 класса МАОУ «Лицей»

Руководитель творческой группы:

Сандалова Тамара Андреевна учитель английского языка

МАОУ «Лицей» высшей квалификационной категории

Урюпинск 2016

Theme of the tour:

Welcome to Uryupinsk!”

Tour type:

A city tour, a walking tour

Purpose: .

To organize educational and recreational leisure of the tourists.

1. To acquaint the tourists with the remarkable monuments of culture and art.

2. To attract visitors’ attention to the history and culture of the town through interesting historical facts.

Target audience:

Teenagers and adults

Sources of information:

1.У руба на Хопре: Исторические очерки и хроника летописи города Урюпинска. Урюпинск, 2012.

2. Б. Лащилин На родных просторах. Записки краеведа. Нижне-Волжское книжное издательство, Волглград,1997.

3. Материалы фондов Урюпинского краеведческого музея.

4. Интернет-ресурсы:

u.wikipedia.org — статья об Урюпинске в свободной энциклопедии «Википедия»

uryupinsk-tour.ru — сайт об Урюпинске «Туристический обзор «Столица российской глубинки»;

urupinsk.net — история города на сайте Администрации Урюпинска;

mojgorod.ru — статья об Урюпинске в народной энциклопедии «Мой город»;

slovari.yandex.ru — статья об Урюпинске в Большой советской энциклопедии.


Text of the excursion:

Lenin Square (Slide3)

Dear guests of our town! You are welcomed in Lenin Square. Things have been humming here for several centuries already.

Uryupinsk… The name of our town sounds rather strange, doesn’t it? Would you like to know why it was called so? There are several legends about its origin.

Uryupinsk was founded in 1618 as a small castle on the right bank of the Khopyor, on the coastal cliff or «rube». It is possible that this word from the local dialect gave it a name.

The second version is connected with aTatar Khan Uryup. After Kazan was conquered by the troops of Ivan Grozny, a Tatar prince Uryup tried to escape by flight, but he was overtaken by the Cossack chieftain Yermak Timofeevich. A fatal struggle occurred between the heroes. The distinguished Tatar Khan got bogged down in the swamp and was captivated by Yermak. The saying arose from that time among local Cossacks: “Bogged down as Uryup”. And the place of that severe duel they began to call Uryupin. You can ask: Why did they give their settlement the name of their enemy? Because they believed that the force of the conquered enemy would go to the new owner of his name. Moreover only the names of strong enemies were used.

In 1704 Uryupinsk was moved to the left bank of Khoyor and became stanitsa.

Our excursion starts with a small exposure, which was opened in September 2012. You can see a picture of the famous Pokrovskaya fair there. (Slide 5) In front of the exposure, on the ground, there are agricultural tools. Such tools were sold at the fair by the merchants, who arrived at the Cossack village Uryupinskaya from many places.

Pokrovskaya fair has been held since the beginning of the XVIII century. It is tightly connected with the Orthodox holiday of The Protection of the Mother of God (Pokróv) celebrated on October1, ( October14.) It took place from September15 to October10.

Pokrovskaya Fair was the largest in Don region and the third in Russia.The peak of the fair was in the middle of the 19th century, when more than 500 merchants came here from numerous provinces of Russia, bringing different kinds of goods every year.

(Slide 4)A living witness of those days is the building with the exposure on its wall. It was built by the merchant Ivan Ivanovich Smelov, who was a bread seller, in the early 20th century.

In 1933 there was a hostel of Uryupinsk agricultural college, then there were offices of the local authorities, after that grocery stores were placed in this building. It is the Museum of Local Lore now.

(Slide 6) Behind the five-meter height monument to Vladimir Ilyich Lenin made by the sculptor Alexey Krivolapov in 1968 you can see a light installation (a candlestick) (Slide 7) established on the place of the Ascension Cathedral) (Slide 8,9) destroyed in the 30's of the 20th century.

In 1825 it was a wooden Church. There were tombs of noble gentry. In 1891 the construction of the brick building of the Church of the Ascension was completed. It was a five-domed Church built of red brick,. In 1913, the Church received the status of the main Cathedral of the stanitsa.

In 1929 the decision to close the church was taken. It was decided to adapt the building for cultural and educational needs of the town. Soon a cinema was opened in the Cathedral. Was it popular among the people? What do you think? Of course not. People avoided visiting the cinema as it was a Holy place. In 1936, the temple was destroyed . Only a small Chapel was restored in 1997.

Arch in honour of Uryupinsk Icon of the Mother of God

Now we are going to another Holy place: the Arch in honour of Uryupinsk Icon of the Mother of God. This arch is an exact copy of the arch "In honor of the coronation of Their Imperial Majesties", In May 1896, the coronation of Nicholas II was held in Moscow. In honor of this event in front of the Church of Christ a memorial Arch with an icon of St. Nicholas was erected. After the revolution the arch was destroyed. (Slide 11)

The new Arch in honour of Uryupinsk Icon of the Mother of God was inaugurated on July 8, 2013, the feast Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia of Murom, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Uryupinsk Revealed Icon of the Mother of God is very respected among the residents of the town, because it really helps. (Slide 12)

People always turn to God in difficult times. So it was during the Great Patriotic War. Now we are going to the Square of Fallen Fighters.

