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Mikhail Matusovsky

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Презентация содержит интересные факты биографии русского поэта-песенника Михаила Матусовского, а также музыкальные файлы. Язык презентации - английский.

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«Mikhail Matusovsky»

Mikhail Matusovsky (1915-1990) Russian poet and songwriter

Mikhail Matusovsky


Russian poet and songwriter

Mikhail Matusovsky was born in Lugansk. His father, Lev Moiseevich, was the most known photographer of the town. He owned a photo studio and people respected him. Mikhail loved his parents very much. A lot of his poems were dedicated to them.

Mikhail Matusovsky was born in Lugansk. His father, Lev Moiseevich, was the most known photographer of the town. He owned a photo studio and people respected him. Mikhail loved his parents very much. A lot of his poems were dedicated to them.

Matusovsky spent his childhood in Lugansk. He studied at school #13. Later, Mikhail wrote a poem “School Waltz” and dedicated it to his teacher, Maria Semenovna Todorova. This poem became a very popular song.

Matusovsky spent his childhood in Lugansk. He studied at school #13. Later, Mikhail wrote a poem “School Waltz” and dedicated it to his teacher, Maria Semenovna Todorova. This poem became a very popular song.

After graduating from the Construction College, Matusovsky worked in a factory. While working, he started publishing his poems in the local newspapers and magazines.

After graduating from the Construction College, Matusovsky worked in a factory. While working, he started publishing his poems in the local newspapers and magazines.

  • In 1939 Matusovsky graduated from Maxim Gorky Literature Institute in Moscow and published his famous book “The People of Lugansk: A Book of Poems and Prosa” in collaboration with Konstantin Simonov. In the years of the Great Patriotic War Mikhail was a war correspondent. He also wrote poems about war.
Matusovsky is famous for his poems. Most of them became lyrics of the popular songs: “Don’t Forget”, “What is the Beginning of Motherland?”, “The Windows of Moscow” and “Moscow Nights”- his most famous song. It’s known in many countries of the world. It’s also translated into English, German, French, Italian, Poland and even Chinese and Japanese. This song made an entry into the “Guinness Book of World Records.”
  • Matusovsky is famous for his poems. Most of them became lyrics of the popular songs: “Don’t Forget”, “What is the Beginning of Motherland?”, “The Windows of Moscow” and “Moscow Nights”- his most famous song. It’s known in many countries of the world. It’s also translated into English, German, French, Italian, Poland and even Chinese and Japanese. This song made an entry into the “Guinness Book of World Records.”
Eldar Ryazanov, a friend of Mikhail Matusovsky, once said: “Even if Matusovsky wrote the lyrics only for one his song “Moscow Nights”, it would be enough to erect a monument for him alive”
  • Eldar Ryazanov, a friend of Mikhail Matusovsky, once said: “Even if Matusovsky wrote the lyrics only for one his song “Moscow Nights”, it would be enough to erect a monument for him alive”
Среди тишины московской ночи   И вокзальной сутолоки дня   Не забудьте, я прошу вас очень,  Вспоминайте изредка меня.   Жил на этом белом свете  Полюбивший сразу и навек  Очень добрый, очень неуклюжий,  В сущности, хороший человек.   Mikhail Matusovsky spent his last years in his country house not far from Moscow. He died, but his songs are alive.

Среди тишины московской ночи  И вокзальной сутолоки дня  Не забудьте, я прошу вас очень, Вспоминайте изредка меня. Жил на этом белом свете Полюбивший сразу и навек Очень добрый, очень неуклюжий, В сущности, хороший человек.

Mikhail Matusovsky spent his last years in his country house not far from Moscow. He died, but his songs are alive.

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Предмет: Английский язык

Категория: Презентации

Целевая аудитория: 9 класс.
Урок соответствует ФГОС

Mikhail Matusovsky

Автор: Подгорная Елена Александровна

Дата: 21.08.2019

Номер свидетельства: 518060

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