Square of Fallen Fighters.

A reduced copy of the main gate and grilles of the Summer garden was erected in connection with the celebration of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. This gate was made by an Uryupinsk blacksmith Kartashov in adapted designs. (Slide 14)

(Slide 2)

You can see a memorial complex. (Slide 15) It consists of the Fire of Glory and the Monument to Soldiers-countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. It is framed by dioramas with the names and initials of the residents of Urupinsk who died in 1941 – 1945.

There was a monument to Gorky from1961 to1967 there, and a monument to Stalin before it.

There are two alleys of heroes in the park. On the right you can see the portraits of the Cossacks of Khopyer district, the participants of the First World War, who were the holders of St. George Cross. (Slide 16)

On the opposite side you can see ten busts of six Heroes of the Soviet Union, three holders of the Order of Glory and one Hero of the Russian Federation. (Slide 17)

Also in the square is a Monument-obelisk in Honour of the 300th anniversary of the Russian Fleet. The monument was opened on October 19, 1996. (Slide 18)

Sculptural composition to Sholokhov’s story

The war crippled the lives of many people, each family was affected by the war. The story The Fate of a Man written by M.A. Sholokhov tells us about this difficult period in the life of our country. We are going to the sculptural composition which illustrates us one of the scenes of the story.

(Slide 18) It shows, how Andrei Sokolov, discharged because of wounds, who was completely alone, because he lost all his family, met a lonely Vanya, who became his son. In 2005 this sculptural composition was set in the place where it happened, near the old "Tea-rooms" in Uryupinsk. The author is S. P. Kalchenko from Belaya Kalitva, Rostov region.

Monument to the Goat

(Slide 20) The most attractive place for the tourists is the Monument to the Goat, which is unique not only in the country but perhaps in the whole world. Volgograd sculptors V. G. Fetisov, and O. A. Dedov had cut down a goat with a kid of grey granite, and an eight-ton statue was installed on a pedestal on the lawn in front of the Central pharmacy on Fair day on September 16, 2000.

Why is the goat so respected in Uryupinsk? Goat breeding and knitting of goats down garments gave the possibility not only to survive, but live well to the overwhelming majority of its people. That is why this monument to the Nanny goat was erected in our town. This way the grateful inhabitants rendered their wet-nurse and created a symbol of a closed ecological circle: the Khopyor, one of the purest rivers in Europe, a healthy vegetation on its banks and the unique goat down, 10 centimeters long, similar to blue mink. It is noteworthy that Uryupinsk goat loses the ability to give such a unique down outside the area.

They say, that our age-long rivals from Orenburg, who try to keep their traditions and know-how, are forced to recognize the priority of goat down from Uryupinsk. Only a blind cannot notice the great skill and rich imagination of local masters both women and men in knitting. Knitting of goats down garments is not only a domestic craft. The enterprise “Tracery” with experienced specialists and their learners has appeared recently. These tracery garments won gold medals and diplomas at the All-Russian contests and exhibitions and brought fame to Uryupinsk. Afterwards the town became the center of regional contests of masters in knitting. symbol of Russian province, the capital of the Russian province

Today the goat business in Uryupinsk is gaining an international recognition. At recent "Green fairs" in Berlin, the former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder bought wool socks from Uryupinsk. And local factory establishes contacts with some American retail chains.

The name of our town, Uryupinsk brings a kind smile to the faces of everybody who lives in our country. Thanks to the modern folklore it became a symbol of the Russian provinces, and its residents are accustomed to this sort of fame like those who live in Gabrovo and Odessa. By the way, the trademark "the capital of the Russian province" was officially registered in 2012. The motives of the jokes and anecdotes are used in producing souvenirs such as the famous T-shirts with the inscription. “I’ll give up everything and leave for Uryupinsk.”

So you can give up everything and come to Uryupinsk any time you want. You are always welcomed!

Who has not been to Uryupinsk, he does not know Russia.

Now you may take photos You can make a wish and rub the nose of the goat. And be sure, your wish will come true! You can buy souvenirs.

Enjoy yourselves! Good luck!

Просмотр содержимого презентации
«You are welcome(3)»

Welcome to Uryupinsk

Welcome to Uryupinsk

Скульптурная композиция Арка

Скульптурная композиция


Скульптурная композиция Арка

Скульптурная композиция


Скульптурная композиция Арка

Скульптурная композиция


Скульптурная композиция Арка

Скульптурная композиция


Скульптурная композиция Арка

Скульптурная композиция


Welcome to Uryupinsk

Welcome to Uryupinsk

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 10 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Мини-экскурсия "Добро пожаловать в Урюпинск"

Автор: Сандалова Тамара Андреевна

Дата: 22.06.2017

Номер свидетельства: 422897

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